Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
8 april
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“Obviously, the successful development of the power engineering industry will require good management decisions, long-term investment, effective financial support for projects, and tax incentives. We also need a customs policy that will stimulate the development of industry in Russia and one that does not function as a barrier to the import of foreign equipment and unique technology that we do not yet make and that consumers need so much”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on the development of power engineering in Russia, April 8
8 april
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“Modern equipment is needed to ensure stable and reduced electricity prices that can minimise the costs of producing power, transporting energy resources and managing the grid. This is a crucial material factor besides the competitiveness of the industry, which is a purely economic factor”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on the development of power engineering in Russia, April 8
7 april
Space Industry 13

“GLONASS is operating on a global scale with 23 satellites whose signals are accessible worldwide. <…> The implementation of this project alone proves Russia's advanced technological status, and we have every reason to say that it can fully guarantee its navigational sovereignty, and can address economic and defence problems”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian space industry, April 7
7 april
Space Industry 13

“When we invest in space exploration programmes, we give people new opportunities in education, healthcare, information, and everyday safety. We must provide the greatest possible public access to "space services" across regions, communities, businesses and individuals”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian space industry, April 7
7 april
Space Industry 13

“Space exploration and its scientific and industrial potential are among our competitive advantages, and we take pride in them. We cannot rest on our laurels, or we will lose our leading position. It goes without saying, and we all realise this. It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. Now, we should not just remain where we are but improve our position and build up our space potential”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian space industry, April 07
6 april
Sports 59

“We need to train a strong competitive national team for the world cup. This laborious work should begin at the youth and junior team levels. We still have seven years to go so it will be these sportsmen who will be playing for Russia at the world cup”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on preparations for the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia, April 6
6 april
Sports 59

“I’m convinced that the Russian Football Union needs to actively interact with the public and football fan associations and organisations. We have given a promise to FIFA and the entire international community to hold the world cup properly, based on the principles of tolerance and benevolence. And we must deliver on this promise”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on preparations for the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia, April 6
6 april
Sports 59

“The FIFA World Cup is much greater than simply a sporting event. This month-long football marathon leaves a significant cultural and material heritage which will be used by the country and the people in decades to come. I’m referring to the aggressive development of the sport, transport and hotel infrastructure, the creation of new production facilities and jobs, new international and personal ties. Tens of thousands of people from all over the world will come to see a modern, dynamically developing and open Russia”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on preparations for the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia, April 6
6 april
Developing Russia’s automotive industry 6

“Мy proposal is to extend the programme, at least the car-scrappage part of it, through 2011. That is, it should be fully financed until the end of this year – we need to allocate another 5 billion roubles”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on car-scrapping programme and renewal of truck and bus fleet, April 6
5 april
Natural disaster and emergency warning systems 12

“Overall, we plan to allocate some 14 billion roubles to the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring between 2011 and 2013. First and foremost, we will need to revamp the entire network of hydrometeorological stations. In 2011, a total of 1,600 ground-based hydrometeorological stations will be modernised and another 300 stations will be built”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on measures to improve the forecasting system for natural disasters, April 5
4 april
Education 98

“We should avoid closing schools where they are needed. We should also improve tuition and make cuts on the expense of education – but how can we do it all at once? Basic educational centres with a network of affiliates might help solve the problem if we extended state-of-the-art online education”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with the leadership of the United Russia party, April 4
4 april
Economy 103

“I believe that in 2010, we laid the foundation for moving forward and addressing the long-term goals of our development. There are, of course, still certain risks in the economy, but there are positive trends as well. The process of recovery in industry and the banking sector is gathering ever more momentum and force”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government, April 4
2 april
Education 98

“The basic system was built fundamentally, and everything that helps us maintain the level of education in the highest bracket, certainly should not and cannot be lost. <…> However, we need to look ahead, look at current labour market demands and use modern teaching aids. Including remote learning tools – all of this needs to be introduced.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with Sergei Mironov, chairman of the Federation Council and leader of the A Just Russia party, and Nikolai Levichev, the head of party faction in the Duma, April 2
1 april
Innovative Economy 75

