Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
16 september
Investment Climate 37

“Russia needs to create all the necessary conditions for smart investments both in manufacturing and in high-tech development, so we need to expand freedom for bona fide entrepreneurial activities and to support those with clear and useful initiatives, which seek not to make a one-time profit, but to improve the quality of life of individual towns, cities and entire regions, while at the same time making profit from their economic activities, of course.”

Vladimir Putin
At a plenary meeting of the X International Investment Forum Sochi-2011, Sochi, September 16
15 september
Culture 44

“It is an excellent ground for arts enthusiasts and theatre lovers, in particular. <…> The theatre was joined by people with both the talent and enthusiasm necessary to take charge of this work and push through it. It is a real pleasure to see this enthusiasm”.

Vladimir Putin
While talking to young actors and theatre directors, September 15
14 september
Education 98

“What are we trying to achieve, after all? We want our children, no matter where they attend school, to receive a high-quality education and a chance to enrol in a university or college. Generally, this means they should be in a position to decide their own fate, as they and their parents see fit. For this purpose, a proper level and good quality of training in schools should be guaranteed, and there are modern facilities that can make this possible.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with parliamentary candidates after primary voting, September 14
14 september
United Russia party 28

“The United Russia group in parliament will be significantly renewed. <…> This country’s legislature needs an infusion of new people who have innovative ideas about the current situation, future development, and solutions, that is, people who are ready and know how to solve these problems.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with parliamentary candidates after primary voting, September 14
14 september
International Cooperation 318

“Russia has a special relationship with China, and not only because it is a close neighbour. We share many tasks and have common problems and common views on many processes under way in the international community. China is Russia’s strategic partner in the true and direct sense of this word.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, September 14
13 september
Eliminating bureaucratic obstacles 29

“We must eliminate any superfluous administrative obstacles. We have talked about this before. The endless registration procedures must be pruned down. The unsubstantiated requirements, burdensome duties and limited access to infrastructure hold back the initiative of entrepreneurs and may become an insurmountable obstacle for new companies – and, therefore, new goods and services – entering the market.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, September 13
13 september
Competition 14

“We need a well-balanced, logical policy to support competition, with clear targets and a functional system that assesses the competitive environment as well as a system of fair rewards and punishments for those market players that break rules and laws. I would like to emphasise that any serious decision must be based on the analysis of the real state of the competition in the country. We must not manufacture artificial competition on paper. The purpose of the government is to create the conditions for fair competition and, most importantly, the solution must be consistent and clear for everybody and for businesses first and foremost.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, September 13
12 september
Economy 103

“I should note that rates in Russia always increase on January 1. This creates expectations of inflation, and drives inflationary pressure from the very beginning of the year. That is why I propose to cap the increase in Russian Railways’ rates at 6% as of January 1, 2012. <…>All other increases will not take effect on January 1, 2012, but on July 1, 2012 – these include a maximum increase of 15% in gas prices and increases to keep pace with inflation on electricity, which includes grid maintenance and heating. This is in light of the fact that energy consumption declines in the warm season and consumers will find the higher prices easier to bear than in winter.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on budgetary planning for the upcoming fiscal year and the planning period, September 12
12 september
Budget 89

“When we began to draft the federal budget, we decided that it should be a development-oriented budget. We therefore prioritised government spending for the years to come. Our top priorities will be future-oriented research, introducing innovations, infrastructure support to boost economic growth, and promoting small and medium-sized businesses. Certainly, we will focus on investments in development and in the wellbeing of Russian families. The state will meet all of its social obligations to the nation.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on budgetary planning for the upcoming fiscal year and the planning period, September 12
12 september
Budget 89

“The balance between revenues and spending remains the top priority in federal finances. We will have a deficit-free budget this year even, despite our cautious projections at the start of the year. We expect this year’s federal revenues and expenditures to be around 11 trillion roubles each. The Russian economy is projected to fully overcome the consequences of the economic downturn by the beginning of next year and to continue to grow, providing stable revenues to the federal treasury.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on budgetary planning for the upcoming fiscal year and the planning period, September 12
12 september
International Cooperation 318

