Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
23 december
Education 98

“The occupational certificate should guarantee the need in the market for a particular profession, as well as a decent salary, and it should also confirm the high skills of a person who holds such a certificate. If we set forth stringent requirements for the quality of training, we will at the same time be raising the social prestige of these occupations and will thereby guarantee respectable employment, just like it's done at the educational institution where we are now.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on training skilled workers, St Petersburg, December 23
23 december
International Cooperation 318

“Turkmenistan is our longstanding and traditional partner in many areas of cooperation, and principally of course in the gas sector. It is pleasing to note that our trade volumes keep growing. Last year this volume grew 33%. This is a very good indicator.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, December 23
21 december
SME 45

“We see the business community and entrepreneurs as our partners. Changing the country is our common objective. We expect close and open cooperation with all those who want to do honest business in Russia, and we are ready to help you. We want you to be successful. We need your experience and your understanding of the real problems in this country. I strongly believe that we must engage more representatives of mid-sized businesses to work in executive and legislative bodies.”

Vladimir Putin
At a conference of the national association Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), December 21
21 december
SME 45

“One of the key problems for medium-sized business is the availability of qualified personnel. I believe that entrepreneurs should become actively involved in working to develop professional and educational standards in our country, and they should do so in close contact with educational institutions and regional and municipal authorities.”

Vladimir Putin
At a conference of the national association Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), December 21
21 december
SME 45

“We must create conditions in which success in business can be achieved not just by people who possess greater administrative resources or more personal connections, but by those who produce quality products that meet international standards and are truly the best in the market. We need a more effective anti-monopoly policy and we must remain committed to creating a truly competitive environment.”

Vladimir Putin
At a conference of the national association Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), December 21
21 december
Tax Policy 36

“Clearly, our economy needs a decisive shift in terms of taxation. It needs a modern taxation system. We should also think about streamlining taxes that contribute to high-quality economic growth.”

Vladimir Putin
At a conference of the national association Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), December 21
21 december
Russia in Global Economy 72

“The goal that we have set for ourselves is to propel economic growth to at least six per cent, or better still, to seven per cent per year, and to join the ranks of the world’s top five economies within five years. We must achieve this through growth, not because of a contraction in the world’s major economies. Over the next decade, Russia needs to increase GDP per capita by 50%, from the current $20,700 (let’s speak in terms of dollars) to over $35,000. This year’s GDP growth rate is estimated at 4.2%, probably even 4.5%.”

Vladimir Putin
At a conference of the national association Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), December 21
21 december
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“It is clear that the ambitious goals we are setting for ourselves can only be achieved under a new economic growth model propelled not by the commodity sectors, but by powerful high-tech industrial production businesses. <…> The key issues here are the costs and resources for building an innovative economy. According to our estimates, fixed investment needs to be increased to nearly 25% of the GDP by 2015, and then to 30%. Almost 43 trillion roubles are expected to be invested in Russia’s economy within the next three years.”

Vladimir Putin
At a conference of the national association Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia), December 21
20 december
Support for the regions 129

“Our main task is to create jobs in the North Caucasus. Small and medium companies can and must play a big role in this effort. The traditions of entrepreneurship and the ambition to start one's own business are very strong in the North Caucasus. If implemented properly, this potential will certainly yield tangible results.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District, Chechen Republic, December 20
20 december
Support for the regions 129

“In order to turn around the situation in the economy of the North Caucasus and to change people’s lives for the better, we need to strengthen the real sector of the economy and provide favourable terms for investors. Such points of growth should include investment projects, and we will focus particular attention on supporting them.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District, Chechen Republic, December 20
20 december
Support for the regions 129

