Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
2 november
Armed Forces 77

“We will index all incomes of servicemen and military pensioners according to inflation, and inflation will not eat up these incomes. We have taken such decision, I think it is even reflected in the law. If it is reflected in the law, any government will have to fulfill it, so the first threat, inflation, is countered with this.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with representatives of WWII veterans’ organisations, as well as retired military and law-enforcement servicemen, Kaliningrad, November 2
2 november
Armed Forces 77

“The nature of the military and law enforcement service is such that people that have the right to retire are often still fairly young and active – they are in their prime, so to speak. Our task is to help them to get on their feet as civilians, to find a job, and not just any job, but an interesting job with good pay that is in line with their training.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with representatives of WWII veterans’ organisations, as well as retired military and law-enforcement servicemen, Kaliningrad, November 2
2 november
Armed Forces 77

“As I said, the amount of military pensions should be determined by the recipient’s service record and by his or her contribution to the enhancement of Russia’s capabilities, defence or otherwise. Both military allowances and pensions will be raised starting on January 1, 2012, as part of a welfare reform in the armed forces. I’d like to emphasise that the reform will apply to all military pensioners, regardless of their institutional affiliation. <…> The planned raise will be a considerable one – no less than 50%. Necessary funds have been earmarked in the federal budgets for 2012 and subsequent years. Modern-day Russia has never seen such a large-scale military pension raise before.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with representatives of WWII veterans’ organisations, as well as retired military and law-enforcement servicemen, Kaliningrad, November 2
1 november
Education 98

“I would like to bring up another important subject that has to do with improving schools and pre-school education. Please note that this also falls under the responsibility of municipal authorities. We have allocated 120 billion roubles for the modernisation of Russian schools over the next two years. What we need to do now is make all the necessary arrangements in conjunction with the regions and purchase equipment, outfit labs, gyms, medical offices and cafeterias. There is certainly the need to follow through on the implementation of the main purpose for the allocation of federal funds, which is to raise the salaries of school teachers. It’s not enough to report about the situation in general in a region or a municipality. Please make sure that each and every teacher sees an increase in his or her salary, without any glitches.”

Vladimir Putin
At an expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Local Government, November 1
1 november
Infrastructure 91

“We have limited the increase in tariffs for 2012 in most so-called natural, or more precisely, infrastructural monopolies, including heat and power supply, to the rate of inflation. This time, tariffs will be adjusted not in January as previously, but on July 1. This means that there will no longer be any economic grounds for raising the amounts that appear on utilities bills. Therefore, please deal directly with managing and utilities companies, track the situation closely in the housing and utilities sector and stop any and all attempts by these companies to get into customers’ pockets.”

Vladimir Putin
At an expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Local Government, November 1
1 november
Support for the regions 129

“It's clear that our system of approaches must also be changed. Requirements of the municipal authorities need to be formulated more clearly, and performance evaluation criteria should be introduced. This should be done by the people themselves in the first place. We are introducing these criteria to evaluate the performance of regional authorities and government institutions. These kinds of criteria for municipal authorities should also be in place. It is for this reason that the government has drafted major amendments to the existing legislation. In fact, for the first time ever, we are introducing a clear legal definition of such a concept as urban amenities and accountability of municipal authorities for the quality of work.”

Vladimir Putin
At an expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Local Government, November 1
28 october
Cooperation with the CIS Countries 93

“The Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan was launched this year. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, everyone has been talking about integration. The CIS was functional and it carried out its role more or less, but true integration – I mean practical economic integration – has only just started now. <…> Integration processes are not imposed from the outside – they lie at the heart of the interests of our partners. We are led towards cooperation based on internal necessities. I must say that the leaders of both Kazakhstan and Belarus have done a great deal in helping us reach our current level of integration. Other countries have already voiced their readiness and desire to join in.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, October, 28
28 october
Targeted Support for the Economy 197

“We must create additional growth points in the regions, as well as new industries and production lines. We must enter the world markets with science-intensive goods and services, as well as other products with high added value. The previously mentioned public-private partnership will play a major role in our efforts to achieve our development goals.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, October, 28
28 october
Economy 103

“Within the next few years we will have to fundamentally change our economy. These are not our ambitions, nor a slogan, but the requirements of the day. This is a challenge that faces the entire world in general and Russia in particular. Only an efficient, competitive economy with a powerful industrial and technological base will allow us to feel confident in the constantly developing world, to reduce our dependence on complicated and turbulent processes in the world economy and guarantee our protection against global risks.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, October, 28
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