“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”
"There are no clear-cut relations between federal and regional government and administrative bodies to regulate agribusinesses. This particularly applies to prompt responses to local outbreaks of veterinary diseases. Precious time is impermissibly wasted on mutual shifting of responsibility and interdepartmental correspondence. And during this process, losses for producers are growing along with budget expenditures to deal with the consequences of these emergencies. I believe that today we should make comprehensive decisions for reforming the system of veterinary and phytosanitary oversight, including by amending federal legislation and departmental normative acts".
"There is no need to explain how important safety is for the production and sale of food products. However, for all its external appearance of reliability, the existing system does not guarantee either full or the most effective quality control. <…> The fact is that the regulatory system for agribusinesses is creating problems for honest producers. Those who smuggle illegal or poor quality goods into the Russian market, including imported products, easily circumvent these requirements and find themselves in a more beneficial position. They are making undeserved profits, and, what is the worst, threatening the health and even lives of consumers".
"Ultimately, regulatory agencies must address actual threats, protecting the lives and health of people and protecting the market against low-quality and dangerous products and services. In addition, we must continue reducing administrative barriers, increasing the transparency of our regulatory policies and getting rid of vague legal standards, which swindlers often take advantage of".
"It is not by pure chance that we have made the development of command, communications and reconnaissance systems one of the priorities of our defence programme, with considerable budget appropriations planned for these purposes. I would like to stress that we need to modernise existing units and systems fundamentally. We must admit that they have become obsolete, with their technological and technical conditions often leaving much to be desired. This is why our short-term objective is to provide the armed forces with new-generation equipment, making a big step forward. I want you to be guided by this objective".
"1 we began the first stage of pension reform, which essentially entails the so-called valorisation, or adjustment, of pensions for those citizens who earned them during the Soviet era. Moreover, now a pensioner's pension cannot be below the subsistence level, no matter where he or she lives. In this context we must resolve another important problem. Together with the regions, we must establish a mechanism for providing additional social payments to bring pensions up to the subsistence level wherever necessary".
"Poultry breeding has been developing fast in the past few years. It posted a 12% growth in 2009, and now we can satisfy over 75% of the demand. But we still have to import nearly 25%, which is too much. However, I want to say again that we are working hard to replace imports. I hope that government support has contributed to this trend; we have allocated long-term investment loans for the construction of farms and subsidised interest on loans".
"You know that the new law on trade has come into force, stipulating strict deadlines for payments to the suppliers of agricultural products. We have set the strictest deadline for perishables, 10 days, I think. I hope this measure will have a positive effect, and will help to strengthen the financial situation of agricultural enterprises".
"Of course, efforts to replace imports are not an end in itself, as I have said more than once. We will succeed only if we replace imports with goods that are completely safe, of a high quality and, importantly, sold at affordable prices. Both producers of agricultural goods and consumers - the Russian people - should benefit from this".
"In 2010, companies with annual revenues below 60 million roubles will be able to begin using simplified taxation schemes. This is an important policy for the support of small business. But along with that, we must pursue other policies to stimulate entrepreneurship and create more jobs. This remains an issue of high importance for this year".
"Russians entitled to the Maternity Capital benefit, can begin spending the money from January 1, 2010 for purposes stipulated by the law - buying better housing, paying off their mortgages, and financing their children's education and the accumulative part of their future pensions. As we have promised, the size of the Maternity Capital benefit in indexed every year, and will reach 343,000 roubles in 2010. We have allocated 102 billion roubles from the federal budget for this purpose".
Today we discussed our ambitious joint projects-in particular, the South Stream gas pipeline and the Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline. The fact that these two projects are crucial to Russia, Turkey and the whose of Europe both in terms of finding a solution to environmental problems, and in terms of ensuring reliable energy supplies to Europe is, I think, indisputable.
"Today, Turkish companies have $6 billion invested in Russia, and Russian companies have $4 billion invested in Turkey. Lucrative investment opportunities span a wide range of sectors: steel, construction and light industry, telecommunications, transport and many other fields. Russian companies are also ready to take part in privatization programmes carried out by Turkish government".
Russia has been, and remains Turkey's largest, and highly reliable, energy supplier. We provide approximately 70% of Turkey's demand in natural gas. We believe we can take this further, moving beyond simply trading, to asset exchanges and cross- capitalisation.
