Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
25 november
Cooperation with the CIS Countries 93

“The first, a perennial issue in our relations with our neighbours, has to do with energy supplies. <…> Belarus will receive a so-called integration discount for a few years and by 2014 will gradually start paying as much as our European customers minus export duties and the transportation cost. Today, Belarus is paying 244 dollars per 1,000 cubic metres of gas. We have reached an agreement with the Belarusian government, whereby we will restructure these payments next year, given the difficulties facing the Belarusian economy. Next year, with an average projected price of about 400 dollars for European consumers, Belarus will be paying us 164 dollars per 1,000 cubic metres.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, November 25
23 november
Evolution of Russia’s Political System 34

“On December 4, a new lower house will be elected. The parliament will be renewed to represent the interests of the entire Russian society. There are different parliamentary parties in this house. This room will always bring together people who share various political views. This, in fact, is the cornerstone of a parliamentary democracy. This is the way it should be.”

Vladimir Putin
At the closing plenary meeting of the State Duma, November 23
22 november
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“We need to expand the carriers’ capabilities regarding acquisition of new equipment and introduce more effective leasing arrangements. It’s no less important to renovate the transportation infrastructure – we have just mentioned it – and outfit it with reliable inspection and control equipment. The transport industry should adhere to the latest safety standards. These standards should serve as a foundation for regular professional training, retraining and evaluation of the industry’s employees.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, November 22
21 november
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“More and more products featuring violence, murder and foul play make their way to our cinema, television and radio broadcasts. More than that, children and young adults have unfettered access to them. If the state starts to unilaterally dictate its terms and ban certain shows or broadcasts this will certainly be perceived as an infringement upon creative rights and freedoms, and the return of censorship. Of course, we are not going to do this. I am convinced that the cultural sphere, including the film industry, should be governed by laws of corporate ethics, and you are the ones to decide what kind of rules they are going to be.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Council on the Development of the Russian Film Industry, November 21
21 november
Tax Policy 36

“You play an important role in the work to establish a competitive business climate in the country. As such, you should develop a constructive dialogue with taxpayers and should handle the issues that arise in a considerate and thorough manner; you should help businesses and citizens have a good understanding off the intricacies and novelties concerning taxes, and not persecute them for minor errors. <…>This work should be based on respect for the rights of the conscientious taxpayer and the protection of their interests.”

Vladimir Putin
At an international tax conference, November 21
21 november
Tax Policy 36

“We have a package of tax preferences in the economy, including simplified taxation of small business. Today, the tax burden on it is about 10% on average. The decisions that will relieve all healthcare and educational institutions of tax on profit entered in force the other day. This opens up broad opportunities for the flow of investment into these spheres and for launching projects based on public-private partnership.”

Vladimir Putin
At an international tax conference, November 21
21 november
Tax Policy 36

“We have settled such a sensitive issue as tax control on transfer pricing. The relevant amendments to the Tax Code will become valid on January 1, 2012. They will help reduce to a minimum the opportunities for unjustified reductions of the tax base and tax evasion. Moreover, tax revenues to the budget will be distributed more evenly – taxes will remain where companies pursue their main economic activities.”

Vladimir Putin
At an international tax conference, November 21
21 november
Tax Policy 36

“I consider the practice of tax rebates to be a big achievement as well and we must continue it. I’m referring to the right of all citizens to recover part of their income taxes if they had to pay for housing, medical treatment or education. These sums are not small – every year about 2.5-3 million people request tax rebates and the total payments reach about 50 billion roubles.”

Vladimir Putin
At an international tax conference, November 21
21 november
Tax Policy 36

“First, tax inspections need to be as convenient and comfortable as possible for people and economic players. Second, we should strengthen the stimulating role of the tax system, primarily for the purpose of structural modernisation of the economy and the social sphere, and for supporting innovation. The fiscal burden should be distributed more fairly across various sectors of the economy. And third, we must ensure stable tax deductions at all levels of the budget system, from the federal down to the municipal level. <…>Finally, the fourth aim is to guarantee the predictability and stability of the tax system as a major condition for implementing long-term plans of national strategic development”.

Vladimir Putin
At an international tax conference, November 21
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