Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
27 october
Russia in Global Economy 72

"A great deal has been done in recent years to strengthen Russia's position in the world market, to give our foreign trade a modern, civilised look. I am referring to the rapid development of foreign trade infrastructure, increased capacity of Russian seaports, the inauguration of new routes for transporting Russian hydrocarbons - the Baltic Pipeline System, the Blue Stream. A number of similar major projects are in progress, notably the pipeline towards the Pacific, the North European gas pipeline, and the Southern Stream which is being considered with an eye to the future."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 27 October 2008
24 october
Economy 103

"At the same time, we should proceed with the conviction that Russian money-both corporate and government money-should work within the Russian economy. Everyone involved-whether in mining, steel or machine production-should consider the current situation when formulating cost parameters, and should not forget imports as an alternative."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Transport Minister Igor Levitin, Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Khristenko and Vladimir Yakunin, president of Russian Railways, Moscow, 24 October, 2008
23 october
Infrastructure 91

"I consider it vital to protect domestic producers in the metallurgy, coal mining, engineering, aircraft building, shipbuilding, and general building industries. In the current situation, this is especially relevant. We must ensure that Russian companies maintain a heavy workload. Of course, they should work in the market environment without dictating high monopoly prices, because this would be inherently wrong. At the same time, however, protecting domestic producers is the Government's priority".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on the draft of the Transport Strategy up to 2030, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Infrastructure 91

"It is crucial to create a national transport system, integrate various means of transport into a single logistic network, and introduce new technological compatibility standards."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on the draft of the Transport Strategy up to 2030, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Infrastructure 91

"First of all, it is important to seek to realise the essential social task - ensure access to high-quality and reliable transport services for all people wherever they live. As of now, 10% of Russians live in villages that have no stable connection to the federal motorway network."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on the draft of the Transport Strategy up to 2030, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Infrastructure 91

"In the wake of those meetings, high-priority decisions were made to ensure the transport system's development. A corresponding federal target programme has been adopted, with funds invested in the industry until 2015 amounting to 13.5 trillion roubles; almost 5 trillion roubles of this total will be allocated from the federal budget. In addition, other federal target programmes, as well as the programme for building Olympic facilities, suggest allocating quite large sums towards transport development."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on the draft of the Transport Strategy up to 2030, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Education 98

"The special federal university network is a separate issue motivated by our plans to promote innovative development of certain regions. In this sense, Novosibirsk has a privileged status because you already possess a major scientific centre, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Nonetheless."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Novosibirsk Region Governor Viktor Tolokonsky, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"We are introducing insurance principles into the pension system and we are increasing the insurance premium to 26%. These insurance premiums will be deduced from wages under 415,000 roubles. All the people whose salaries are above that sum will not be entitled to insurance pensions. Those with salaries below that sum will have insurance pensions, those who have higher salaries will not. Why? The whole purpose is that we don't want to see people with smaller incomes pay for the pensions of people who earn big salaries. But the citizens with high salaries, 400,000 roubles plus, the figure subject to be adjusted every year, will be able to make additional savings towards their pensions voluntarily through the mechanism of the pension funds that has been created."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"Beginning from 2010 we have the following plans. First, all the pension rights acquired prior to 2002 will be raised by 10%. As someone who deals with these problems you surely know that the most vulnerable group of pensioners are the people who acquired their pension rights in the Soviet times. So everyone who earned his seniority before 1991 will have their pre-2002 pensions raised by 10% with an extra 1% added for every year of seniority. Those who will retire on pension since 2010 will get pensions amounting to 40% of their wages if they have a length of service of 30 years, and the 40% of the wage must fall on the period when insurance premiums were paid."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"We plan two increases of the basic part of the pension in 2009, in March and in early December. The basic part of the pension is to increase by 37.1% across the board. The ensured part of the pension will be raised by 15.5-16% as of April 1. Under the law, if inflation exceeds the target we will raise the ensured part again. So at the end of 2009 the social pension will not be less than the pensioner's living minimum."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
Support for the regions 129

