“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”
“In 2009, the cost of freight carriage was supposed to increase by almost 16%, 15.9%to be exact, but in reality it did not increase by more than 10.6%. This took a burden off the real economy during a difficult crisis year by cutting transport expenses. We will continue to keep tariff increases under control this year.”
“Our priorities here? First, we must concentrate on the development of high-speed passenger rail along the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod line and the railway from St Petersburg to the Finnish border. The Moscow-St Petersburg line showed that high-speed rail is in much demand. Second, we must continue building a railway to connect Yakutsk with the general railway network.”
“A large number of important documents outlining the future of the industry were adopted in 2008, primarily the Strategy for Developing Russia's Railway Transport up to 2030 and the targeted federal programme for developing Russia's transport network through 2015. <…>I would like to start by saying that these plans remain in place despite the economic difficulties we and the rest of the world are experiencing.”
“It was so important for us not to scale back our construction projects or waste the experience acquired while implementing major projects during the downturn in 2009. Government support to Russian Railways in 2009 amounted to a handsome 130 billion roubles. Reimbursement for lower freight tariffs added up to 40.5 billion roubles; 38.4 billion roubles went in subsidies for discounted long-distance travel by students; 41.5 billion roubles for infrastructure construction in Sochi, six billion roubles to build a detour around the man-made disaster area in Beryozniki, and three billion roubles to purchase railway carriages from the Tver rail car plant. In addition, Russian Railways saved almost 900 million roubles - 890 million roubles, to be exact - on import duties for Sapsan high-speed trains.”
“The Russian Railways investment programme for 2010 amounts to 270.5 billion roubles. The amount of support from the federal budget will even be increased slightly, to 140 billion roubles. In other words, the government is again taking on more than half of all expenses for modernisation and new construction projects. The government will allocate 50 billion roubles to compensate Russian Railways for the indexation of lower freight tariffs, 27.8 billion roubles to partially subsidise long-distance economy-class travel and 60 billion roubles for the construction of transport infrastructure in Sochi.”
“Educational institutions should become more open, regularly publishing full and objective reports on their activities. And the public governing boards being created in schools - I have mentioned one of them - must have real opportunities to influence key decisions affecting the school's life.”
“Starting on September 1, 2011, all first formers will study according to new educational standards. We must prevent the introduction of these modern standards from becoming a mere formality, ensuring that they improve both the quality and content of education and the conditions for children during their time in our schools. On a side note, I would like to draw the attention of the Minister of Education to the need to analyse these standards critically, with input from leading national experts, making sure they meet modern requirements. We should see how they will work. Special responsibility for this rests with the regional and municipal authorities.”
“We must show we are serious about enhancing the teaching profession's performance and prestige. <…> In addition to decent pay, Russian teachers will have an opportunity to continually improve their qualifications and learn new teaching technology. To this end, the Education Ministry is developing new programmes for additional professional training.”
“Of course I have to mention what's on everyone's mind: the performance of our national Olympic team in Vancouver. We certainly hoped for more. However, there is no reason lose heart or beat ourselves over the head about it, and it certainly gives us something to think about. We must review our performance, draw our conclusions and perhaps change the way we do things. The goal of this review is to fix our problems and do what's necessary to help our Olympic team train for and succeed at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.”
“Such loans are exclusively designed for buying flats in new buildings. This is also a well-thought-out decision, because new flats are cheaper, and sometimes much cheaper, than secondary real estate market because in the past construction materials and everything else were more expensive than today. I hope this will allow us to support housing construction and encourage new construction projects.”
“We have together agreed that it is premature to reduce measures of support for the real economy this year. Support for housing construction is one of these measures. I believe that we should use government resources to encourage demand for inexpensive, affordable housing. Therefore, we will impose a ceiling on mortgage loans - three million roubles in the regions and eight million roubles in Moscow and St Petersburg, our metropolises.”
“Vnesheconombank (VEB) and the National Welfare Fund will grant commercial banks a total of 250 billion roubles to enable them to issue affordable loans. This is the long-term credit that we will use to resolve the housing problem.”
