Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
22 march
Economy 103

“On the backdrop of rather complicated global economic and financial processes, Russia confidently started 2012. The first two months of the year saw positive dynamics in practically all of the key areas and indicators.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, March 22
21 march
Natural disaster and emergency warning systems 12

“We need to take stock of the existing buildings and improve them, because unfortunately, many of them do not meet modern seismic stability standards. Some of them are, in fact, so dilapidated that they pose a danger to people’s lives and health. This is a big problem, and it requires joint efforts of the federal government, regions, and local governments.”

Vladimir Putin
At a videoconference on progress on the federal targeted programme to improve the reliability of residential buildings and other important facilities in seismically active regions in 2009-2014, March 21
21 march
Natural disaster and emergency warning systems 12

“We agreed then that an interregional monitoring and emergency response centre needs to be set up in the Altai-Sayan Highland. It will rely on the operation of the modern seismic stations in the republics of Tyva, Khakassia and Altai. We need to complete, as soon as possible, the urgent warning system in all the high-risk areas in Russia.”

Vladimir Putin
At a videoconference on progress on the federal targeted programme to improve the reliability of residential buildings and other important facilities in seismically active regions in 2009-2014, March 21
21 march
Natural disaster and emergency warning systems 12

“I would like to remind you that 25% of Russia’s territory is a high risk zone due to its seismic activity – Siberia as well as several regions in the Far East and in the south of Russia – in all, 27 regions including 550 cities and towns which are home to about 2 million people. This is an important issue for Russia, and a serious problem that should always be at the centre of our attention.”

Vladimir Putin
At a videoconference on progress on the federal targeted programme to improve the reliability of residential buildings and other important facilities in seismically active regions in 2009-2014, March 21
16 march
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“I am asking the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development to work along with the other ministries, agencies and public organisations to determine what else should be done to enhance the effectiveness of our employment programmes for people with disabilities, including employment at federal and municipal agencies. I know from my own experience that when people with disabilities are offered decent jobs they sometimes work even more efficiently than people without any medical problems. They set a high value on their jobs.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
16 march
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“First, we must provide incentives for those who would like to continue working after reaching the retirement age. <…> Our second basic goal is to further develop all the elements of the pension system, including pay-as-you-go, funded and voluntary contribution components, in order to guarantee the interests of current pensioners and those who are only working for a pension.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
16 march
Demographic policy 17

“Our demographic policy is now at the stage where the greatest effect can be achieved through direct targeted measures in specific regions, taking into account regional specifics, traditions, and patterns of family life. In some constituent entities, this will mean providing plots of land to families with many children; in others, additional benefits; in still others, housing; and somewhere else – a combination of all these measures.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
16 march
Demographic policy 17

“Our federal and regional programmes of support for families with children have proved to be highly effective; they must definitely be continued, though we also need to take additional steps in order to promote them still further. A particular focus has to be placed on the regions, where the demographic situation is still unstable.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
16 march
Demographic policy 17

“We have achieved some significant results, but our main success story has been the positive demographic trends. <…> The natural decline in the population has fallen by 86.3% since 2000. Life expectancy in Russia has gone up by almost five years within a fairly short period of time – and this is a good indicator – it currently stands at just over 70 years (70.3). The birth rate has risen by almost 45%, while infant mortality rates have declined.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
16 march
Labour Market Review 59

“The priority goals for the coming years are to reduce poverty and expand the middle class. Of key significance are a new quality of employment and a fair evaluation of one’s contribution as social mobility mechanisms. We must plan a trajectory of personal success in which everyone will have an opportunity not only to work in one’s profession but also to make a good career by improving one’s qualifications.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
16 march
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“We need to modernise all public and social services including hospitals, outpatient centres, preschools, schools and social welfare centres. They should comply with modern standards of comfort, design, energy efficiency, safety and accessibility, including for people with special needs.We need to look closely at both national and international experience and use the best practices as the basis for standard projects to be introduced across Russia.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Healthcare and Social Development Ministry Board, March 16
15 march
Labour Market Review 59

“Modern jobs, fair salaries and decent labour mean a new quality of life and the well-being of Russian families and our global competitiveness.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Russian Trilateral Commission on the Regulation of Social and Labour Relations, March 15
15 march
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“We must create harmonious conditions for the development of our human resources as the main guarantee of national success and progress. And one more point – our economic and social policy should be fair and should be in line with advance the interests of our entire society.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Russian Trilateral Commission on the Regulation of Social and Labour Relations, March 15
15 march
Education 98

“There’s one more issue concerning the approval of the document that will underlie the activities of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property. Allow me to emphasise that in addition to contractors hired under government R&D contracts, the service will supervise and oversee government customers in order to avoid a situation where funds intended for research and design activities are being disbursed just for the sake of being disbursed without much to show for it in terms of actual intellectual products.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, March 15
7 march
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“Foreign organisations dealing with adoptions must inform the Russian authorities on the fates of adopted children and their adaptation to their new life. But, alas, such agencies are reluctant to cooperate more often than not. The most effective way to resolve this problem is to conclude legally binding interstate agreements. <…> In addition, would-be adoptive parents have to undergo social and psychological training and receive a relevant certificate. The living conditions in a new family will be strictly monitored. Adoptive parents will have to regularly report on the well-being and education of the adopted child.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 7
7 march
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“The aforementioned international convention will allow us to clearly define parental rights and duties in marriages with foreigners, resolve the issues of guardianship and protect the rights of children to a decent and peaceful life and education.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 7
7 march
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“We must do everything to protect the interests of children and guarantee the settlement of all these disputes and conflicts by legal means alone.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 7
7 march
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“Today, we must take a decision on Russia's accession to the International Convention on Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children. We must improve the protection of rights and interests of children born in marriages with foreigners.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 7
7 march
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“We must start making specific plans of action now, without any delay, and not only for us but also for the future government.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, March 7
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