Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
27 february
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"At the same time, we have to acknowledge that we cannot do anything effective in certain fields-the steel industry, for instance. I have quoted it as an example before. We largely oriented it on exports. Now, the foreign market has shrunken, and there is redundant supply. As for the Reserve Fund, it cannot cope with such an amount. It does us no good to pile up plate slabs until they reach the sky. The external markets have shrunken or even closed. Other countries, too, have to cut production and employment along with it. In this situation, it is up to us to give people in their plight a helping hand."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the leaders of the United Russia Party, Moscow, 27 February
27 february
Budget 89

“At the same time, considerable allocations must be re-channeled to anti-crisis measures, pensions, public-sector wages, other social commitments to the population and financial aid to Russian regions in line with inter-budgetary relations. State defence contracts and high-priority national projects will be funded ahead of schedule.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the leaders of the United Russia Party, Moscow, 27 February
27 february
Budget 89

"The very same budgets are a source of numerous social benefits. Such budgets must therefore be amended in such a way as to rule out any wage and benefit arrears in any, even the most unfavourable situation as regards revenues. I am also asking you to prioritise sufficient regional and local budgetary allocations for implementing employment programmes. This implies mandatory co-financing on the part of regions and additional measures that can be implemented by them."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the leaders of the United Russia Party, Moscow, 27 February
27 february
Budget 89

“In March, all of us will have to make a responsible decision and approve a new version of the federal budget. As has already been said, there are no plans to reduce overall expenditure volumes. In fact, budgetary expenditure will increase by a small margin.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the leaders of the United Russia Party, Moscow, 27 February
27 february
Economy 103

“We have to say that the crisis is not over yet and has not even peaked. The efforts by the Governments of the most developed global economies have not yet produced any tangible results. This means that this situation may persist for a long time.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the leaders of the United Russia Party, Moscow, 27 February
26 february
Infrastructure 91

“The draft programme [on enhancing the seismic resistance of housing, essential projects and vital service systems in earthquake-prone areas] envisages a six billion rouble federal allocation in 2009 for urgent works to enhance project seismic resistance in Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. In that, we need not only to renovate old buildings, but should pay ever greater attention to new housing and social infrastructural projects that are up to the latest standards of seismic resistance and comfort.”

Vladimir Putin
Government meeting, 26 February 2009
26 february
Competition 14

“There is another step to promote the development of the market infrastructure, and that step is the passing of a bill on financial instrument taxation. It will remove many formidable obstacles to developing open trade in the traditional key Russian exports-mainly oil, its derivative products, and natural gas.”

Vladimir Putin
Government meeting, 26 February 2009
26 february
Competition 14

"What we need to do is remove the reasons for the monopolisation of particular commodities and service markets. The competition development programme aims at settling just such structural problems."

Vladimir Putin
Government meeting, 26 February 2009
26 february
Budget 89

“We have not cut social expenses in adjusting the budget. On the contrary, in absolute figures we are increasing it, although only slightly. In relative figures there is no reduction, either, as compared with other areas of government activity. Moreover, there is even an increase. I'm referring to the special character of measures needed in the circumstances. I know that the majority of European Governments share this approach and are taking active measures to alleviate the consequences of economic turmoil for their citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Cohesion, Moscow, 26 February 2009
26 february
Ways to Overcome the World Economic Crisis 29

“In conditions of the crisis, we should pay more attention to social problems and to preventing unfavourable developments in this field.”

Vladimir Putin
Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Cohesion, Moscow, 26 February 2009
26 february
Ways to Overcome the World Economic Crisis 29

"On the whole, we are convinced that a fall in social standards, a kind of "social dumping" should not be used as an anti-crisis measure because it will not only fail to improve the situation but will also complicate steady economic recovery."

Vladimir Putin
Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Cohesion, Moscow, 26 February 2009
26 february
Healthcare 80

“We are planning to stabilise the numerical strength of the population and secure its steady growth with active demographic policy. <...> I'm pleased to say that recent measures in this area have created a positive trend in Russia.”

