Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
11 april
Labour Market Review 59

“The natural solution to the problem of low productivity is creating brand new jobs. <…> Our strategic goal is to launch the mechanism of constant renewal of jobs and the economy on the whole. Jobs are created through direct investment, primarily private investment. We need to bring the investment level up to at least 25 per cent of the GDP by 2015, and later by up to 30 per cent.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Labour Market Review 59

“Millions of people are now employed in outdated, ineffective workplaces with low wages and zero prospects. We must provide them with other jobs, interesting and well-paid, which can give them high living standards, good pay and the opportunity to support a large family. The average real wages in Russia need to grow by at least 37-41% by 2020.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Ahead lies a new stage in Russia’s development – the stage that will see the creation of state, economic and social order and a social structure that can ensure prosperity to our citizens for decades ahead.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Russia has the world’s largest territory. We must preserve and protect our territory from external threats and provide modern living and working conditions in all the country’s regions. We must pay a great deal of attention to the development of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. This is an essential geopolitical task. We need to ensure higher growth of the gross regional product in Siberia and the Far East as compared to the growth of the national GDP. This trend needs to continue for at least 10 to 15 years.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Ways to Overcome the World Economic Crisis 29

“According to our overview of the past four years, we can state with confidence that Russia has not only recovered from the crisis but has also made a significant step forward. We have become stronger.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Demographic policy 17

“Every Russian citizen counts today. <…> We need to take new decisive steps to maintain and raise our population numbers. However, unless we revive the traditional attitude to basic moral values, no socio-economic policy will produce stable results. The efforts of the state, society, religious, educational and cultural organisations should be aimed at promoting a close-knit prosperous family with many children.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Ways to Overcome the World Economic Crisis 29

“It goes without saying that the crisis was a trial for us, and a difficult one. We lost time and pace in implementing some reforms, but we have kept up the forward momentum. Yes, the decline was tangible. We know and remember this, but we recovered much faster than many other countries. Today we have the highest economic growth rates in the G8 and one of the highest among the world’s major economies.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Affordable Housing Policy 60

“Affordable, comfortable housing also means high quality utility services at clear and fair prices. The housing sphere should be turned into a modern efficient branch that is open for competition and attractive for private investment. The cost of utilities should be reasonable and predictable for residents and investors.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
11 april
Affordable Housing Policy 60

“About 1.5 million people have received housing with the direct support of the state, including more than 200,000 veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in the past four years. In addition, maternity capital has helped more than one million families to improve their housing conditions.”

Vladimir Putin
During the report to the State Duma on government performance in 2011, April 11
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