“At the end of last year, the government issued an instruction to the relevant bodies to find additional resources for supporting mortgage loans in order to make them accessible to the public. I have already said more than once that interest rates on mortgage loans should not exceed 11%, and the down payment should not be more than 20% of the cost of a flat. Calculations show that such terms will allow many more people to take advantage of mortgage loans, because they cannot afford to pay the 14%-15% the banks require today. Even 11% is high, and should be lowered in the future.”
“We have two key goals for housing. First of all, we must consistently fulfil the government's obligations to supply housing to particular demographics, such as war veterans, people who took part in the Chernobyl cleanup, army servicemen, etc. I'm also talking about relocating people out of dilapidated housing and other similar programmes.”
"Most importantly we need to educate people about fighting xenophobia. People need to realise that from the first days of its existence as a state, Russia developed as a multiethnic and a multi-faith country. We have always had a very strong tradition of being respectful towards other cultures and religions. That has always been one of our country's strengths. And this tolerance is what has helped create this huge state that is the Russian Federation today. We need to be very clear about this. These fundamental and elementary moral principles need to be learned from the earliest age."
“The processes of building additional generating facilities, development of distribution grids and shaping an energy market are closely interrelated. If energy deficit persists and getting connected to power grids remains a problem, what we are likely to get in the end is a "quasi-market" controlled by monopolies, while the interests of consumers, the economy, and the country are simply ignored. We must certainly prevent this situation and we are determined to do so. Our mission is to create the most favourable environment for growth.”
“Under the project, the plant's 10 hydropower units are to be replaced with new ones of the same capacity but with improved characteristics. They are to be produced by Power Machines under a contract estimated at 11.7 billion roubles. Six power units are to be supplied in 2011 and the remaining four in 2012. On the whole, investment in the reconstruction and modernisation of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant will reach some 37 billion roubles.”
“Active construction of power units, modernisation of power plants and decommissioning of expensive, resource-wasting and inefficient facilities. During the reform of RAO UES, the new owners made serious commitments to invest in the development of the Russian power industry. A part of these commitments was financed by the issue of additional shares. They attracted approximately 450 billion roubles. <…>According to the latest data, however, only 270 billion roubles of the above sum were spent directly on the implementation of investment projects, and 66 billion roubles were spent on current operation of the company, including the purchase of non-core assets that are not connected to the power industry. <…>Let me tell you this straight away, for you not to take offence later: Penal sanctions will be used against those who "consume" the resources earmarked for investment or, worse still, pull these resources out of the business.”
“The commissioning of generating facility should be coordinated with the construction of a relevant grid infrastructure. Otherwise, starting new generators and boosting capacity becomes pointless. There are two companies in Russia responsible for development of power grids, state controlled Federal Grid Company and Interregional Distribution Grid Company. Let me warn their management that their fulfillment of obligations will be strictly monitored as well. Natural gas should also be promptly supplied to the new generating plants.”
“We formulated the following tasks. The first was to prevent the collapse of the dam in the harsh winter conditions in Siberia, meaning spillways, etc. We also needed to organise the plant's reconstruction, ensure the enhanced operation of the other generating power plants, first of all thermal power plants in the region, and to prepare the grid system for additional loads in winter to ensure the supply of electricity needed by consumers. Of course, all of these goals were set for the medium term but it was very important to attain them. I'd like to tell you about our results in this area. We have successfully achieved all of the goals.”
“As much as 5.8 billion roubles was allocated for the plant's reconstruction in 2009; 2.8 billion roubles was provided for the construction of the onshore spillway. The plant's sixth power unit was restarted today, which is a psychologically vital landmark. The event is also crucial for organisation and production because it will lower the load on Siberia's energy system and other generating facilities in the country. In addition, it is important for redistributing the load within the grid in a more balanced manner, which should ultimately lead to lowering electricity tariffs.”
“If by democracy we mean a form of government that allows citizens to influence the situation in the country, then civil society in any country, depending on its maturity, will choose a balance between stability and development which allows the country to move forward. At the same time this balance should not shake up society and frighten it with possible cataclysms. At the present moment, on the whole, I believe we have such a balance. Destabilisation will lead to stagnation or destruction.”
“"At present the «Krylia Sovetov» club is in a difficult financial situation, though it is one of the oldest in Russia and has never been eliminated from the Russian Premier League since its establishment. It has many traditions and fans, so we should do something to support the club.”