“Our trade and economic relations are making headway. Last year trade increased by 25%, and in the first half of this year it rose by another 50%. Last year Britain was our biggest trade and economic partner in terms of current investments.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron, September 12
12 september
Natural disaster and emergency warning systems 12

“Over the past few months there has been a series of plane crashes and incidents in Russia. This is yet another cause to seriously consider what is going on in that industry. The issue is not only the aircraft fleet. We should also consider airport infrastructure, the provision of the latest equipment for monitoring the technical safety of aircraft’s parts and recording their technical parameters. We must also highlight the training of flight crews, the provision of simulation equipment to airlines and their ability to train the crews to work in modern conditions. In fact, the size of companies does not matter; all companies, big and small, must be able to do this and to strictly comply with these requirements. Those that do so will be able to continue operating; those that don’t will be shut down. No commercial or market considerations are more important than the safety of our citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on flight safety in civil aviation, September 12
9 september
Armed Forces 77

“As you know, in addition to the approved armament programme, there is a ‘trillion programme’ – not one trillion but three trillion [roubles] have been invested in the upgrade of the defence industry in order to ensure the security and sovereignty of our motherland for years to come. In the next ten years, we will almost completely re-equip our armed forces. The defence industry received full support from the government in difficult economic times, and it was absolutely the correct decision for the long-term interests of our country.”

Vladimir Putin
At the 8th International Exhibition of Arms, Military Equipment and Ammunition, Nizhny Tagil, September 9
9 september
Armed Forces 77

“We have so much to show you. This is the first time the forum is displaying pre-production samples of nearly every type of military equipment, not only ground-based weapons. Some of the latest equipment that is very interesting from the technical point of view is on display here. <…> This equipment is a source of pride for Russia and visible proof of our defence industry’s enormous potential – in terms of research, personnel and production.”

Vladimir Putin
At the 8th International Exhibition of Arms, Military Equipment and Ammunition, Nizhny Tagil, September 9
8 september
Infrastructure 91

“Russia will enjoy an immense legacy from hosting largest international forums. We must make sure that we handle them wisely. This potential, as I said, can and must serve Russia’s interests, work for future development, future progress of our country. <…>The future intended purpose of such facilities (villages, sports centres and public infrastructure) must be taken into consideration at the project development stage.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting On the Development of the Far Eastern Federal University and the Legacy of the APEC Summit in Vladivostok, September 8
8 september
Fuel and energy sector 51

“Gas has reached Primorye and will be used to develop the region, directly serving the interests of the Russians who live here. <…> Next year we will launch one more large energy project: we will lay a gas pipeline from Yakutia in order to increase the energy security of the region and to enhance its stability.”

Vladimir Putin
At the commissioning ceremony of the first line of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline, Russky Island, September 8
8 september
Support for the regions 129

“In 2012, the facilities of the Far Eastern Federal University will host the APEC summit. We are also entering the final stage of preparations for the World Student Games in Kazan, as you know, and for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Russia will also host the World Football Cup and the World Ice Hockey Cup. Why am I pointing this out? Because we will try to hold these events in the same way that we have handled things here, to ensure that the legacy of these events is not simply worthy, but that it serves our people for many years to come. This is investment in development, in the new face of our cities and regions, in the quality of our people’s lives, in infrastructure and construction.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting On the Development of the Far Eastern Federal University and the Legacy of the APEC Summit in Vladivostok, September 8
7 september
Innovative Economy 75

“Innovation development programmes must rely on a solid base of fundamental and applied research. Business has a large role to play in the latter, whereas the government should be responsible for fundamental research. Our goal is to create a well-balanced and dynamic R&D sector that will be able to meet today's challenges. Over the next 10 years we will need to more than double investment in R&D, increasing its share to 2.5%-3% of the GDP. Importantly, half of this investment must come from the business community.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, September 7
7 september
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“We need modern safety standards, reliability and durability of motorways. For this, we’ll have to change a lot in the principles and logic of the relations between contractors and road builders in order to make quality construction profitable. The creation of comprehensive contracts should be one of the effective means of resolving this issue. <…>Today, these contracts are not provided for by law in road construction. I hope the current amendments will make it possible to make broader use of public-private partnerships, both for the construction of federal motorways and for upgrading the regional road network.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, September 7
6 september
Fuel and energy sector 51

“The amount of gas that will be supplied is comparable to the energy produced by 11 nuclear power stations. This means that 55 billion cubic metres will be delivered annually for 50 years, and this is a significant contribution both to the European and global energy sector, while at the same time adhering to the most up-to-date environmental standards.”