“I'm convinced all our projects in the North Caucasus must be measured primarily by the new jobs they create, and this means that we must form a modern and effective employment structure and increase the demand for qualified labour and business initiatives. Regional employment programmes have been effective. <…> Therefore, next year we will continue implementing programmes to reduce tensions in the labour market and we will introduce a new direction – certification of the professional skills of job seekers.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District, Chechen Republic, December 20
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“There should be strict requirements involved in the management of power companies with public shareholdings. It is no secret that the risk of corruption is potentially very high in this sphere, as is the likelihood of a clash of interests. <…> It seems fair that the heads of these entities, their family members and close relatives be required to inform the Ministry of Energy about their income and property status. These heads should be dismissed if some shady connections are uncovered.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“As for the power-generating industry, one can safely say that the country has overcome all crises. <…> We need to create a powerful energy foundation for our overall national development and industrial growth, and to develop new territories and the vast expanses of our country, to facilitate a reliable base of power-generation for the operation of the housing/municipal utilities infrastructure and the social sphere. Moreover, we should not forget that the modernisation of the power industry’s infrastructure creates a substantial demand for science, engineering centres, as well as such affiliated sectors as engineering and the construction industry.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“Our aim is to create an objective and economically justified mechanism for power pricing. The consumer should pay a price that is fair, not one that is simply pulled out of a hat. No one is saying that a system should be devised that will ruin the electrical energy industry or the power sector in general. No, of course not. But there is no justification for having exorbitant prices either. Otherwise we are creating insurmountable obstacles for our national economic development.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station has seen its fifth hydropower generation unit come into operation. Importantly, this new unit was built after the accident to more advanced specifications, including higher safety standards and increased reliability. The plan is to replace all the plant’s 10 turbines over the next three years. Some of the new units have already been delivered to the plant, and are waiting to be installed. The overhauled plant will come back on stream by the end of 2014.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
17 december
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“We have built 2.5 billion roubles for the subsidised air transportation programme into the federal budget for next year. The same goes for 2013 and 2014. The same funds for each year have been built into the three-year budget. In addition, the programme will be supplemented with new routes as of 2012. They will include Moscow-Pevek, Moscow-Tiksi, and Moscow-Naryan-Mar. The list is still open. I have requested that the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance, and regional leaders look into the issue of further expanding this list.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on achieving air travel accessibility, Magadan, December 17
17 december
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“Undoubtedly, we will continue to pay special attention to all issues related to transport infrastructure. We have to efficiently integrate these territories into the national and global transport flows, that is, create new opportunities for promoting economic growth, attracting investments, and improving the quality of life in these regions.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on achieving air travel accessibility, Magadan, December 17
15 december
Support for the regions 129

“Please note that Sochi is receiving an unprecedented amount of federal funds, not exclusively through the Olympic construction programme. We haven’t cancelled subsidies that have been allocated to Sochi in previous years, before it was announced that Sochi would host the Olympics. These federal funds that go towards supporting Sochi and its residents continue to do so.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“The government is willing to contribute to the process of placing children with families. <…>How is this policy translated into life? Through the decision to support adoptive families and put them on an equal footing with families which bring up their own children, making them eligible for the same benefits.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Education 98

“We have established a system of federal higher educational establishments and a nationwide network of research universities. And each of them will be in receipt of additional funding. We have approved a grant allocation programme for talented people, a grant allocation programme for scientists that suggest interesting and promising ideas, strategic ideas.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“I think we should certainly improve the conditions for children in orphanages. Along with improving the conditions in orphanages and resolving other social issues for children without parents (I am first of all referring to providing them with housing), we should reduce the number of foreign adoptions, gradually ending them at some point in the near future. At the same time we should encourage adoptions by Russian parents. This is, in my opinion, the right strategy for dealing with this issue.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Religion 10

“Our traditional denominations – the Buddhists, the Christians, the Jews and the Moslems – are essentially of the same view as regards these basic moral values. And, certainly, this is what we must jointly promote. We don’t have other value orientations and they are unlikely to appear any time soon.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“We need to strengthen our political system, first of all. We need to expand the foundations of democracy in the country so that people begin to feel their direct connection with the authorities at the municipal, regional and federal levels, so that trust in the authorities grows and the political system becomes self-sufficient and resistant to external shocks and to all kinds of impostors that are trying to get in here from the outside and to influence our domestic political processes.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“We need, of course, to diversify the economy, to modernise and renew it. We need innovation and modernisation to penetrate the brain of every citizen, for innovation to become part of our general policy. And, of course, we need to improve and develop our social sphere, so that no one feels neglected by the government.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
8 december
Tax Policy 36

“My personal opinion is that we can meet social obligations only on the basis of economic growth, and that economic growth requires light taxation, efficient taxation as well as the implementation of budget obligations for people in need of support. It is necessary to ensure national security, defence, healthcare, education, pensions etc., because all this requires budget funding. But this also means that we should think about making this taxation less burdensome and more efficient, that’s certain.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian Popular Front's Coordinating Council, December 8
6 december
Economy 103