The global financial and economic crisis undoubtedly caused a slight decline in our bilateral trade. But that is why we have come together today, to see how we can overcome these hardships together, how we can increase investment and return to steady growth in trade and in our economic partnership. As Mr Erdogan said today, our trade can hit the $100 billion mark within five years. I think this goal is attainable.
"Turkey remains one of Russia's biggest trade and economic partners, leaving behind both the United States and Britain. We have major joint projects in energy, telecommunications and other industries. Now our goal is to diversify our economic relations".
"A schedule for introducing electronic options of key state services has also been approved. According to this schedule, this year, Russians will be given an opportunity of filing applications for dozens of important state services online. It means they will no longer have to go to offices and wait in queues".
"In addition, the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund is ready to finance, in 2010, capital repairs of residential blocks and help people still living in dilapidated and dangerous buildings to move to new housing. The Fund will provide up to 80 billion roubles for this purpose. The most important issue here is that regional governments prepare appropriate applications for financing in time. They should keep in mind that every such application means better quality of life for thousands of people".
"Rap, even urban and street rap, already has social content and addresses the problems of youth. Graffiti is becoming refined and polished, like a real art form. Breakdancing is something completely unique. Breakdancing truly promotes a healthy lifestyle, because it is difficult to imagine how it could related to drug use. It would be impossible to perform so-called low-risk breakdancing, and still less high-risk breakdancing, (while on drugs), especially when you see the acrobatics some of these kids do. This really does command respect."
"Furthermore, it goes without saying that new centres should take an active part in international research cooperation. I know this is part of the plan. Any cooperation must be equitable and involve befitting partners. We must determine for Russian scientists the optimal format of participation in major international projects and ensure the effective use of the results for Russia's technological development".
"In developing the centre it is necessary to pay special attention to its integration with higher educational institutions and their research. It is important to establish direct cooperation with the country's leading universities and organize exchange experience for students, starting with juniors".
"I would like to emphasize that we are not after a perfunctory merger or consolidation. In effect, we will introduce entirely new elements into the formation of Russia's innovative infrastructure. We will adopt modern methods of management and scientific research to form a single chain based on fundamental groundwork and ending in technology, resulting in real prospects for high-tech science-intensive markets. These centres will receive the most advanced research and development facilities with a view to attracting both Russian and foreign scientists".
"I have made it clear that apart from the current funding, we will allocate an additional 10 billion roubles for KI's development in the next three years. In addition to this, the departments concerned should finalize the coordination of a special bill on its legal status very soon. The Kurchatov Institute is designed to serve as a model for organising all national research centres. As you may recall, we plan to set up five to seven such centres".
"I have recently visited Vladivostok and announced the transfer of yet another facility, a convent, to the Russian Orthodox Church there. I want to tell you that we plan to completely release the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow throughout 2010 and to transfer it to the Russian Orthodox Church."
"As you know, we now rely on the Law on Religious Organisations. However, such legal regulation is not enough. The Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Culture have now drafted another bill on transferring previously owned property to religious organisations. This is the first thing. Second, the Ministry of Culture has drafted yet another bill and has submitted it to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development. This implies the restoration of those religious facilities having artistic and historical value but which are already owned by religious organisations. It is common knowledge that the state is now unable to directly finance restoration projects in this respect. Nonetheless, we have stipulated over 2 billion roubles for restoring facilities currently owned by the Church."
“The state provided significant support to defence companies during the challenging economic situation. As for Energomash, we decided to allocate two billion roubles from the budget to boost the association's share capital. <…> We will increase this allocation to 2.25 billion roubles for the construction of the block of flats. Experts estimate that the cost of building the block of flats will amount to 240 to 250 million roubles.”
"In 2010, we will develop detailed plans for the improvement of the system of compulsory medical insurance. This is a very important, large-scale and complicated task. Apart from that, we need not only to adopt, but also implement a new law on pharmaceutical products, which is now being discussed at the State Duma."
"We must thoroughly address the issue of creating effective and well-paid jobs. For this reason, special employment programmes and support of one-industry towns will be continued. Togliatti will be one of the first cities to receive support. This year, 43.7 billion roubles were allocated for special employment programmes. In 2010, the amount allocated will be slightly smaller - 36.3 billion roubles, but this sum is large enough to cope with our problems."