Vladimir Putin
At an informal meeting with participants of the Nord Stream project, Leningrad Region, September 6
5 september
Russian Popular Front 22

“There is no doubt that the Popular Front’s objectives that I have just mentioned are not limited merely to elections and new power formation mechanisms. Perhaps the most important thing is the open discussion of the society and the country’s primary challenges. To implement our strategic goals and bring Russia to a higher level, we will need to take crucial decisions, thoroughly discuss important projects, and choose those priorities that merit special attention. Such decisions should be based on the support of the entire Russian people; they should not be taken solely by officials or experts. And these decisions should be competent and precise as well as comprehensible, in-demand and supported by society. They should meet the interests of the overwhelming majority of Russian citizens, which means that they must be fair.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
Tourism development 4

“We are about to start a pilot project to develop the necessary infrastructure at 12 specially protected natural areas. We will provide 1.5 billion roubles for this purpose, which we have already set aside in the budget. Our goal is to make unique natural landmarks available to tourists, in the way this is done all over the world, so that young people, families with children could come visit and enjoy the spectacular natural beauty of our nation.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
Environmental Protection 44

“Certainly, not a single industrial project, neither production on the shelf nor construction of new plants, will be implemented without compliance with the most stringent ecological requirements. A protective, civilised relationship with nature is a prerequisite for the implementation of all our development programmes. Another 11 federal nature reserves and 20 national parks will be established in Russia within the next ten years.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“The goal is at least to double the amount of road construction in Russia. That calls not only for money and advanced technologies, but for new approaches to infrastructure development and attracting investments, and above all various models of public-private partnership.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“This year alone we have allocated 34 billion roubles for municipal road repairs and local grounds development in all big cities that are regional administrative centres. That amount includes the 3.7 billion roubles provided by the federal budget for municipal road repairs and local grounds development in big cities in the Northwestern Federal District. <…> The federal government is committed to overhauling all the federal highways in the next five years: the Russia, Baltia, Kola, Narva, Scandinavia and Kholmogory motorways. We will rebuild and broaden the border crossings to spare people humiliating traffic jams, but we very much hope that our neighbours in adjacent territories will implement their development programmes, too.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
Support for the regions 129

“Today, the Northwestern Federal District plays as important a role in the country’s life, promoting Russia’s integration with the global economy. Suffice it to say that in 2010, the northwestern regions, with their logistics potential, accounted for one-third of Russia’s trade. I believe that these regions can be national leaders in transport and modern logistics development, setting high standards in this industry.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
United Russia party 28

“I’d like to emphasise that anyone who wants to innovate, to attain a goal and achieve success must be given an opportunity to realise their potential as well as our support. United Russia is open to anyone who is ready to advance civil or business initiatives.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
5 september
United Russia party 28

“The past conferences were platforms where fresh ideas were proposed and improved upon and also – let me stress this – where energetic and dedicated people could prove their worth. Although different, these people had something very important in common – confidence in Russia’s future. They set themselves ambitious goals, pursue their plans without finding excuses, and gradually improve life around them, in their city, town, village, region, or in Russia as a whole.”

Vladimir Putin
At a United Russia party interregional conference, Strategy of Social and Economic Development for Russia’s Northwestern Regions to 2020. The Programme for 2011-2012, Cherepovets, September 5
2 september
International Cooperation 318

“Deutsche Bank is our longstanding partner and has been working in Russia since 1881. Over that time, we have made significant progress in various areas of cooperation. <…> This year, for the first time, Russia’s Finance Ministry placed its rouble-denominated domestic bonds on international markets. Deutsche Bank was among the institutions that helped Russia with this. I would like to thank you for your cooperation. The project has gone very smoothly.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann, September 2
31 august
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“We need to work and our work should be based on the amount of funds that we can allocate for road construction. However, we need to do it in a smart manner and in time – then people will notice changes for the better, only in this case.”