“None of the developed economies will have a budget surplus this year; while Russia’s federal revenue will exceed expenditures. Inflation will be the lowest in recent history this year – 7%, which is even below the estimates. The country’s reserve funds are growing too. We have a healthy economy and financial sector and we stand a good chance of making a development breakthrough.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with heads of regional public reception offices of the Chairman of the United Russia party, December 6
6 december
Improving the mechanism for state governance 17

“Improving the performance of the government machine is our strategic goal. One way to achieve this is to carry out the electronic government project, which we are currently doing. Once implemented, it will greatly reduce the need for people to go from office to office to deal with numerous bureaucrats; instead, they will go to a «one-stop shop» and receive all the information or documents that they need there.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with heads of regional public reception offices of the Chairman of the United Russia party, December 6
6 december
Improving the mechanism for state governance 17

“The first step has been made now. Obviously, the State Duma will have many new members. The presidential election will be followed by the government’s formation. And, of course (as we have said many times) there will be considerable changes in the government as such and later on in the governors’ corps.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with heads of regional public reception offices of the Chairman of the United Russia party, December 6
5 december
Improving the mechanism for state governance 17

“I think it is necessary to use electronic interaction channels more actively for sending information to Civil Registry Offices, federal authorities, to stimulate information sharing between departments of Civil Registry Offices in various regions. Our objective is to make it possible for citizens of this country to take important family issues to their local Civil Registry Office so that all these official institutions communicate electronically, and promptly and conveniently resolve all problems for people.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, December 5
5 december
Affordable Housing Policy 60

“Support of motherhood and childhood is a constant state policy priority. <…>The key issue here, of course, is affordable housing. Starting this year, as you know, families that have many children are entitled to receive free land plots that are under federal or municipal ownership, including for the purpose of building their own homes. We expect that this measure will truly help families to acquire their own housing.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, December 5
5 december
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“As of January 1, 2012 we must raise the pensions for servicemen and members of all security services. <…> The people who have a special responsibility to their country and to society, and who carry out their duty, will be able to count on decent social guarantees. For our part, we expect improved performance from all the structures responsible for the security of the state and its citizens."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, December 5
1 december
Russia's Development Strategy 112

"The spirit of innovation and modernisation should permeate our entire society. It should become a new phase in the development of our nation and our government."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with voters, December 1
1 december
Healthcare 80

“Still, we must admit that there are many problems in healthcare, and healthcare service standards – especially in urban outpatient clinics, including in Moscow – are far below modern healthcare demands. We must do a great deal to raise healthcare standards. This is why we are implementing a second large-scale healthcare programme including two years of modernisation assessed at 460 billion roubles.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with voters, December 1
30 november
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“The next issue concerns retired actors. <…> I’d like to tell you that the government has decided to pay one-time bonuses to the veteran actors who need state assistance. Many of them continue to work despite their advanced age, impressing us with their energy and talent, but many others can no longer work for health reasons and so need our assistance. We will do this; we will pay them one-time bonuses. Furthermore, we have decided to make additional payments to People’s Artists every year.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with artistic directors of theatre companies, November 30
29 november
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“Service personnel and members of security and law enforcement agencies must enjoy the full range of social benefits that match their important responsibility: these include decent salaries, the provision of housing, quality medical care and opportunities for further study.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 29
29 november
Support for the regions 129

“We should accelerate the process of reviewing the system of inter-budget relations and establish additional incentives for the regions. It is important for maintaining the so-called points of growth and ensuring the balanced development of the regions around the country, creating additional opportunities for using individual professional potential and increasing the standard of living for people.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 29
29 november
Support for the regions 129

“We created the stimulation fund for the successful regions, which was only the first step towards supporting our colleagues in the regions. <…>There is a simple logic to it: regions that are being developed actively, building up their economic strength, should receive more money and should be allowed to keep more money.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 29
28 november
Investment Climate 37

“This year we have done much to improve our investment legislation. During the commission’s meetings, we approved several packages of amendments that are designed to streamline monitoring procedures and the process of reviewing applications from foreign investors. Proposals were made to simplify and expand access of foreign companies to the food and medical industries, the banking sector and subsurface resources. Now all these proposals are becoming law and next year business will be able to work in new, more comfortable conditions.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investmen, November 28
28 november
Investment Climate 37