“The Armed Forces should be equipped with at least 30% modern weaponry by 2015 and at least 70% by 2020. To implement this task, we need to stipulate the relevant allocations. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development have completed calculations, and today we will analyse them. I would like to add that we will not permit excessive or inefficient spending.”
“In accordance with the plan for the development and reform of the Armed Forces, the focus will be on the nuclear deterrence forces and aerospace defence. As I have said, we should supply these forces with cutting-edge communications, control, command and reconnaissance systems, and also complete the fifth-generation aircraft programme and the provision of new warships for the Navy.”
“An ambitious blueprint for our cooperation in culture and science in 2010-2011was signed today. I would like to highlight that the traditionally good and constructive relations between Russia and Greece are moving forward. Trade grew rapidly in the past years, increasing by 40%, 45% and even 50% annually. Unfortunately, it slumped by over 40% last year because of the global downturn.”
“«South Stream» is not a project between Greece and Russia. It is a major international European project built on market principles. Its shares are held by three leading European companies: Russian, French and Italian. They will attract the funds needed to implement to project. There is enough money in the market for such projects. Funding is no problem at all. Many European countries, at least 10, are interested in this project and we have signed intergovernmental agreements with them.»”
“I would like to remind you that a related law was passed late last year, followed by a comprehensive government action plan. We are facing an ambitious challenge to reduce the energy intensity of the Russian GDP by at least 40% by 2020. The need for a transition to a proactive energy conservation policy is obvious to everybody. First of all, it allows for economising. The public, the state budget and Russian companies can pay less for heat and electricity without compromising service quality.Most importantly, the energy conservation policy results in a substantial quality upgrade, improves the structure of the economy, urges companies to upgrade production facilities, creates a big market for high-tech commodities and services as well as thousands of high-skilled and high-paid jobs.”
“Trade in arms and special equipment is both a business and an important foreign policy tool. Our approach to trade is carefully weighed. All our work in this area fully meets the obligations Russia has assumed under international agreements. So we should continue our work in the same vein.”
“We increased our sales from $3.7 billion in 2000 to $8.6 billion last year. This means that by engaging in foreign economic trade we have preserved a large number of jobs and contributed considerable resources to the defence sector and, therefore, to its modernisation and development. Today we are cooperating with 85 countries round the world. I hope this is not all that our weapon makers are capable of. We are capable of moving further, to new and promising markets.”
“We began developing analogous systems at practically the same time [GLONASS]. To the best of my knowledge, they currently have two satellites in orbit, while we have already deployed 21 satellites, which is enough to cover the entire Russian Federation. And we should launch another six satellites in 2010. Consequently, our system will become truly global. However, in order for our system to be effective, it must be cost-effective. We must actively introduce the vehicular components - on land, air and sea vehicles and on trains - of the system.”
“I want regions and municipal entities to hear you and me, so that the leaders of these entities realise that the introduction of this system is a nationwide objective that effectively can only be accomplished with their support. Municipal vehicles, medical vehicles, police vehicles and vehicles owned by the Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief will all be equipped with GLONASS receivers.”
“The state corporation is called the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund, and I would like you to remember this. The regions should not only co-finance your projects and the necessary funds for resettlement and repair of housing, but also submit programmes on the reform of the housing and utilities sector. They must de-monopolise this sector, create the partnerships of housing owners and help them on their feet, and also encourage the creation of companies that will not bring housing into disrepair on such a large scale, but help to make the next step, that is, maintain it in good order and to make repairs when necessary.”
“The government provided various types of assistance to KAMAZ last year. A total of 25 billion roubles were allocated to the company: 19 billion roubles went to the direct purchase of vehicles, and a further 6 billion roubles were allotted through a leasing agency. This government assistance helped the company to sell 40% of its production.”
“Major Russian companies are actively working in Lithuania and have invested over $1.5 billion in the Lithuanian economy. We would like to continue this work. Still, if we had created favourable conditions for development in years past, these investments could have been several times greater. I say this in all honesty, without any exaggeration. Several times greater! <…>We are optimistic about our diplomatic and economic ties with your country. We sincerely hope that we will be able to take steps in the right direction and not put these decisions on the back burner.”