"Small businesses will receive about 100 billion roubles in loans through VEB partner banks in 2010. I repeat, we discussed this topic recently: the mechanism has yet to be finalized, but we have the money and the opportunities to implement these large-scale plans of supporting small business. The opportunities for this are there. We still have to work out effective mechanisms that bring quick results. Small business must get about 80 billion roubles through the mechanism of guarantee funds. In supporting small business, preference should be given to productive and innovative companies. Let me add that in 2009 support for small businesses amounted to nearly 50 billion roubles, compared with 3.5 billion in 2008.
"We have managed to stabilise the labour market and prevent unemployment from spiralling out of control. During the recent televised question and answer session, I said that people's real disposable incomes would be much the same as in 2008, or decrease by only 0.4%. And now that we have the data for the whole year, it turns out there even was some growth. People's real disposable incomes will increase by about 0.7-1%."
"In 2010, 44.4 billion roubles have been allocated for the construction and purchase of more than 45,000 flats for service members. I would like you to know that until very recently this was thought to be an impossible task. People are weary, but they are resigned to waiting for years for their housing problem to be solved. I am referring to service members. Some thought that it was an impossible task. We should complete it in 2010."
"In 2010 the challenge will be even tougher; we set the inflation target at 7.5% or lower. We must pursue a balanced monetary policy and above all reduce the budget deficit. This is a difficult task, but we must try hard to bring the budget deficit down to 3% by 2012."
"We must meet all the housing construction targets and continue to move people out of old housing that is no longer safe. I would like to repeat that it is our challenge and our obligation to the people who still live in slums to clear these slums and enable people to live in normal, modern conditions. All World War II veterans and Defence Ministry servicemen should be provided with housing. While making use of market mechanisms, we should lower the interest on mortgage loans. You will remember that we are committed to providing 250 billion roubles for these purposes through Vnershekonombank. The mortgage rate should be cut to 10-11% at the first stage. In the longer term - and I have just been discussing this with my colleagues - we should seek to bring it down to 7% and less. This will address people's housing problems and stimulate construction and related industries."
"Our efforts to boost internal demand, especially in such industries as automobile manufacturing and construction, will be critical. Thus, the pilot project aimed at disposing of used cars should be launched early in the year. The total cost of the programme is close to 10 billion roubles. Those who turn in their old car for scrap will get a 50,000-rouble subsidy."
"It is important to expand the base for economic growth, above all by supporting free enterprise and creating conditions for new companies to enter the market. The notification-based procedure of starting up businesses will be spread to all types of activities, with few exceptions. And these exceptions must be specified and listed."
"There are still risks. First, the growth has not yet become sustainable. Second, it is largely based on replicating the old, raw-materials-based model of development. This means that we should change our priorities and concentrate on the goals mapped out in our plan for long-term development, namely building new industrial capabilities and establishing an innovation-based economy."
"In Russia, salaries fell somewhat in the commercial sector. At the same time, the salaries of state-employed workers grew by a little over 5%, to be exact, by 3.8-5%, thanks to boosting the funds allocated for salary payments by 30% in December 2008. The effect was felt in 2009. Pensioners' revenues also surged, compared with what they received before. Salaries dropped by 10-12% in the commercial sector, but there was a slight increase in other economic sectors. Taken altogether, these factors resulted in real disposable incomes being down -0.4%, which is virtually the level of 2008".
"There is a problem with short-term investment. Russia currently offers favourable conditions for speculative capital, which eagerly flows in and works well, but soon flows out again, causing us problems in these straightened times. What we need to do is change the rules so as to make Russia a less attractive destination for short-term speculative investment, which flows in for a very short time and flees at the slightest sign of danger. On the other hand, we need to create a more favourable environment for long-term direct investment in Russia".
"According to recent reports, in the first quarter of this year, Russia had around $35 billion of accumulated foreign investment, probably less than last year by a small margin, but this is only natural given the market contraction due to the recession. Shrinking investment is normal in this situation, it is nothing special, and I repeat, 35 billion for three quarters is not bad".
"Strategically, we should establish oil refineries in Russia, to process oil here and sell refined oil products. But today this strategy, and this objective reality, as I have said, sometimes clashes with the economic logic. Therefore, this issue should be analysed carefully; we need to determine what and where to build, and to whom we should sell. After this scrupulous in-depth analysis, we will be in a position to make a decision about the construction of oil refineries, including for the oil pipeline we commissioned yesterday".