"Some time ago we decided to set up a housing and utilities fund from which the regions will draw corresponding resources provided they match them with their own outlays. It is a large fund, 240 billion. The Novosibirsk Region received around 1.1 billion roubles out of that fund. That is a large amount. I must give credit to the regional leadership for their quick work because only the regions that prepare corresponding programmes will be entitled to grants. The Governor and his team have submitted such a programme promptly. But that means that part of that money can and must be used to build social facilities."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
SME 45

"The Single Social Tax used to be 6%, now the insurance deductions stand at around 26%, and the overall tax burden increases to 34%. We are very well aware of it. In this connection the mechanisms that will balance the tax burden on the economy as a whole will be put in place. This above all concerns small and medium enterprises. But not all of them. It will apply to the enterprises in the high technology spheres. There are other spheres such as retailing, services and so on. But we single hi-tech spheres as a priority. The small and medium enterprises working in this sphere will enjoy tax benefits over a transitional period that will last several years, enough for them to get adapted to the new taxation system or, more precisely, to operating under the newly created insurance system. The same applies to agricultural enterprises."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
23 october
SME 45

"Now as regards direct government support for small and medium-sized businesses. As I said, we have earmarked 3.4 billion roubles for this year. The Government is discussing the possibility of increasing that figure several-fold. I am not going to mention the final figure, but we are talking about an increase by several times. Much of that money will most likely be channeled through the Sberbank system, because it has a large network of branches across the country and it will be easier to work through it."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
16 october
Culture 44

"In my opinion, Chechen Muslims and all Muslims in Russia can rightfully be proud of this mosque. It is a truly great gift to the Muslim community".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with journalists, Grozny, 16 october, 2008
15 october
Infrastructure 91

"We have decided to set aside another 21 billion roubles for the Defence Ministry's housing programme. I am proceeding from the premise that this measure will help solve numerous social problems and will also support the national construction sector".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov
15 october
Agriculture 81

"In mid-2008, we decided to allocate another 50 billion roubles for the sector, including 30 billion roubles for the Agricultural Bank's statutory capital and 20 billion roubles to support farmers and implement various programmes involved with beef and dairy cattle-breeding, poultry-farming and fertiliser production".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Agriculture Minister Alexei Gordeyev
15 october
Healthcare 80

"It is important that we all fulfill our obligations punctually. I am referring to birth certificates, assistance to mothers in raising children to a year and a half, and grants through the age of three. “Mother’s Capital” must then be kept within the agreed upon budget, and indexed regularly. We have every facility for doing that, despite any global financial crises".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Health and Social Development Minister Tatiana Golikova
14 october
Support for the regions 129

"3.2 billion roubles was allocated to the regions that lacked funds to buy fuel oil. These are the Astrakhan Region, the Murmansk Region, the Kamchatka Territory, and the Primorye Territory. The majority of territorial power grids have undertaken the necessary measures to prepare for the winter season. Coal reserves already exceed the required quota by 20%, and fuel oil reserves, by 35%".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on supplying fuel to electrical power facilities
14 october
Innovative Economy 75

"The transitional period of the final phase of RAO UES reorganisation must not cause interruptions in power supplies. Neither people nor the economy should suffer. Now the Energy Ministry is responsible for coordinating all relevant issues. In addition, the Government has set up the Federal Staff for Energy Supply. Similar bodies have been set up in the Russian regions."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on supplying fuel to electrical power facilities
14 october
Infrastructure 91

"We can and must use the extra resources of the Mortgage Crediting Agency, and involve the banking system as well. In this way we will help banks serve their customers (this implies the construction sector primarily). These steps, in my opinion, will also support future property owners, who invested in the construction of their housing and can encounter problems now when the construction is either completed or pending. All these measures will not only allow us to support the Russian building sector, they will also help address the acute social challenge of providing Russian citizens with proper housing".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin and Regional Development Minister Dmitry Kozak
14 october
Infrastructure 91

