“We need to stay the course of drastic simplification of tax return preparation. In particular, we need to reduce the volume and complexity of the paperwork and the number of inputs. We also need to radically simplify the maintenance of tax records and bring tax calculations as close to accounting rules as possible.”
“I firmly believe that our tax system should ensure the interests of the state. <…>The interests of the state consist not only of collecting taxes but also ensuring comfortable working conditions for taxpayers. Our fiscal instruments should stimulate economic activity, not suppress it. And we certainly need to (I believe some things are just obvious) move toward reducing the number of required reporting documents.”
“Clearly, our economy needs a decisive shift in terms of taxation. It needs a modern taxation system. We should also think about streamlining taxes that contribute to high-quality economic growth.”
“My personal opinion is that we can meet social obligations only on the basis of economic growth, and that economic growth requires light taxation, efficient taxation as well as the implementation of budget obligations for people in need of support. It is necessary to ensure national security, defence, healthcare, education, pensions etc., because all this requires budget funding. But this also means that we should think about making this taxation less burdensome and more efficient, that’s certain.”
“You play an important role in the work to establish a competitive business climate in the country. As such, you should develop a constructive dialogue with taxpayers and should handle the issues that arise in a considerate and thorough manner; you should help businesses and citizens have a good understanding off the intricacies and novelties concerning taxes, and not persecute them for minor errors. <…>This work should be based on respect for the rights of the conscientious taxpayer and the protection of their interests.”
“We have a package of tax preferences in the economy, including simplified taxation of small business. Today, the tax burden on it is about 10% on average. The decisions that will relieve all healthcare and educational institutions of tax on profit entered in force the other day. This opens up broad opportunities for the flow of investment into these spheres and for launching projects based on public-private partnership.”
“We have settled such a sensitive issue as tax control on transfer pricing. The relevant amendments to the Tax Code will become valid on January 1, 2012. They will help reduce to a minimum the opportunities for unjustified reductions of the tax base and tax evasion. Moreover, tax revenues to the budget will be distributed more evenly – taxes will remain where companies pursue their main economic activities.”
“I consider the practice of tax rebates to be a big achievement as well and we must continue it. I’m referring to the right of all citizens to recover part of their income taxes if they had to pay for housing, medical treatment or education. These sums are not small – every year about 2.5-3 million people request tax rebates and the total payments reach about 50 billion roubles.”
“First, tax inspections need to be as convenient and comfortable as possible for people and economic players. Second, we should strengthen the stimulating role of the tax system, primarily for the purpose of structural modernisation of the economy and the social sphere, and for supporting innovation. The fiscal burden should be distributed more fairly across various sectors of the economy. And third, we must ensure stable tax deductions at all levels of the budget system, from the federal down to the municipal level. <…>Finally, the fourth aim is to guarantee the predictability and stability of the tax system as a major condition for implementing long-term plans of national strategic development”.
“The government’s policy is to consistently increase our treasury’s revenues, not only by increasing the overall tax burden on people and economic players, but also by improving the quality of tax administration, encouraging economic development and ensuring the necessary rate of economic growth, thereby expanding the tax base.”