Vladimir Putin
Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Cohesion, Moscow, 26 February 2009
26 february
National Projects 26

“We are also planning to enhance the quality of the social environment and public health, to make housing more affordable and comfortable, and to create an effective system for ensuring personal security of citizens and protecting them against crime and emergencies. To implement these tasks, we drafted a number of special programmes six years ago. We called them priority national projects. <…> In general, the Government's close attention to these areas has proved very effective even despite small additional funding.”

Vladimir Putin
Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Cohesion, Moscow, 26 February 2009
26 february
International Cooperation 318

“The draft law on the ratification of the Russian-Lithuanian agreement on navigation in the Curonian Bay and the Neman River. It envisages the freedom of Russian vessels to navigate in Lithuanian inland waters and, reciprocally, Lithuanian vessels' freedom in the Kaliningrad Region waterways-a decision that fully complies with Russian national economic interests.”

Vladimir Putin
Government meeting, Moscow, 26 February 2009
26 february
International Cooperation 318

“Our strategic goal is to raise domestic social standards to the best European and global levels. Therefore, we in Russia are attentively studying practical proposals on social development. We are actively using the experience of European experts in law making.”

Vladimir Putin
Council of Europe Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Cohesion, Moscow, 26 February 2009
25 february
Healthcare 80

“It is necessary to invigorate the efforts to provide school children with high quality sound nutrition. This problem will help improve their health during study and shape a healthy lifestyle. Under the plan, 21 regions are supposed to adopt modern school catering standards this year. In the future, their experience should be spread to other regions.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
25 february
Healthcare 80

“School gyms and stadiums could be open to children not only during classes but also after them. It goes without saying that children should be supervised. Coaches and teachers should watch and help them, and be paid for that. Sports facilities at places of residence should also have a convenient time schedule. As I've already said, funds for remuneration of PT teachers and sports organisers should have special incentives for improving students' health and promoting a healthy lifestyle.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
25 february
Healthcare 80

“Sports facilities should become accessible to all children and teenagers regardless of how much their parents earn. Incidentally, their construction is not very expensive, and nothing particularly special is required for their operation. I'd like to stress that every child should gain an opportunity to participate in sports for free.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
25 february
Healthcare 80

“We all realise that a healthy lifestyle does not come about on its own. It goes without saying that young people should display a strong will for regular sports activities and renunciation of bad habits primarily of their own accord. At the same time, however, our society should create favourable conditions that will allow our children to develop harmoniously. I'd like to emphasise once again that this is a task for all of society rather than simply for Government authorities.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
25 february
Healthcare 80

“In 2009, we not only continue to work on the previously chosen projects but will also start financing a number of new undertakings. The most important one is promoting the values of a healthy lifestyle, physical fitness and sports among children and teenagers, and preventing young people from smoking and excessive drinking.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
25 february
National Projects 26

“Allow me to recall that life expectancy in Russia has increased by almost three years as a result of the implementation of the national projects. Needless to say, this result was achieved not only due to the national projects but by our intensive efforts in many areas. This achievement was primarily brought about by the improvement of the economic and social situation in the country.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
25 february
National Projects 26

“The adjustment of the federal budget is nearing completion. The Government will discuss its new version in the near future. In this context, I'd like to emphasise once again that priority funding of national projects will be guaranteed in line with our previous agreement. I expect our regional and municipal colleagues to follow the same principles in adjusting their respective budgets. This is essential because national projects have proved their economic and social effectiveness. It would be a mistake to waste what has been done.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Moscow, 25 February 2009
24 february
Sports 59