"As far as the Housing and Utilities Fund is concerned, it has been set up to achieve several objectives, the key of them is resettling people from dilapidating houses. I consider it possible to accelerate the allocation of additional subsidies to Russia's regions so that local authorities could provide new housing for those who live in dilapidated houses. It is important for us to urgently allocate these funds, two-years limit, totaling 50 billion roubles".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin and Regional Development Minister Dmitry Kozak
13 october
Agriculture 81

"It is important to attentively look at the programmes for the development of agriculture and milk programmes, and to find ways of preserving grain growth rates. We have every opportunity for doing so. We have big and ambitious goals. They are stated on paper, and their funding is guaranteed. It is necessary to provide this funding in time."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of Russian Government Presidium, Moscow, 13 October 2008
10 october
Economy 103

"I would like to remind you that the new law sets out a new order for placing foreign investment in the strategic branches of the national economy. However, they are not closed to foreign investors. Quite the contrary, we are developing transparent and clear procedures for them. Legal approval has been given to a list of spheres in which to gain control over enterprises foreign investors will have to receive permission from the Government Commission."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government Commission for Control of Foreign Investments in Russia, Moscow, 10 October 2008
9 october
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"Another area of work is concerned with care for the older generation, or war veterans and pensioners. We have spent months, and, to be honest, even years, discussing a model of the pension scheme. The decisions we are going to make are hard ones, requiring considerable budget resources. They must have an effect in the shorter, medium and longer terms and even over a greater perspective, until 2050, to make the reform stand its ground and retain its integrity. We also need to solve the problem of re-calculating the Soviet-era work record of pensioners on a fairer basis in order to give them higher pensions, because most of them are unable to fend for themselves now. The proposal to index pensioner's rights acquired before 2002 by 10%, plus 1% for each year of the so-called Soviet-era work record appears to be optimal."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with KPRF deputies in the State Duma, Moscow, 9 October 2008
9 october
Youth Policy 28

"I know that for the KPRF one of its main concerns is to keep alive the memory of the war, to support war veterans, and educate the youth in a military and patriotic spirit. I would therefore like to discuss with you the 65th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War, which we are going to mark in 2010. By that date we plan to provide all war veterans with housing and special vehicles. The necessary decisions, as you know, have already been made, including by the President of the Russian Federation. Budget financing has been provided."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with KPRF deputies in the State Duma
9 october
Economy 103

"Let me focus on the sources of financing real economy. They must be multi-faceted. We should not use budget funds only. Otherwise, it will result in aggravating corruption and non-efficient spending. We need to use budget funds to finance infrastructure, science, education, healthcare and the pension system, and we speak about that openly. These are our so-called federal mandates, our commitments to the nation. These real economy spheres are our priorities."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with KPRF deputies in the State Duma, Moscow, 9 October 2008
8 october
Sports 59

"As for the Continental Hockey League, I believe that it is not just a sports project. It will make it possible to consider seriously the restoration of a single social and cultural space on post-Soviet territory, because a shared interest in hockey will unite people from former Soviet republics. Hockey was popular in the Soviet Union. If we manage to attract Central European countries to the League, some Scandinavian states, and other Europeans, it will acquire European configuration."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Alexander Medvedev, Gazprom Deputy Chairman of the Board and President of the Continental Hockey League (KHL), and Vyacheslav Bykov, Head Coach of the Russian national hockey team, Moscow, 8 October 2008
7 october
International Cooperation 318

"We intend to make broad use of the opportunities of international cooperation in the struggle against corruption. It is an acute problem for many countries. It should be resolved not only at national level but also by consolidating the international legal foundation, and shutting down channels of laundering criminal proceeds."

Vladimir Putin
At 77th Interpol General Assembly, St. Petersburg, 7 October 2008
7 october
International Cooperation 318

"The Russian national office cooperates practically with all Interpol's members. We are going to continue developing such contacts, and actively support international initiatives in Interpol. In particular, I am referring to projects aimed at introducing modern information technologies, forming databases, and training personnel. I would like to note that an Interpol-supervised training centre is already operating in Russia."