“A number of the first such projects we plan to implement will directly involve biotechnology: the technology platforms Medicine of the Future, and Bio-industry and Bio-resources. This choice has been prompted by current trends and the growing role of biotechnology in medicine and other industries, in energy and agriculture.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of high technology and innovation commission, April 1
1 april
Innovative Economy 75

“Businesses should promote these projects by investing in them. The government, in turn, will fairly share the responsibility for high-risk R&D, and provide other kinds of support – for example, finance the construction of the necessary infrastructure.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of high technology and innovation commission, April 1
1 april
Innovative Economy 75

“A technology platform is a network bringing together the state, researchers, industry, universities, businesses and other relevant stakeholders in a particular technological field to produce innovative and, most importantly, commercially attractive technology, products and services.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of high technology and innovation commission, April 1
1 april
Innovative Economy 75

“Technology parks, as well as special economic zones, state corporations, banks in which the government has various stakes, innovation support funds and research and education centres must all be used effectively for the development of the country, and the advancement of its technology.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of high technology and innovation commission, April 1
31 march
International Cooperation 318

“For objective reasons, we will have to purchase a significant share of medical equipment from international manufacturers. <…>I believe that procurement contracts with international companies should include clauses stipulating that they will open new production facilities in Russia and concentrate production in one place to the maximum possible extent, as is done in other industries – for example, the auto industry.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 31
31 march
Healthcare 80

“We must purchase only advanced, quality and high-tech equipment if we really want to expand the capabilities of clinics and hospitals. <…> We must meet the two-year schedule (we set) and purchase equipment without delay so that patients can start benefitting from it as soon as possible.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 31
30 march
Environmental Protection 44

“If an enterprise invests in modernisation, energy conservation, and green technologies, it is entitled to preferential treatment. For instance, the cost of environmental protection can be taken into account in setting an environmental tax. By the same token, we propose to increase fines for those enterprises that violate (environmental) laws and established rules. I should emphasise here that all such proposed changes are in keeping with international practice and are essentially aimed at enhancing the ecological security of the country, improving quality of life, and contributing to the health of the nation. And, of course, they give an extra boost to technological innovation in our industry and economy.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on improving the environmental situation in Russia, March 30
30 march
Environmental Protection 44

“There is always a conflict between development and conservation. There always has been, and there always will be, but we need to strike a balance. <…>But we all understand that in the absence of incentives, production will remain steeped in old methods and old technologies.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on improving the environmental situation in Russia, March 30
28 march
Infrastructure 91

“The effective organisation of transport is a key condition for Moscow's successful development as a major world centre of business, science and culture. Moreover, transport services may considerably promote the economic growth of Moscow and the Moscow Region, create new jobs and generate additional tax revenues for the budgets of all levels.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on the development of the Moscow air traffic hub, March 28
28 march
Infrastructure 91

“We are planning to double the traffic of the three major Moscow airports to reach up to 100 million passengers by 2020. <…> Our main goal is to make the Moscow air hub the most important in Russia – a modern international air traffic centre operating at the highest level.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on the development of the Moscow air traffic hub, March 28
25 march
Investment Climate 37

“We discussed our plans to bring down bureaucratic barriers and to improve government services for citizens and businesses. This also relates to streamlining the regulations for foreign investors in the strategic sectors of Russia’s economy. We need to get rid of inefficient or obviously excessive procedures and create the most favourable environment for companies that want to invest and put their expertise and resources in our economy.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment
25 march
Investment Climate 37

“It is especially important that foreign partners come to us with their long-term projects and invest money in Russian businesses and new facilities. According to preliminary data, foreign direct investment in Russia totalled more than $40 billion in 2010. Comparing this amount with 2009, we see a certain increase.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment
25 march
Investment Climate 37

“In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that we need to step up efforts to attract foreign investment to Russia’s economy. This is a task both for federal and regional authorities. And as soon as possible we need to reach the pre-crisis level of foreign direct investment per year – between $60 and $70 billion. Having done this, we will have to continue to build on our efforts and raise this bar even higher.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment
24 march
International Cooperation 318

“We truly appreciate Israel’s attitude to the memory of the tragic past and of the role that the Soviet Union and the Red Army had in fighting Nazism. And we can understand the losses that the Jewish people suffered in the fight against Nazism.”