“I would like to say a few words about doping control. <…> I want to draw the attention of the National Olympic Committee, the concerned ministries and departments and the Russian Federation's Government to the fact that we have no right and will not shift responsibility onto athletes alone. Sports-events organisers must also comprehend their own responsibility. We must create modern and effective mechanisms at every sports agency in order to protect sports interests and those of athletes on the international scene.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Moscow, 24 February 2009
24 february
2014 Sochi Winter Olympics 39

“We discussed allocations for the development of Sochi and southern Russia and for Olympic construction from the very beginning. We now realise that over 80% of our resources will be spent on the development of southern Russia and Sochi. This implies highways, railways, environmental problems, power supply and telecommunications. The remaining 20% will be spent on Olympic facilities. The Sochi-2014 project aims to develop one of the Russian Federation's most important regions.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Moscow, 24 February 2009
24 february
2014 Sochi Winter Olympics 39

“I believe that the Olympic Construction Corporation (Olympstroi) and other concerned parties must step up their efforts in all these areas.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Moscow, 24 February 2009
24 february
2014 Sochi Winter Olympics 39

“I realise that the allocation of land plots for Olympic construction projects depends on numerous objective factors. However, the provision of housing to people is the most pressing issue. We are preparing a major international event and festival, which will also become a festival for the entire Russian nation. We cannot allow this festival to create problems that would mar the life of even one Russian citizen. Nobody must face any problems. Even if such problems do arise, they must be solved equitably.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Moscow, 24 February 2009
24 february
2014 Sochi Winter Olympics 39

“I am asking the administration of the Krasnodar Territory and other concerned agencies to assess real housing demand during the resettlement of private individuals. They must equitably assess the price of sequestrated land and other property in line with the current real-estate market situation, the price of new housing and to conduct equal exchanges. Such equal exchanges must not cause any losses for private individuals. Nor must they lead to violations by any party or cause any sponging attitudes.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Moscow, 24 February 2009
24 february
2014 Sochi Winter Olympics 39

“I would like to say from the very outset that we are preparing intensively for the upcoming Olympic Games. Right now, I had an opportunity to speak to journalists working at the same centre in Sochi. They believe that local developments are quite positive. Representatives of the International Olympic Committee who have visited Sochi less than a month ago have also noted this.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Moscow, 24 February 2009
24 february
International Cooperation 318

“Although the structure of trade requires improvement, its present content corresponds to the interests of our countries (Russia and Yemen). We supply you with grain and machine equipment, while you are exporting agricultural products, seafood, and everything that is in demand in the Russian market to us.”

Vladimir Putin
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh, Mioscow, 24 February 2009
19 february
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“We must remove all barriers to career promotions of young people in business, the Government and in science, and to give them broad opportunities for personal and professional self-fulfillment. Allow me to repeat that we view the Year of the Youth as an important stage in developing a systemic model of work with the younger generation.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the organising сommittee on holding the Year of the Youth in Russia, Moscow, 19 February 2009
13 february
International Cooperation 318

"Our bilateral trade is developing well. Last year, we reached another high level of $32 billion. Russia has become Turkey's first trading partner."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Moscow, 13 February 2009
13 february
International Cooperation 318

"We are closely following EP debates on Russia's problems, on all aspects of our cooperation, both in the economy and in culture. Our views do not always coincide, but I'm absolutely convinced that we should expand our contacts to understand each other better."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the leaders of the European Parliament’s Group of the European People’s Party and European Democrats (EPP-ED), Moscow, 13 February 2009
12 february
Innovative Economy 75