“We regard Finland as a major partner in the region, and Russia remains among Finland's crucial trade and economic partners. I hope the Helsinki-St Petersburg speed train will start operating at the end of this year, and we will sign an agreement in May on leasing the Russian stretch of the Saimaa Channel.”
“We share many interests. I have reviewed all aspects of our economic relations, and I see that Danish companies' interest in working in Russia is not subsiding. This interest is sufficiently diversified, and concerns food, construction and engineering industries, including the manufacture of household appliances.”
“The efforts of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) are an example of useful and effective cooperation in environmental protection. As the current HELCOM chairman, Russia is doing all it can to enhance the performance of this universal and one-of-a-kind international organisation. Successful implementation of the HELCOM long-term plan of action, which was adopted in Krakow in 2007, should become a model for environmental protection policies in the region. The experience we gained may be used to protect other bodies of water along our borders.”
“I would like to stress that we are willing to cooperate internationally on the broadest scale and engage in dialogue with all interested states. We see great potential in the initiative to establish the Partnership for Modernisation between Russia and the European Union (EU). Joint environmental projects will be an integral part of this partnership.”
“In 2010 we are planning to pass a decision establishing the Ingermanland Nature Reserve, which will contain several islands in the Gulf of Finland. This is our real contribution to the fulfilment of our collective commitments to protect the Baltic Sea.”
“We are making significant progress in reducing waste and air and water pollution - by more than 1% per year. We will increase the area of nature reserves and national parks by 11 million hectares by 2012. This is a colossal amount of land even for Russia, with its enormous territory. Today we have 55 million hectares of national nature reserves. We will increase this figure by 20% by 2012.”
“From the very outset environmental protection has been a priority for Nord Stream. We were guided not only by economic expediency, but also by commitment to the strictest international environmental standards. Some €100 million were spent on environmental impact assessments. Geophysical surveys were carried out over an unbelievable 40,000 square kilometres of seabed to find the optimal, safest route for the gas pipeline. <…>I can state with confidence that there has never been such massive environmental study in the history of the Baltic. Never has such a large amount of money been allocated for the environmental research on the Baltic.”
“It is important not only to realise the scope of problems but also take actual steps to address them, as my Finnish counterpart has just said, and take joint responsibility for the fate and recovery of the Baltic Sea. When addressing any economic issues and goals, it is necessary to take into account both the interests of one's own economy and people, and the interests of one's neighbours, as well as assess possible environmental impact on the Baltic which unites all of us. This is Russia's approach to implementing major infrastructure projects.”
“At the end of the day, increasing construction is the only sure way to meet people's housing demands. It is important to provide construction companies with the widest range of sites connected to all necessary infrastructure, including roads. We are relying on the Housing Construction Fund to address this issue.”
“There is another important issue we must discuss today. We have said many times this year that we will allocate another 250 billion roubles to revitalise the mortgage market. These additional funds will be allotted to reduce the mortgage interest rate. I would like to stress that this is our objective. Our objective is not just to allot funds, but actually reduce mortgage interest rates.”
“We set a goal for ourselves of commissioning 52 million square metres of housing. In fact we did even better, commissioning almost 60 million square metres of housing. To be exact, 59.8 million square metres. The main thing is to keep up and gradually increase construction. Most importantly, construction projects under way must be finished and new projects launched.”
“The work to provide housing to demographics to which the government has special commitments is being carried out entirely on schedule. This includes service members employed at the Ministry of Defence. As we promised, we will settle the issue of providing service members with permanent housing in the near future. The work on providing housing to veterans of the Great Patriotic War has gathered pace as well. We have made serious progress in the programme to relocate people out of housing that is beyond repair. A total of 130,000 families, 130,000 people, will receive new housing; legal formalities are underway. I would like to emphasise that we must meet all our commitments to provide people with housing.”
“We should pay increasing attention to the projects outlined in the Main Guidelines for Government Performance in the mid-term and long-term perspective. First and foremost, we should focus on the projects designed to overcome technological backwardness and increase labour productivity, as well as on efforts to resolve urgent healthcare and educational issues.”
“In the coming years we should establish a system for providing government and municipal services electronically. We are talking about information service portals and integrated communications channels, as well as departmental and regional databases. Every citizen in every region or municipality should have access to these new services and be able to avail himself or herself of its potential and advantages.”