Vladimir Putin
At 77th Interpol General Assembly, St. Petersburg, 7 October 2008
7 october
Culture 44

"I would like to add that we have started developing a unified federal system called the Electronic Ticket. I have already discussed this with Mr Mikhalkov. In fact, he suggested this idea, referring to some problems with film distribution. We hope that this system will give us full information about film distribution in the country."

Vladimir Putin
At a conference at RWS (Russian World Studios) on developments in the national film industry, Moscow, 7 October 2008
7 october
Culture 44

"Be that as it may, cinema has always been one of the most popular forms of art. We are pleased that in the last few years, the Russian film market has been markedly on the rise. In the last seven years, the number of Russian films more than doubled, and their share in the total box-office takings has gone up nine times."

Vladimir Putin
At a conference at RWS (Russian World Studios) on developments in the national film industry, Moscow, 7 October 2008
7 october
Culture 44

"At the same time, cinema's potential as a major instrument of education and building up society's values is not being used in full measure. And this is a subject for serious discussion."

Vladimir Putin
At a conference at RWS (Russian World Studios) on developments in the national film industry, Moscow, 7 October 2008
7 october
Culture 44

"It is clear that organization of the system of public participation in the production and distribution of domestic films will require a new approach. In this context, we have already made decisions on the allocation of considerable funds to support our filmmaking industry.This applies to films which are aimed at promoting a value system that meets the interests of Russian society and facilitates the strategic task of national development. The Government will spend as much as $2 billion rubles a year for this purpose. We will pay great attention also to the development of films for children, art films, and documentaries."

Vladimir Putin
At a conference at RWS (Russian World Studios) on developments in the national film industry, Moscow, 7 October 2008
3 october
International Cooperation 318

"Russia is Europe's third largest export partner and fourth largest importer of European goods. Energy is such an important cooperation area that I do not even have to mention it here. It is also our political priority to be considerate of each other's interests, to study each other thoroughly and to help each other."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Martin Schulz, head of the Social Democratic group in the European Parliament, Moscow, 3 October 2008
2 october
Infrastructure 91

"We have always proceeded from the premise that this project [the construction of the new Eastern Siberia-Pacific (ESPO) oil pipeline] will create the necessary additional foundation for comprehensive socio-economic development of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. These regions abound in natural resources but need special attention of the government, more money, and higher business activity. This is exactly the project which will resolve this task."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on the construction of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline (ESPO), Moscow, 2 October 2008
1 october
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"From now on, returns on pension's savings must outpace inflation. I am referring to the interest-earning capacity of the money that is invested in pension funds. As a result, the average size of the labour pension in 2010 will almost double compared with the 2008 current level. Incidentally, the labour pension - an old-age pension - is to grow even further. By 2020, its average size will reach three times the pensioner's subsistence level."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 1 October 2008
1 october
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"As a result, towards the end of 2009, the average social welfare pension ought not to be below the pensioner's subsistence level. From January 1, 2010, the pension rights acquired before 2002 will be indexed by an additional 10%, plus 1% in additional indexation for each year of work recorded before 1991. That is to say, we will begin addressing a problem which has been discussed so much. I mean an equitable estimate of people's work contribution during the Soviet period. Today, their pension levels are unacceptably low."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 1 October 2008
1 october
Innovative Economy 75

"Organisations that enjoy special tax privileges will have their increased contribution rates compensated for by the federal budget. This reference is to small-business units operating in the high-technology sectors of the economy. I mean precisely them and want this to be clearly understood from the outset. This also refers to agricultural producers. They, too, will be given special treatment. And that rule will be in effect through the course of a five-year interim period. Within that time, these industries and these businesses ought to be able to adapt to the new system."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 1 October 2008.
1 october
Innovative Economy 75