“I'd like to repeat once again that without profound technical modernisation, development of new deposits, and investment activity we will find it difficult to compete on the world energy market.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“I believe that despite all difficulties, oil companies should find the money for upgrading refineries and switching to the production of fuel of new standards.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“The Government has made a tough decision - to make sure that by 2012 the share of the effective use of petroleum gas reaches 95% of the scale of production.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“It is necessary to elaborate a special model of taxation that will be used for new oil and gas deposits. It should be based on the taxation of the real results of economic performance. It should encourage rational use of subsoil and the application of the most modern technology. At the same time, it should be based on transparent and simple administration.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“Considering that new deposits in East Siberia are being commissioned right now, it would be sensible to discuss temporary reduction of export duties on the local oil. As we know, transportation is expensive, and the infrastructure is not developed. We have just spoken about this, we know about this. In the morning we discussed this problem with the Government members. We consider it possible to support you.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“It is necessary to continue implementing investment projects on advancing oil refining, modernising and building new oil refineries, and improving the quality of oil products.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“The situation on the world energy market has considerably changed in the last few months. Oil prices have dropped more than three times. It would be no exaggeration to call this a dramatic change on the market. Needless to say, we had to focus on urgent measures to support our oil companies.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“It is obvious that reduced taxes on oil production and other preferences should be thoroughly sized up and well balanced. They should also determine the industry's priorities with due account of the budget potentialities and the domestic economy in general.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
12 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“The operating tax system is based on deriving profits from the exploitation of old oil deposits, and does not encourage subsoil users to develop new ones. We have already made decisions on the introduction of tax extraction tax holidays for the development of deposits in East Siberia, the Caspian Sea, the Arctic shelf, Yamal, and the Nenetsk Autonomous Area.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to discuss the conditions and problems associated with oil industry development, St Petersburg Region, 12 February 2009
11 february
Innovative Economy 75

“It would be wrong to rely on budget funds alone to carry out the technological modernisation of the economy. We should encourage businesses to invest more in innovations, both independently and under public-private partnership.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Council of Chief Designers, Moscow, 11 February 2009
11 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“I think that despite all current problems, the state is obliged to guarantee steady funding of fundamental research, and there will be no reductions in this sphere.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Council of Chief Designers, Moscow, 11 February 2009
11 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“We must think about funding the development of critical technologies in defence, healthcare, space, aircraft-building, education, and environmental protection. We will not curtail or shelve promising scientific and technological programmes.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Council of Chief Designers, Moscow, 11 February 2009
11 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“At the November meeting we adopted together with you a number of priority measures aimed at the company's financial recovery. I'd like to brief you once again on the planned measures - the MiG open joint-stock company will receive 15 billion roubles to increase its charter capital by issuing additional shares. The Government has already signed a relevant decree.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with top managers of Russia’s MiG Aircraft Corporation, Moscow, 11 February 2009
11 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“The company (MiG)has been awarded a state contract worth 17.3 billion roubles. As was just discussed, the Defence Ministry will pay 11 billion roubles in the first quarter. At the same time, we hope that the company will itself make a serious effort to improve its financial condition by streamlining spending, reducing costs, refinancing debts (I rely very much on the understanding of financial institutions), finding more effective forms of production cooperation, and begin reorganising the system of management and post-sales support.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with top managers of Russia’s MiG Aircraft Corporation, Moscow, 11 February 2009
11 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“Since 2001, federal budget appropriations on civilian science have grown from 23 billion to 149 billion roubles - that is, more than six-fold. We have adopted a plan for the scientific and technical development and modernisation of the domestic economy for 2008-2010.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Council of Chief Designers, Moscow, 11 February 2009
10 february
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

"The Governor asked for more than 600 million roubles from the federal budget. During all this time, different departments held consultations, and the final decision will be as follows: We will help him get these 620 million roubles, out of which 310 million will be subsidised, and another 310 million will be loaned to the Samara Region."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting to support AvtoVAZ’s social facilities, Moscow, 10 February 2009
9 february
Russian financial markets 9

“The Federal Financial Markets Service has drafted amendments to the Criminal Code aimed at curbing violations on the securities market. <…> It is not enough to declare certain actions that inflict damage on bona fide investors illegal and ban them. A substantial punishment should be introduced for such actions, and this punishment should be unavoidable. Under the December draft, the longest conviction for such actions is seven years in prison”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government Presidium, Moscow, 9 February 2009
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