Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
24 september
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Russia has repeatedly achieved breakthroughs worthy of its greatness, strengths and talents, its cultural wealth and shared values that hold together the united and indivisible Russia. I am confident that we have sufficient energy and determination to achieve even greater objectives and goals.”

Vladimir Putin
At the XII conference of the United Russia party, September 24
24 september
Labour Market Review 59

“We will dramatically upgrade or create at least 25 million modern jobs in industry and the public sector. In effect, we will modernise every third job – this is our priority national goal for the next 20 years.”

Vladimir Putin
At the XII conference of the United Russia party, September 24
23 september
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“The first thing that needs to be done is to give children with disabilities an opportunity to study alongside their peers, in order to let people to be familiar with living in this environment from a very young age, so that they learn to understand each other's problems, to sympathise, help and support them.”

Vladimir Putin
At the United Russia conference session “Social Policy: New Standards”, September 23
23 september
Labour Market Review 59

“We should change the quality of jobs rather than merely reduce the unemployment rate to zero. We need different jobs, more skilled and high-paid jobs with better working conditions. We managed to partly do this even during the crisis, though this is not noticeable yet.”

Vladimir Putin
At the United Russia conference session “Social Policy: New Standards”, September 23
22 september
Environmental Protection 44

“If we all act together – actively, carefully, abiding by international standards, listening to expert opinions and finding compromises – I am certain that we will be able to organise our work in the Arctic in such a way that it will contribute to all nations living there and, in fact, to all of humankind. At the same time, we will act so as to preserve the region for future generations, to the extent that humans can preserve anything in its original form; what I mean is that our planet is a living organism, and everything on it is changing.”

Vladimir Putin
At the second International Arctic Forum “The Arctic – Territory of Dialogue”, Arkhangelsk, September 22
22 september
Environmental Protection 44

“Our goal is to use all our resources to study the current state of the Arctic in detail and to develop effective instruments for reducing already inflicted damage and preventing new risks. I'd like to hope that the current forum will become a venue for discussing and finding solutions to all the problems I have mentioned. Therefore, I propose that we devote the next forum to environmental protection.”

Vladimir Putin
At the second International Arctic Forum “The Arctic – Territory of Dialogue”, Arkhangelsk, September 22
22 september
Environmental Protection 44

“For our part, we have already launched a general clean-up operation in the Far North and the Russian Arctic as promised. One of the first projects is clearing Franz Josef Land of barrels with waste oil. <…>Implementation of these proposals will not only improve the Arctic environment but also allow us to develop unique technology for reclaiming polluted territories. Let me repeat that environmental protection should become a key theme of our activities in the Far North because for all its severity, the Arctic has the most fragile ecosystem on our planet. The price of a negligent, careless attitude towards the Arctic is very high and the consequences disastrous.”

Vladimir Putin
At the second International Arctic Forum “The Arctic – Territory of Dialogue”, Arkhangelsk, September 22
22 september
Environmental Protection 44

“All our plans will be carried out in compliance with the toughest environmental standards. A careful, civilised attitude to nature is a requirement of all development programmes. Active economic development of the Arctic will be beneficial only if we maintain a rational balance between economic interests and environmental protection for the long term, not just for 10, 15 or 20 years.”

Vladimir Putin
At the second International Arctic Forum “The Arctic – Territory of Dialogue”, Arkhangelsk, September 22
22 september
Innovative Economy 75

“We will continue working to develop systems of communication, navigation and hydrography in the Arctic, primarily with the use of our GLONASS global positioning system. Our experts are already developing a multi-purpose Arctic satellite system that will monitor the environment of the Far North. In addition, specialists are working on a project to create the "North Pole" ice-resistant observatory platform.”

Vladimir Putin
At the second International Arctic Forum “The Arctic – Territory of Dialogue”, Arkhangelsk, September 22
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