"All organisations, regardless of the industry they belong to, will have to adopt the new principles of contribution payment. As I said, business will certainly face extra costs following these changes. But I want to stress that simultaneous action will be taken to create mechanisms to avoid increasing the tax burden on business."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 1 October 2008.
1 october
Innovative Economy 75

"Our goal in the coming years must be to improve the performance of the basic, fundamental branches of the Russian economy: transport, fuel, energy, banking, farming, and others. We must make serious progress in building a system of national innovation, promote competition, and create reliable guarantees of ownership rights. It is necessary to fully utilise these new factors of economic growth, above all those connected with human potential and its development."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 1 October 2008
1 october
Economy 103

"The main guarantee is a competitive and stable national economy, market institutions, effective government control mechanisms - wherever justified and necessary - and an up-to-date system of credit and finance, one which rests chiefly on internal resources and so is immune to global financial viruses."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 1 October 2008
29 september
International Cooperation 318

"The Republic of Korea is our reliable partner in tackling a number of international problems. We hope that our fruitful cooperation will continue."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, Moscow, 29 September 2008
25 september
International Cooperation 318

"New economic possibilities open up for us, including energy, advanced technologies, engineering industry and petrochemistry. We are ready to look at the possibility of cooperation in the civilian use of nuclear energy. I am very pleased to mention that the first Gazprom drill rig is scheduled to be launched in the Gulf of Venezuela in late October. It seems to me, the cooperation between Russian companies and the Venezuelan state energy company has a good outlook either for bilateral work or for entering the third countries' market."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, Moscow, 25 September 2008
25 september
Evolution of Russia’s Political System 34

"I want to stress that I think it is perfectly correct to preserve on the country's political scene different political forces with different political views, even if the authorities may not like some of them. But this is normal for a democratic society and evidence of a healthy society."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with board members of the Central Council of Russia’s Agrarian Party, Samara, 25 September 2008
25 september
Economy 103

"You know, over the past few years the Government has been trying to keep the prices down, by administrative methods, and in most cases we were successful. Unfortunately there is some increase in prices, which is rather substantial. I will not give you figures. But largely it is connected with the growing world market prices. We cannot shut our market from the rest of the world."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with United Russia’s secretaries of regional offices and top representatives in regional legislative assemblies, Samara, 25 September 2008
25 september
Economy 103

"As for land ownership rights. How can we solve the problem of unit funds, and what can we do with them? Can we serve the interests of people, our citizens? Can we live up to their hopes and at the same time create conditions for effective development of agriculture, both small and medium-sized farms and large producers? This calls for collective discussions and decisions based on current practice, modern realities and development prospects."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with board members of the Central Council of Russia’s Agrarian Party, Samara, 25 September 2008
24 september
Education 98

"Improving professional training quality is one of the top priorities of our Education project. Essentially, we need to thoroughly revise its content, bringing it up to a level required for modern high-tech industries."

Vladimir Putin
Presidium meeting of the Presidential Council for Priority National Projects, Moscow, 24 September 2008
24 september
Healthcare 80

"Modern medical science has methodologies for treatment of cardio-vascular diseases. It is now important to ensure that all patients in all parts of the country receive timely and quality medical service. A project to set up regional and municipal cardio-vascular centres started this year is expected to help solve the problem."

Vladimir Putin
Presidium meeting of the Presidential Council for Priority National Projects, Moscow, 24 September 2008
24 september
Infrastructure 91

"Thanks to the concentration of resources and combined efforts of federal and local government bodies, we brought real change to these areas despite the modest investment in comparison with the financing of each of the sectors as a whole. Housing construction grew and primary healthcare services improved; high technologies are more broadly used in healthcare than before. Substantial investment was attracted to agriculture and to social services in rural areas. In education, more federal universities were established to set a new benchmark in education. Pilot projects were launched in the regions to reform the local education and healthcare systems.:

Vladimir Putin
Presidium meeting of the Presidential Council for Priority National Projects, Moscow, 24 September 2008
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