“In their preliminary estimate, in the past 10 months of this year direct foreign investment in Russia reached $36 billion. <…> Our task now is to create favourable conditions for the flow of direct foreign investment into key branches of the Russian economy, including strategic ones.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investmen, November 28
28 november
Cooperation with the CIS Countries 93

“In about a month, starting on January 1, 2012, the economies of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will operate in the Common Economic Space. I’d like to emphasise in this regard that this integration association relies on the fundamental principles of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which are familiar and clear to our foreign business partners.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investmen, November 28
27 november
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Today we all see that a new stage in the development of our country is being launched. We have prepared for it and it is realistic. In implementing our strategy we must heed the people and have a sense of their problems. The most important thing is to preserve and fulfil our social obligations, promote the interests of the majority, combat injustice, protect human rights and dignity. Only then will we have the trust of our people.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Conference of the United Russia Party, November 27
27 november
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“If Russia is to be strong and successful we must guarantee truly equal opportunities to enable every person to fulfil his or her potential. That means creating conditions for prosperous life not only in the capitals but throughout the country, in every region, village and city.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Conference of the United Russia Party, November 27
27 november
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“It is obvious that what Russian citizens want above all is justice in the broadest sense of that word. The country must develop for the people and not at the expense of the people. Every decision we make and every step we take must meet the interests of the absolute majority of our country’s citizens. The fundamental principle of any transformations and reforms is to take care of the people, which means preserving and fostering Russia’s future, creating Russia’s future. We must ensure not only the growth of the country’s population, but an improved quality of the human potential. There must be more of us, and we must be strong, efficient and competitive in everything. I am convinced that this formula should be the basis of Russia’s strategy for the coming decades.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Conference of the United Russia Party, November 27
27 november
Evolution of Russia’s Political System 34

“We should also steadily and responsibly develop our political system so that people have more influence on power at the municipal, regional and federal levels, so that feedback institutions work. Our democracy is young and we need political institutions that will not only work for us today, but also for our children.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Conference of the United Russia Party, November 27
27 november
Evolution of Russia’s Political System 34

“We need a stable political system. We need mechanisms that will guarantee Russia’s long-term sustainable development for decades ahead. This is an exceedingly important task for Russia with its history of upheavals and revolutionary disruptions. Needless to say, democratic principles must be observed. That is why we need evolution, stability and consistency in any political transformations. That is why we should bring a maximum of care and responsibility to the development of our political system.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Conference of the United Russia Party, November 27
25 november
Sports 59

“We currently attach to sports the closest and most serious attention: we are creating new and better conditions in which to train our athletes and teams for major world competitions at the highest, most modern level. We are updating the infrastructure, we are building stadiums and fields, we are supporting sports in schools, among students, we are doing everything we can in order for sports to become a part of life for every Russian family.”

Vladimir Putin
At a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Olympic Committee, November 25
25 november
Sports 59

“There are large sports forums still to come, a whole series of critical and intensive competitions. National teams are in full swing preparing for the London games. I want to wish our athletes and coaches success in the Olympic Games. I am sure that the experience of past generations and your modern approaches to training, as well as the ardent support from millions of Russian fans will help you.”

Vladimir Putin
At a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Olympic Committee, November 25
25 november
Sports 59

“We are proud that Russia has been part of the Olympic movement practically from the very beginning. We share and support the philosophy of the Olympic movement, the fundamental values and ideas set forth by baron de Coubertin. Talent and hard work, the spirit of friendship and solidarity, fair competition and the champion’s grace and nobility – these are values common to each nation, qualities that unite all humanity.”

Vladimir Putin
At a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Olympic Committee, November 25
25 november
Sports 59

“The last century has justly been lauded as an era that saw a rapid upsurge of sports, the most decisive breakthroughs and progress. This striving towards perfection, to new peaks is also expressed in the famous Olympic motto: «Faster, Higher, Stronger!» Our champions and record-breakers have contributed to the history of these gains a substantial number of brilliant, unforgettable pages. They have attained prestige for their country and built up the glory of a world-class sports nation.”

Vladimir Putin
At a ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Olympic Committee, November 25
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