Vladimir Putin
At a videoconference on road building, Sochi, August 31
30 august
Border Security 11

“We should focus in particular on building modern border infrastructure in the Arctic. This will significantly fortify our military and border security and improve the protection of natural resources. As we agreed with the deputy prime minister in charge of this matter and the Ministry of Finance yesterday, we plan to allocate 134 billion roubles for improving the infrastructure of the Russian state border within the next nine years. This is a significant amount, and it should be used with the utmost efficiency.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on developing Russia’s border infrastructure, Sochi, August 30
30 august
Border Security 11

“However, we still have a lot to do. First and foremost, we need to significantly increase the capabilities of the border infrastructure. If we do so, it will help us a lot in our fight against terrorism, cross-border crime, smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal immigration and theft of biological resources. At the same time, the border should be open and accessible for all law-abiding people, and barriers must not be put up against legitimate business transactions, cross-border cooperation or the realisation of Russia’s vast transit potential.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on developing Russia’s border infrastructure, Sochi, August 30
30 august
Border Security 11

“As is known, a border checkpoint is the first impression a traveller gets of a new country, and these impressions should be positive; people should be able to pass border control as quickly and comfortably as possible. This issue is particularly important in the run-up to major political and sporting events held in Russia in the near future. I’m talking about the APEC forum in the Far East, the World Student Games in Kazan, the Olympic Games in Sochi, the Ice Hockey World Championship in 2016 and the FIFA World Cup in 2018.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on developing Russia’s border infrastructure, Sochi, August 30
30 august
Border Security 11

“In the past three years, 28 checkpoints have been commissioned, making it possible to accelerate and improve the quality of control procedures at the airports Sheremetyevo, Koltsovo, Sochi, Grozny, seaports in St Petersburg, Ust-Luga, Kozmino, here at the Kavkaz port, as well as on westbound highways. Another 19 checkpoints will become operational before the end of 2011. I expect the deadlines to be observed.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on developing Russia’s border infrastructure, Sochi, August 30
30 august
Fuel and energy sector 51

“I am very pleased that the company Rosneft has joined today to sign a strategic partnership agreement with one of the world’s leaders on this market, ExxonMobil. This project promises to be highly interesting and ambitious. Today's event is sure to receive a positive reaction from the world energy markets; Exxon’s exploration of Russia’s strategic continental and deep water shelf will open new horizons.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with chief executives of ExxonMobi, Sochi, August 30
29 august
Heritage 19

“It’s great that you don’t forget the heroics and heroes of our past, because people of various ethnicities and religions take pride in our national heroes. Historical memory is a wonderful cement that binds together people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds into the united and indivisible Russian nation; it shapes and consolidates our united and indivisible Russia.”

Vladimir Putin
At a visiting an international motorcycle show, Novorossiisk, August 29
25 august
Healthcare 80

“Our task is to increase the availability of high-tech medical services and to reduce the current shortages, so that people will be able to receive the treatment they need. We are well aware of the substantial need for high-tech surgery, as well as our actual capacities”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on healthcare modernization, August 25
25 august
Healthcare 80

“I met with representatives of organisations for people with disabilities. We spoke about how the disabled cannot always get proper medical examinations due to the lack of a barrier-free physical environment and proper equipment. <…> With new facilities under construction and old ones restored and repaired, you must not forget to make them accessible to people with disabilities. <…> When purchasing equipment, you should pay attention to this, to ensure that people with disabilities have equal opportunity to use services at medical institutions and the equipment purchased for these institutions”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on healthcare modernization, August 25
25 august
Healthcare 80

“Thanks to the Health national project we have managed to solve the most acute problems in healthcare. I repeat, only the most pressing problems. Now, under regional programmes, we must effect qualitative change in improving healthcare in the Russian regions. This is above all about upgrading the quality of medical help on offer, ensuring it is accessible and of course, it is about decent pay for medical professionals, medical workers”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on healthcare modernization, August 25
24 august
Education 98