"The housing and community utilities sector is an eternal problem for this country. The problem is rooted in the fact that this monopolised market was primarily developed by the bureaucracy, rather than those involved in the economic activity. We know what we must do in this sector. The relevant principles for developing the housing and utilities system were formulated long ago. The sector's modernisation should not always be linked with higher tariffs. First of all, we must create a market, we must get rid of tiny pocket companies monopolising the market of utility services. This is the main and most important condition. Naturally, they are often unable to do this when the enterprise, and housing and community utilities systems themselves, are in a deplorable state. We must support them and help them to attain a level that will yield profits within this sector of the economy. It has great potential for profitable work".
"What does this mean for this region? It means the development of East Siberia and Yakutia. Many of you accompanied me to Vankor and saw that the project entails modern systems, new jobs, new technology, and new infrastructure. We have built not only the ESPO pipeline but also roads, electricity transmission lines and power generating companies along its route. The seven pumping stations are not simple iron boxes but mini-plants complete with the latest technology. We have created 3,000 well-paid jobs for skilled workers".
"As for the ESPO pipeline, it is a strategic project because it will allow us to diversify our export risks. It is difficult to make predictions in the ever changing global economy. Our exports will become more reliable, if we get an opportunity, or already have an opportunity, to shift some of our exports away from the European markets when the situation there is unfavourable or if economic cooperation is unnecessarily politicised".
"High-tech sectors. Aircraft manufacturing and shipbuilding are considered high-tech sectors of industry, but as you know we also intend to build a space centre here. It will be a challenging and expensive project, but it will be expedient in Russia with its vast territory. We will allocate modest funds for its initial development. The project is to be implemented not in the Primorye Territory but in the Amursk Region. These plans will be realised in stages".
"Naturally, the United Shipbuilding Company and its partners must facilitate stable and guaranteed demand for their equipment while launching these projects. Our task is to help them to formulate a sea-going civilian equipment production plan for the next few years and until 2020. On the whole, this $5 billion plan has already been drawn up".
"Today, I can say that two attractive investment projects worth about $700 million will be implemented in the Primorye Territory. Russian financial institutions will contribute 75% of the grand total. This implies construction of a new shipyard that will manufacture drilling rigs in Chazhma Harbour. We will cooperate with our Singaporean partners there. Second, a dry dock and auxiliary production facilities will be constructed at Zvezda Shipyard in Bolshoi Kamen. They will be used to build tankers and gas carriers. This project will be implemented together with our South Korean partners and Daewoo company".
"Сonstruction of a number of important transport and social infrastructure facilities will receive additional funding before the year is out. This will make it possible not to delay their commissioning. Mr Sergei Darkin confirms that the Primorye Territory alone has received 8.5 billion roubles today. Of this sum, 5 billion will be spend on construction of hotels. The remaining 3.5 billion will be spent on creating the required social infrastructure in the city's new residential areas. The Primorye Territory will receive another 2.5 billion roubles for its hotel programme in the 1st quarter of 2010".
"We have drawn up a highly important policy document called the Strategy for Developing the Far East and the Baikal Region Until 2025. In the long run, the strategy aims to create a sustained economy and comfortable living conditions here. <…> The strategy determines long-term transport, energy and other infrastructure requirements of Far Eastern regions, as well as the Irkutsk Region, the Republic of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory, and contains specific proposals for creating areas of ahead-of-schedule economic growth. This primarily implies major cities".
"Strict adherence to the time-scale is a must not only for the builders, but also for the designers. Besides, the growing scale of construction must be efficiently and fully provided with credit and financial resources. Vneshekonombank is to play a major role in this. It has already signed credit agreements for more than 32 billion roubles. Altogether the Bank has assigned 80 billion for the Olympic project."
"Let me stress again that the period ahead will see extra stress placed on dozens of services, the region's transport arteries as well as disturbing the habitual tempo of life for the local residents and those who come here on holiday. I urge all those involved in this process to think about these people, both those who live in Sochi permanently and those who come here for a rest. Let me repeat: our task is to minimize the inconveniences associated with this large-scale construction work, to bring them to zero."