Point of View

2 may
Russia's Development Strategy 112

“Support from Russian citizens has always helped us, and I’m confident that the government’s future line-up will rely on the people. We must never forget about the needs of ordinary people. We must always remember how government-level decisions influence the lives of all ordinary Russian citizens.”

Vladimir Putin
At a government meeting, May 2
20 december
Support for the regions 129

“I'm convinced all our projects in the North Caucasus must be measured primarily by the new jobs they create, and this means that we must form a modern and effective employment structure and increase the demand for qualified labour and business initiatives. Regional employment programmes have been effective. <…> Therefore, next year we will continue implementing programmes to reduce tensions in the labour market and we will introduce a new direction – certification of the professional skills of job seekers.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the government commission on the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District, Chechen Republic, December 20
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“There should be strict requirements involved in the management of power companies with public shareholdings. It is no secret that the risk of corruption is potentially very high in this sphere, as is the likelihood of a clash of interests. <…> It seems fair that the heads of these entities, their family members and close relatives be required to inform the Ministry of Energy about their income and property status. These heads should be dismissed if some shady connections are uncovered.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“As for the power-generating industry, one can safely say that the country has overcome all crises. <…> We need to create a powerful energy foundation for our overall national development and industrial growth, and to develop new territories and the vast expanses of our country, to facilitate a reliable base of power-generation for the operation of the housing/municipal utilities infrastructure and the social sphere. Moreover, we should not forget that the modernisation of the power industry’s infrastructure creates a substantial demand for science, engineering centres, as well as such affiliated sectors as engineering and the construction industry.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“Our aim is to create an objective and economically justified mechanism for power pricing. The consumer should pay a price that is fair, not one that is simply pulled out of a hat. No one is saying that a system should be devised that will ruin the electrical energy industry or the power sector in general. No, of course not. But there is no justification for having exorbitant prices either. Otherwise we are creating insurmountable obstacles for our national economic development.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
19 december
Fuel and energy sector 51

“The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station has seen its fifth hydropower generation unit come into operation. Importantly, this new unit was built after the accident to more advanced specifications, including higher safety standards and increased reliability. The plan is to replace all the plant’s 10 turbines over the next three years. Some of the new units have already been delivered to the plant, and are waiting to be installed. The overhauled plant will come back on stream by the end of 2014.”

Vladimir Putin
A meeting of the government commission on electricity generation, Republic of Khakassia, December 19
17 december
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“We have built 2.5 billion roubles for the subsidised air transportation programme into the federal budget for next year. The same goes for 2013 and 2014. The same funds for each year have been built into the three-year budget. In addition, the programme will be supplemented with new routes as of 2012. They will include Moscow-Pevek, Moscow-Tiksi, and Moscow-Naryan-Mar. The list is still open. I have requested that the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance, and regional leaders look into the issue of further expanding this list.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on achieving air travel accessibility, Magadan, December 17
17 december
Road and transport infrastructure 26

“Undoubtedly, we will continue to pay special attention to all issues related to transport infrastructure. We have to efficiently integrate these territories into the national and global transport flows, that is, create new opportunities for promoting economic growth, attracting investments, and improving the quality of life in these regions.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on achieving air travel accessibility, Magadan, December 17
15 december
Support for the regions 129

“Please note that Sochi is receiving an unprecedented amount of federal funds, not exclusively through the Olympic construction programme. We haven’t cancelled subsidies that have been allocated to Sochi in previous years, before it was announced that Sochi would host the Olympics. These federal funds that go towards supporting Sochi and its residents continue to do so.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
15 december
Protecting children’s rights and interests 10

“The government is willing to contribute to the process of placing children with families. <…>How is this policy translated into life? Through the decision to support adoptive families and put them on an equal footing with families which bring up their own children, making them eligible for the same benefits.”

Vladimir Putin
During TV programme A Conversation with Vladimir Putin: Continued, December 15
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