Vladimir Putin
At the presentation of the model of the memorial commemorating the Red Army’s victory over Nazi Germany, which will be unveiled in Jerusalem on May 9, 2012, March 24
24 march
Eliminating bureaucratic obstacles 29

“In the near future we must complete the system for providing state and municipal services electronically. I am talking about the unified portal of services, information and utility sites, integrated communication channels, departmental and regional data banks, so that citizens won’t have to carry documents from one office to another.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, March 24
24 march
Eliminating bureaucratic obstacles 29

“Bringing order to the so-called mass state services that are used by the citizens is extremely important. All procedures must be really accessible, streamlined and as transparent as possible to make people feel real improvements from the implementation of state services, let’s say, in electronic from, from the opening of full service centres operating in the “single window” format in each municipality, each urban district. People must be able to feel the general improvement of the quality of services.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, March 24
24 march
Eliminating bureaucratic obstacles 29

“It is not enough to amend the legislation or administrative regulations – we must change the mentality guiding the work of the state machine. It was obvious that the bureaucratic apparatus, numerous regulations and procedures need to be seriously revised. I'd like to emphasise that this major project is far from being over and, as I've already said, we are determined to continue it.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, March 24
23 march
Ways to Overcome the World Economic Crisis 29

“We are overcoming the aftermath of the global economic crisis and steadily increasing trade. It grew by more than a quarter last year to $1.4 billion, and Russia has firmly established itself among Serbia’s leading trade partners.”

Vladimir Putin
At a news conference on Russian-Serbian talks
23 march
Environmental Protection 44

“The construction of a regional emergency centre in Nis was one of the items on our agenda. Russian and Serbian rescuers intend to use it as a base for joint disaster relief efforts. We are calling on other Southeast European countries to join the project as well.”

Vladimir Putin
At a news conference on Russian-Serbian talks
23 march
International Cooperation 318

“During our talks, we had a detailed discussion of the energy industry – particularly, the implementation of ambitious plans in the oil and gas industry and the construction of the Serbian stretch of the South Stream pipeline. <…> Other joint ventures have also been successful: the Banatski Dvor underground gas storage facility will open soon, and there has been generous investment in the modernisation of the NIS (Petroleum Industry of Serbia). Its Russian partner has contributed 500 million euros this year alone.”

Vladimir Putin
At a news conference on Russian-Serbian talks
22 march
International Cooperation 318

“The initiative to set up scientific and cultural centres in Russia and Slovenia holds big potential for humanitarian cooperation. A Russian centre is opening in Ljubljana very soon, and I hope will become a centre of attraction for all those interested in the history of Russia, its art and scientific achievements.”

Vladimir Putin
At a news conference after Russian-Slovenian talks, March 22
22 march
International Cooperation 318

“I would like to emphasise we are interested in cross investment growth. In 50 Russian regions there are over 200 operating enterprises with Slovenian ownership. We certainly welcome our Slovenian partners’ interest in large-scale cooperation in the Russian market, above all in high-tech.”

Vladimir Putin
At a news conference after Russian-Slovenian talks, March 22
21 march
Armed Forces 77

"Our goal is to execute a comprehensive modernisation of the armed forces. Rather than just equipping a select group of individuals, we need to build a truly efficient and integrated military – in the army, in the navy, and in the air force".

