Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
15 november
Support for the regions 129

“As of today, members of the intelligentsia constitute about one half of the deputies in local legislatures. <…>We see you as like minds and allies with whom we can solve shared problems, building strong and prosperous rural communities, with access to quality healthcare services and education, so that people could have confidence in their future and a sense of belonging. We should work together to make the Russian countryside full of opportunities for people seeking self-realisation.”

Vladimir Putin
At the plenary session of the National Forum of Rural Intelligentsia, Belgorod Region, November 15
15 november
Support for the regions 129

“One of our priorities is the creation in rural areas of efficient companies and of interesting and prestigious jobs. The idea is to provide local inhabitants with a source of decent and steady income while at the same time forming a solid economic and financial basis for sustainable development. Economic success underlies welfare, in the town as in the country.”

Vladimir Putin
At the plenary session of the National Forum of Rural Intelligentsia, Belgorod Region, November 15
14 november
Armed Forces 77

“First, we should make the most profitable use of the existing stockpiles because old weapons and ammunition contain rare metals and other valuable raw materials that must be competently used. <…>Secondly, and this is particularly important, it is necessary to ensure safe storage and utilisation of old weapons in order to avoid environmental risks, any emergencies, let alone human casualties.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 14
14 november
Armed Forces 77

“First of all, we need to ensure that there are no disruptions in the implementation of long-term running contracts, because any delay in supplies is unacceptable. Secondly, defence-industry companies need to have a clear idea of the requirements that their products must meet, and of how the funding of contracts is going to be arranged. Thirdly, we should ensure efficient spending, trying to avoid extravagant expenditures and overblown estimates. All expenditures should be meticulously justified.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on state defence-industry contracts, November 14
14 november
Armed Forces 77

“Some 750 billion roubles has been allocated this year for the purchase and upgrading of arms and military hardware, as well as for defence-related R&D. This is one and a half times as much as last year. In 2012, we are planning to increase this amount to 880 billion roubles. Never before has the rearmament of Russia’s Army and Navy been financed so liberally.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on state defence-industry contracts, November 14
12 november
Improving the mechanism for state governance 17

“Openness, democracy and transparency are not only mechanisms for more efficient government but also strengthen the tradition of civic responsibility and create new opportunities for developing social initiatives. They are the most important tools for feedback and tapping into energetic, caring people who want to contribute to the nation's development. This is the logic underpinning our work, friends and colleagues.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Sberbank International Financial Conference, marking the bank's 170th anniversary, November 12
12 november
Improving the mechanism for state governance 17

“The government formulates the vast majority of bills and initiatives. In order to improve the quality of the legislative process and make it more open, we strive to bring citizens, community organisations and the business community into the discussion, development, and review of key government initiatives. This is our principled stance. We are convinced that government resolutions that in one way or another concern the rights of people are in need of transparent public examination. Only then will they be met with understanding and support and will work effectively.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Sberbank International Financial Conference, marking the bank's 170th anniversary, November 12
12 november
Improving the mechanism for state governance 17

“I would like to point out that new management approaches are also essential for the government in the development of key resolutions in the formation of long-term programmes and legislative initiatives. I must say that in practice, we in the government of the Russian Federation are beginning to implement such models more and more. I am talking about working with the personnel reserve and the creation of open peer groups.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Sberbank International Financial Conference, marking the bank's 170th anniversary, November 12
11 november
Evolution of Russia’s Political System 34

“Of course we think how expand the contacts between the people and the municipal, regional and federal authorities, how to increase their influence on the authorities and how to ensure feedback. Our system is certainly far from perfect. We know it, and we know criticisms of, say, the leadership system President Medvedev and I offered to this country in what is known as our tandem. However, please note that I don’t know a single government system that is perfect.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with members of the Valdai International Discussion Club, November 11
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