“We have innovative businesses that even a small increase in taxes could force to cut back on development. We are willing to keep their premiums at 14%, which is practically what they pay now. We should also re-examine the official list of industries eligible for this privilege. On the whole, we should pay the most attention to high-tech industries, with their unique products.”
“Companies switching to new energy-saving equipment will be entitled to more incentives, and may even be exempted from property taxation for three years.”
“The burden on payrolls will increase next year. This will certainly be the most acute problem in the near future. As you know, we have decided to increase mandatory social insurance payments. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to achieve financial stability in the pension system while raising the older generation's living standards at the same time. However, we have put off a tax increase due to the economic crisis. This year premiums will remain frozen at 26%. We must find resources so we can increase the financial burden gradually over the course of next year.”
"In 2010, companies with annual revenues below 60 million roubles will be able to begin using simplified taxation schemes. This is an important policy for the support of small business. But along with that, we must pursue other policies to stimulate entrepreneurship and create more jobs. This remains an issue of high importance for this year".
"In addition, I particularly emphasise that future optimisation of the tax system will remain on the agenda. So, in 2010 the upper income allowance that allows small businesses to move to a simplified system of tax assessment will be increased from 30 to 60 million roubles. Although, as announced earlier, there will be no subsequent indexation. We see this as an anti-crisis measure."
"Strengthening the tax system's incentivising role is as urgent an issue as ever, above all in order to resolve the Russian economy's key problems. This includes increasing the efficiency of natural resource exploitation, introducing energy efficient technology, encouraging innovative solutions in business and supporting companies' modernisation."
"At the same time, we need to securely guarantee the fulfilment of the tax system's fundamental function: ensuring the solvency of the state. For this we need to refine the administration of the tax system and cleanse it of all the well-known tax evasion schemes, which have become ever more sophisticated of late."
"the anti-crisis package included a significant reduction to the fiscal burden on business. I am referring to lowering the tax on natural resources production, profit, small business and so on. In total, this amounts to approximately 700 billion roubles that will remain in the economy."
"Conditions will be created next year for the introduction of the local property tax, which will replace the present-day land rent and estate tax. We mean not to increase tax rates but redistribute the tax burden on real estate, and provide protection and privileges for low-income people and holders of low-price property. At the same time, we will create prerequisites for higher, market-based tax rates for the owners of huge flats, posh houses and vast land plots."
"We need to streamline taxation, with special attention to the improvement of fiscal administration. Our fiscal system should increase its transparency and get all the easier for corporate and private taxpayers. We must put an end to redundant declarations, certificates and other cumbersome papers."
“Let me remind you of the main decisions made as part of the tax reform. Fundamental changes have been introduced in the tax administration rules in order to protect the rights of honest tax-payers. The tax burden has been eased, in particular, a flat income tax was set at 13%, one of the lowest rates in Europe. The profit tax, VAT and the Single Social Tax have been reduced. Special regimes have been introduced for small businesses, stimuli have been strengthened for investment in scientific research and innovation, education, healthcare, and housing construction. The taxation system in agriculture has been simplified. Taxes continued to be reduced in the second half of 2008 as an anti-crisis measure. Of course, we will revisit the issue of improving the tax system in the future.”
“In spite of the difficulties with the filling of the treasury it is inadmissible for the tax, customs and any other fiscal bodies to revert to the practice of "terrorizing" business. Their main task must remain the same: monitoring compliance with tax legislation.”
“A bill on streamlining the taxation of householders' societies, housing construction cooperatives and other housing management companies. The bill envisages exemption from value added taxation of housing and public utilities provided by managerial companies in multi-family dwellings. The bill will fill in a major gap in the fiscal legislation, which is presently an obstacle to the emergence of latter-day housing managerial agencies.”
“I suggest a number of other steps. I propose reducing the rate of profits tax by four percent starting January 1, 2009. This should be done at the expense of the federal part of this tax. The amount involved is more than 400 billion roubles and all this money will continue working in the economy next year. Also, 15% is the current fixed tax in the simplified taxation scheme for small business. To further reduce the tax burden on small business, and create more impetuses for its development, I suggest giving regions the right to reduce this rate by 10%, that is, to five percent.”
“Businessmen often complained to me that the tax authorities delay the VAT return. I believe that these authorities should adopt a completely different attitude on this matter, and return the VAT much faster. They could suggest an optimal model for major tax payers. We had such practice before. The current debt on VAT return should be reduced to the minimum before this year expires.”
“I have instructed the Ministry of Finance to suggest measures to support regional budgets. Moreover, considering the special situation with the profits of enterprises in the fourth quarter, I propose they be given the right to pay taxes on the real profits they have received since the start of this year. This decision will allow them not to be taxed on profits which so far exist only on paper. In this way, business will not be crediting the state for free, while the regional budgets will not have to reimburse companies for overpaid taxes at the beginning of the next year. Now I would appreciate your attention! I am asking our deputies in the State Duma to adopt the required amendments to the Tax Code allowing this norm to become valid in a week, starting November 28. This is important because taxes are due on this date.”