Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
26 may
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"I urge you to pay attention to the need to improve home care services for these citizens (veterans and disabled people) and the conditions of their treatment at medical institutions".

Vladimir Putin
First session of the Government Presidium, Moscow, 26 May, 2008.
26 may
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"Special attention must be paid to measures aimed at increasing the real incomes of war veterans, pensioners, families with children and disadvantaged people. Beginning from August 1 we will increase by 15% the basic part of the labour pension and all types of social pensions. Insurance for the labour pension will also be adjusted for inflation. It is necessary to consider further indexation of child allowances and monthly money allowances".

Vladimir Putin
First session of the Government Presidium, Moscow, 26 May, 2008
20 may
Infrastructure 91

"Today, Russia's transportation system is lagging behind the country's requirements. What's more, the inadequacy of the transportation infrastructure is acting as a brake on the economy and holding back innovation.<…> Ineffective logistics schemes are the result of these conditions. Russia's transit potential remains unrealized; consequently we loose considerable profits every year. Our country now forwards only one percent of the trade between Europe and Asia, while analysts tell us the figure could be five to ten times greater.<…> In order to fulfill these plans, we need to seek a fresh approach in the implementation of federal programs and to re-orient ourselves toward state-of-the-art design methods. In other words, every investment project, included in this program, should be economically sound, well-timed and well-planned. Plus, specific individuals should be held responsible for its fulfillment".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on transportation development, Sochi, 20 May 2008
19 may
Agriculture 81

"You know that a sharp rise in prices on the world food markets has had a serious effect on the situation in this country. It hit senior citizens, large families, and other vulnerable strata of the population, i.e. those for whom food takes up the biggest part of their family budgets. Our key objectives are: to ensure the sustainable development of rural areas, to improve the quality of life in the countryside, and secure a substantive increase in the efficiency of the agro-industrial sector and competiveness of Russian-made products. In other words, we must protect ourselves against sharp fluctuations in world markets. In doing so, our policy must guarantee our people affordable and stable food prices. At the same time we have to create incentives for the promotion of effective farming".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on improving the effectiveness of state agricultural policy, Yessentuki, 19 May 2008
15 may
Innovative Economy 75

"The Ministry of Economic Development has prepared for the meeting its forecast estimates. According to them, in 2009-2011 the average annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product is expected to be 6.5 percent. The increase in industrial production is estimated at 5.5 percent, while the agricultural production growth is forecasted at 4 percent and increase in investments is estimated at 13 percent. The share of innovative goods is growing and must grow in industrial production and exports. Though I have to say, after looking at the figures you gave, that they reveal rather low growth rates. We are talking about the innovative path of development, yet the Economic Development and Trade Ministry's forecast estimates do not show any signs of innovative development. Has anyone seen the forecast? It shows very slow figures. Here, I should emphasize that we have to consider these figures as a minimum level that we cannot fall short of. In practice, we must achieve higher results".

Vladimir Putin
From a speech at the Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 15 May 2008
12 may
Culture 44

"We well understand what moral significance the national culture has, how important it is for the harmonious development and unity of Russian society, for the strengthening of its statehood. Therefore, we will pay careful attention to Russia's museums, theatres and libraries, to the preservation and development of its art movements. We will do our best to preserve and multiply our Motherland's cultural artefacts".

Vladimir Putin
Opening of an exhibition at St Petersburg’s Constantine Palace, St.-Petersburg, 12 May, 2008
8 may
Healthcare 80

"I cannot help mentioning another topic that is directly linked to the health and self-preservation of the nation. Smoking and drunkenness have become a real scourge for our country. Russia consumes twice as much alcohol and smokes twice as much as most developed countries. That evil should be fought, but not by imposing bans or raising prices. I think that we should not spare money for sport and the creation of good leisure facilities, and also for effective media campaigns to promote a healthy way of life. What is needed is for the state to commission such work. The problem cannot be solved by mere exhortation".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008
8 may
Healthcare 80

"We cannot be satisfied with the current level of accessibility and quality of medical assistance as well as the continuing lack of patient rights".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008.
8 may
Healthcare 80

"In 2010 consolidated budget expenditure on education will reach almost 2 trillion roubles, and on public health, also 2 trillion roubles. That is several times more than only a few years ago. The spending on education will grow by four times and on healthcare by four and a half times compared with 2004".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008
8 may
Agriculture 81

"Soaring food prices in the world market since the middle of last year have had a real impact on our domestic market and have affected the well being of Russian citizens. We must say that honestly; we must admit it. So, a key economic, social and political task is to ensure a stable domestic food market by protecting it against dramatic price fluctuations in the world. These are the priorities the Government will address".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008.
8 may
Russia in Global Economy 72

"Unless we break into the market for goods and services with a high added value, Russia will see its role in the development of the world economy diminishing".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008
8 may
Russia in Global Economy 72

"I am convinced that Russia can and must become a major regional financial centre in the world. This is necessary if we are to expand the sources of finance for our private and public sectors".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008
8 may
Investment Climate 37

"The easing of the tax burden will greatly stimulate the creation of a favourable business climate in the country. We expect business to reciprocate by moving out of the "shadow sector". And let me repeat that in general we need broader entrepreneurial freedom. In this connection the Government will initiate large-scale work to remove administrative barriers in the economy. We are talking about reducing the inspection powers of supervisory bodies, replacing permits with notification in the setting up and conduct of business. We should dramatically cut the number of activities subject to licensing as well goods and services that require mandatory certification".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008
8 may
Economy 103

"As I have said many times, a vital task is to significantly improve the effectiveness and stability of the national economy. As you know, we have big problems with labour productivity. We should develop through universal introduction of innovative technology. Through improved infrastructure, modernisation of the social sphere and the formation of the most favourable environment for business".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the State Duma, Moscow, 8 May 2008
8 may
Education 98

"In 2010 consolidated budget expenditure on education will reach almost 2 trillion roubles, and on public health, also 2 trillion roubles. That is several times more than only a few years ago. The spending on education will grow by four times and on healthcare by four and a half times compared with 2004".

Vladimir Putin
State Duma session, Moscow, 8 May 2008
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