“Rehabilitating education will allow us to increase support for universities that have maintained high education standards, and increase investments for their programmes and development projects. Funds that are being used inefficiently today should be used instead to finance state-funded scholarships which are in demand, and to prepare quality specialists that the Russian state and society need most. In this regard, I would like to say that we are launching a pilot project – increasing financing for the programmes to prepare engineers in ten universities of Russia. We will evaluate the results and take a decision on extending this practice”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
24 august
Education 98

“The universities should be made more open. This concerns both the character and the results of the admission process, maintaining high education standards, and assessing the quality of education. Ratings of universities should become an important tool. <…> The rating process cannot be turned into a corporate, backstage procedure. The consumers of education services must get unbiased ratings, and you can get them only by engaging the leading researchers, experts, public figures, and of course, the business community – the consumers of your product”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
24 august
Education 98

“We have envisaged a separate area on qualification standards within the Strategic Initiatives Agency. I very much rely, esteemed colleagues, on your direct engagement. I would very much like you to participate in developing these standards, to turn them into real guiding points that would help fill respective vacancies in the market. We have already had positive experience with this. Currently, a consortium of universities is working with the United Aircraft Building Corporation, which allows for a strict specialty division while preparing engineering personnel”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
24 august
Education 98

“We are planning to adopt a law soon that will expand the powers of the board of trustees of higher educational institutions. These changes involve including representatives from business and the regional executive power on the board of trustees. They will have to take an active role in developing educational programmes in line with the needs of certain territories and specific industries. The respective draft law is being considered by the State Duma and has already passed the first reading”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
24 august
Education 98

“It is very important that while living through such difficult times, we have managed to keep our best traditions alive, and the continuity and quality of higher education intact. For the most part, of course, this was possible thanks to the brilliant work of professors, teachers and university and school teams – their faithfulness and devotion, and awareness of their responsibility for the future of Russia. On this basis, we can set new challenges, improve Russian higher education in line with the demands of time, societal requirements and national development goals”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
24 august
Education 98

“But I am convinced that the Russian education system has preserved its main competitive advantages. <…> Graduates from Russian higher education institutions set the tone in the world's leading centres and high-tech companies, and this applies not only to previous years, there are many fresh examples as well”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
24 august
Education 98

“I am convinced that we all share an awareness of the fact that quality modern education is the guarantee of the sustained development of our country, the foundation for realising one’s potential and for expanding social and economic opportunities for all the country’s citizens, and a strategic resource of Russia that we must strengthen and make full use of. It is thanks to our strong higher education system that our country has scored many successes and come out ahead in the global competition at critical junctures in history…”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with active members of the Russian Rectors’ Union, August 24
23 august
Budget 89

“The economic background was positive during these months. Russia’s GDP was up 3.9% as compared to the same period last year. The inflation rate was 5% during the first six months. <…> Russia’s trade surplus increased. Russian exports exceeded imports by $101.7 billion over the first six months of 2011. <…> Real wages are also up 2.4% in Russia. The unemployment rate is down to 7% from 8.1% in the first six months of 2010. The federal budget performance results have exceeded our expectations”.

Vladimir Putin
At the meeting of the Russian Government, August 23
23 august
Russian Popular Front 22

“It is very important not to lose people who hold a lot of promise and to use them during regional elections and in forming representative and executive bodies both at the regional and federal levels. We should create a talent pool and draw on it. Certainly, this is very important”.

Vladimir Putin
At the meeting of the National Popular Front’s Federal Coordination Council, August 23
23 august
Russian Popular Front 22

“I am pleased to note that the ideas underlying the establishment of the Popular Front are being implemented. We managed to create a situation where large numbers of public organisations who joined the Popular Front got a real opportunity to send their representatives to supreme governing bodies using channels offered by United Russia. The fact that hundreds of thousands of people participated in this work confirms it better than anything else”.

Vladimir Putin
At the meeting of the National Popular Front’s Federal Coordination Council, August 23
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