Nie zuvor wuchs eine Generation Russen so frei auf wie die Kinder des Umbruchs in der Sowjetunion. Zwanzig Jahre nach dem Ende des Kommunismus wollen sie das Land verändern. So wie der Gewichtheber und Jungpolitiker Tereschenko - ein Anhänger von Wladimir Putin.
On national television, Russia's natural resources minister gave Putin a canister of water from melted ice at the bottom of the boreshaft near the surface of Lake Vostok.
Russia is prepared to provide “practical, real aid” to Europe and wants to channel its assistance “first of all” through the International Monetary Fund, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said.
Vladimir Putin’s announcement that he will run for president in 2012 has evoked mass breast beating in the Western media. The indignant response has ranged from direct attacks on Mr. Putin himself to dire assessments of Russia’s future prospects under a renewed Putin presidency.
The member states of a security pact dominated by Russia and China pledged Monday to boost their financial and energy cooperation, despite the global economic slowdown.
Vladimir Putin on Thursday welcomed to Russia a highly revered Orthodox relic credited with fertility-boosting powers as his country struggles to halt a population decline.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing today for a two-day visit, just days after calling for the creation of a "Eurasian Union" of former soviet states.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, preparing for a return to the Kremlin, urged Europe on Thursday to deal resolutely with its sovereign debt crisis and said Moscow was better prepared to cope than it was before the global crash of 2008.
Twenty years after the Soviet Union collapsed, Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, may not, as is sometimes alleged, be trying to recreate it.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday predicted Arctic shipping routes along Russia's northern coast would soon rival the Suez Canal as a quicker trade link from Europe to Asia.
C'est un enjeu colossal pour la Russie, tant sur le plan économique que politique: alimenter 25 millions de foyers d'Europe occidentale, pour asseoir encore un peu plus sa suprématie en matière d'énergie.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed Wednesday to keep the development of national aerospace industries a top priority for his government.
Russia completed on Friday the multi-billion-dollar construction of an abandoned Soviet-era dam complex in St Petersburg to protect its former imperial capital from potentially devastating floods.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says he supports calls for Russia to merge with its western neighbor Belarus.
Vladimir Putin just held a long sitdown with Nashi, answering questions from the teens at the youth group’s annual Seliger summer camp.
Russia won't lift incentives that encourage foreign carmakers to produce parts in the country in exchange for World Trade Organization membership, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned on Friday.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Friday that Russia would like to see the expiring Kyoto Protocol extended on fair terms that do not harm the interests of developing nations.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says Russia will seek to expand its presence in the Arctic.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov are visiting Paris to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and other French government officials on June 20-21.
Le premier ministre russe s'est entretenu mardi avec Nicolas Sarkozy et François Fillon.
Il salue ce mardi la mémoire des soldats russes morts en France de 1916 à 1918.
President Hu Jintao met Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday, seeking an agreement in a price dispute over Russian gas supplies.
Geneva — Russia’s economy is recovering, but remains well below the level it was at before the global financial crisis, says Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, addressing a U.N. labor meeting in Geneva on Wednesday.
Micheline Calmy-Rey empfängt Wladimir Putin in Genf.
On an overcast day in May, a clutch of the world's most powerful investors gathered in a 19th-century mansion in Moscow to hear a proposition from Vladimir Putin: invest in Russia, and we will invest with you.
Mit einem Fahrradausflug demonstriert das Zweiergespann an Russland Spitze Harmonie. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenkten Beobachter der Wahl der Drahtesel.
As Russian and EU leaders met on 9-10 June in Nizhny Novgorod for the twice-yearly summit, avoiding the risk for another winter gas dispute with Ukraine was likely to be discussed between Brussels and Moscow.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Russia will not consider lifting a ban on European Union vegetable imports until it hears from the EU about the source of a deadly E.coli outbreak.
Vladimir Putin has promised to spend £32.5bn on increasing life expectancy and boosting Russia's flagging birthrate by up to 30% in the next four years.
A Russian tanker carrying liquefied natural gas to help Japan cope with its electricity shortage after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami arrived at Futtsu, Chiba Prefecture, on Saturday.
Russia will boost its efforts to explore the solar system and seek a bigger share of the market for space launches in the next decade, Prime Minister Vladmir Putin said on Thursday.
Russia, the world’s largest oil producer, is concerned that unrest in Libya has driven crude prices beyond fair market levels, endangering the global economy, said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin .
Vitaly Petrov, Russia's first and only Formula One driver, is to receive funding from state-run high-tech company Rostekhnologii following a deal brokered by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, local media reported on Tuesday.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday agreed with other Asian nations to try to double the world's wild tiger population by 2022 and save it from extinction.
Formula One chief Bernie Ecclestone plans to sign an agreement today for Russia to host a Grand Prix from 2014 to 2020, in a ceremony that may be attended by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
I due capi di governo passano “un paio di giorni di vacanza” a Pietroburgo Ma si parlerà soprattutto di affari.
(WFI) Russia's World Cup bid leaders believe Prime Minister Vladimir Putin can have a similar impact on the outcome of the 2018 race as he had on the 2014 Winter Olympics contest when he shows up in Zurich ahead of the FIFA vote on Dec. 2.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that his favorite brainchild, a gas pipeline linking Russia directly with Germany, will go ahead despite latest objections from Poland.
Zaraz po wyjeździe z lotniska trafia się na wielki plac budowy. Węzły komunikacyjne, hotele, ciężki sprzęt, bezustanny ruch i zgiełk przypominają, że za cztery lata w Soczi odbędzie się zimowa olimpiada.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Italy's Silvio Berlusconi cracked jokes about hanging on to power to well past 100, during a relaxed meeting in Russia, TV pictures showed Saturday.
Russian Leader Hits the Road to 'Talk To the People,' Support State Projects.
Le Premier ministre russe Vladimir Poutine a annoncé vendredi que la Russie ne souffrirait pas d'un déficit de céréales alors que le pays a été frappé par une grave sécheresse cet été, qui a ravagé son agriculture et provoqué une envolée des cours mondiaux.
Russia will launch its manned space missions from a new center in the Far East in 2018, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Saturday, as the country seeks greater independence for its space program.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Tuesday gave his wholehearted backing to Russia's World Cup bid, as he met FIFA inspectors evaluating the viability of it hosting the showpiece for the first time.
El primer ministro ruso, Vladímir Putin, manifestó hoy la disposición de su país a vender a Ucrania un diez por ciento de acciones del Centro Internacional de Enriquecimiento Uranio (CIEU), en el que también participa Kazajistán.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he sang patriotic Soviet songs with the 10 undercover agents who were deported from the U.S. in a recent spy swap, and he declared that their capture by the Federal Bureau of Investigation was "the result of treason."
Les déclarations du premier ministre, qui s'exprimait depuis Sotchi, station touristique de la mer Noire qui accueillera les Jeux olympiques d'hiver en 2014, ont principalement porté sur la zone euro, la politique de sanctions envers l'Iran et la question des libertés publiques en Russie.
L'actrice et ancien mannequin s'inquiète du sort des bébés phoques canadiens, tués pour leurs peaux et fourrures.
He has put a tiger to sleep, ridden bare-chested on horseback and even saved baby seals from being clubbed to death. Yesterday it was the turn of polar bears to feature in Vladimir Putin’s latest animal adventure.
Vladimir Putin deserves our esteem. On assuming power in 2000 he reversed the Yeltsin era drift in India-Russia relations and established a strategic partnership with India. His current visit is his fifth to India in 10 years, testifying to the personal commitment of this pragmatic and practical-minded man to Russia’s India relationship.