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting in the town of Votkinsk on the development of the defence industry and the fulfillment of the government arms programme through 2020, March 21
21 march
Armed Forces 77

“We need to modernise the defence industry; introduce new technology; attract efficient managers, engineers, and workers; and create strong production facilities that can manufacture quality machinery and equipment on the contract schedule and at a fair and economically justified price.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting in the town of Votkinsk on the development of the defence industry and the fulfillment of the government arms programme through 2020, March 21
19 march
International Cooperation 318

“In order to quickly stabilise the energy supply in Japan and close all the gaps in the energy balance, Russia is ready to find a way to increase the supply of natural gas to Japan.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on the comprehensive development of the fuel and energy industry in Eastern Siberia and the Far East
19 march
Support for the regions 129

“We will continue to implement our plans for the development of the Far East. We will build new residential neighbourhoods, new seaports, new airports, roads, lay pipe systems, build new industrial clusters and educational centres, and this means that the Far East will have a wonderful future.”

Vladimir Putin
At the opening ceremony of the Dalneye gas distribution station during a working visit to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
19 march
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“Along with the development of the oil and gas industry, we must give new impetus to the coal industry, so this year, we should start full-scale development of the Elga deposit in South Yakutia. We will implement a project to create a modern export infrastructure for Sakhalin coal.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on the comprehensive development of the fuel and energy industry in Eastern Siberia and the Far East
18 march
Agriculture 81

“It is necessary to sow quality seeds and strictly follow all the required procedures. The sown areas must be expanded not mechanically, by any means, but in favour of the crops critical for the grain balance. And agricultural producers, of course, should be confident in the government support both on the federal and regional levels. They should be sure that they will be able not only to grow, but to harvest the crops and, of course, sell them at an attractive and economically reasonable price.”

Vladimir Putin
At a teleconference on preparations for spring sowing, March 18
18 march
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“We must first of all encourage the purchase of machinery and equipment manufactured in Russia. In this regard, I believe we need to take greater advantage of the positive experiences we had in implementing our plans for the auto industry and create every condition to encourage manufacturers of agricultural machinery, including international companies, to develop production in our country.”

Vladimir Putin
At a teleconference on preparations for spring sowing, March 18)
18 march
Agriculture 81

“I must say that this year we need to compensate as much as possible for the losses of the two previous lean years, create a stable grain balance and build up reserves. Moreover, grain is a basic resource for the development of cattle breeding and other areas of agriculture.”

Vladimir Putin
At a teleconference on preparations for spring sowing, March 18
17 march
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"We need a uniform and efficient policy of resolving such problems for the elderly. We need feedback from them. For this reason, it is necessary to tap the potential of non-government veterans’ organisations, which is why, at the January meeting, we agreed to set up a Coordination Council on Veterans’ Affairs under the government. Today, we are to approve a resolution to establish it."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, March 17
17 march
Russian financial markets 9

“Plans have been made to increase Russian bank assets to 90% of the country’s GDP by the end of 2015. As of the first of the year, such assets amounted to 74.5%. The aggregate capital of the banks should reach up to 15% of the GDP. Again, as of January 1, it amounted to 10.4%. Finally, the real sector and individual credit portfolios must be increased to 55-60% of the GDP.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, March 17
17 march
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

"A comfortable environment for people with disabilities is our absolute priority. We have announced our commitment, subscribed to all international conventions, and adopted the national programme. Now we need to translate those plans into action."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, March 17
15 march
Cooperation with the CIS Countries 93

“We have a number of good, and interesting, projects planned in the investment field. I'll mention only one of those – the consolidation of the assets of two major car manufacturers: KamAZ and MAZ. The establishment of such a strategic alliance will naturally increase the competitiveness of Belarusian and Russian enterprises and create new stable, high-paying jobs. And this would, undoubtedly, be a significant step within the integration process relating to the real economy.”

Vladimir Putin
At Russian-Belarusian talks in Minsk, March 15
15 march
Evolution of Russia’s Political System 34

"I was just thinking how it is easier for opposition parties, because they are free from the burden of actually governing. Rather, their function is to criticise the governing party. The governing party must solve problems, while the opposition is there to criticise the leading political force for what it is doing and how, and to propose alternatives. This is normal. It’s no use getting angry or swearing at anybody".

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with the United Russia party leadership
14 march
Eliminating bureaucratic obstacles 29

"We must also continue simplifying administrative and customs procedures, in particular by introducing electronic accounting and declaration of goods".

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on improving incentives for regional innovation
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