Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
5 december
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“As of January 1, 2012 we must raise the pensions for servicemen and members of all security services. <…> The people who have a special responsibility to their country and to society, and who carry out their duty, will be able to count on decent social guarantees. For our part, we expect improved performance from all the structures responsible for the security of the state and its citizens."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Presidium, December 5
1 december
Russia's Development Strategy 112

"The spirit of innovation and modernisation should permeate our entire society. It should become a new phase in the development of our nation and our government."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with voters, December 1
1 december
Healthcare 80

“Still, we must admit that there are many problems in healthcare, and healthcare service standards – especially in urban outpatient clinics, including in Moscow – are far below modern healthcare demands. We must do a great deal to raise healthcare standards. This is why we are implementing a second large-scale healthcare programme including two years of modernisation assessed at 460 billion roubles.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with voters, December 1
30 november
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“The next issue concerns retired actors. <…> I’d like to tell you that the government has decided to pay one-time bonuses to the veteran actors who need state assistance. Many of them continue to work despite their advanced age, impressing us with their energy and talent, but many others can no longer work for health reasons and so need our assistance. We will do this; we will pay them one-time bonuses. Furthermore, we have decided to make additional payments to People’s Artists every year.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with artistic directors of theatre companies, November 30
29 november
Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population 105

“Service personnel and members of security and law enforcement agencies must enjoy the full range of social benefits that match their important responsibility: these include decent salaries, the provision of housing, quality medical care and opportunities for further study.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 29
29 november
Support for the regions 129

“We should accelerate the process of reviewing the system of inter-budget relations and establish additional incentives for the regions. It is important for maintaining the so-called points of growth and ensuring the balanced development of the regions around the country, creating additional opportunities for using individual professional potential and increasing the standard of living for people.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 29
29 november
Support for the regions 129

“We created the stimulation fund for the successful regions, which was only the first step towards supporting our colleagues in the regions. <…>There is a simple logic to it: regions that are being developed actively, building up their economic strength, should receive more money and should be allowed to keep more money.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, November 29
28 november
Investment Climate 37

“This year we have done much to improve our investment legislation. During the commission’s meetings, we approved several packages of amendments that are designed to streamline monitoring procedures and the process of reviewing applications from foreign investors. Proposals were made to simplify and expand access of foreign companies to the food and medical industries, the banking sector and subsurface resources. Now all these proposals are becoming law and next year business will be able to work in new, more comfortable conditions.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investmen, November 28
28 november
Investment Climate 37

“In their preliminary estimate, in the past 10 months of this year direct foreign investment in Russia reached $36 billion. <…> Our task now is to create favourable conditions for the flow of direct foreign investment into key branches of the Russian economy, including strategic ones.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investmen, November 28
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