"The spirit of innovation and modernisation should permeate our entire society. It should become a new phase in the development of our nation and our government."
“Today we all see that a new stage in the development of our country is being launched. We have prepared for it and it is realistic. In implementing our strategy we must heed the people and have a sense of their problems. The most important thing is to preserve and fulfil our social obligations, promote the interests of the majority, combat injustice, protect human rights and dignity. Only then will we have the trust of our people.”
“If Russia is to be strong and successful we must guarantee truly equal opportunities to enable every person to fulfil his or her potential. That means creating conditions for prosperous life not only in the capitals but throughout the country, in every region, village and city.”
“It is obvious that what Russian citizens want above all is justice in the broadest sense of that word. The country must develop for the people and not at the expense of the people. Every decision we make and every step we take must meet the interests of the absolute majority of our country’s citizens. The fundamental principle of any transformations and reforms is to take care of the people, which means preserving and fostering Russia’s future, creating Russia’s future. We must ensure not only the growth of the country’s population, but an improved quality of the human potential. There must be more of us, and we must be strong, efficient and competitive in everything. I am convinced that this formula should be the basis of Russia’s strategy for the coming decades.”
“Creating the conditions for comfortable and unobstructed business activities, our focus on entrepreneurial initiative, and predictable and responsible economic policy – this is our choice and it represents the unified position of the Russian government. We seek to work together with everyone who wants to do creative work and achieve success in our country.”
“We will proceed carefully, strengthening the fundamentals of our political system and refining it. We will not tread water, and we will make sure that the Russian people and our partners – our economic partners above all, but also our political partners – see the continuity of our course and understand that they are dealing with a stable and solid country, which is safe for investment and can be a reliable partner.”
“Our strategic goal is to diversify the economy. However, to change its structure, we must open the way for thousands of new projects and business ideas, and we understand this. First of all, what we need is state-of-the-art manufacturing and modernised, quality jobs, new technology, and a dramatic increase in performance. Moreover, we intend to carry out large projects in bio- and nanotechnology, communications, energy-saving, and space exploration. We are going to establish a network of powerful hi-tech companies.”
“The country is entering the long and critical period of the election campaign, debates and elections to various government bodies and structures of the highest level. This is a crucial moment in the life of the country and society. Much depends – in the economy and the social area – on the effective performance of the Russian Government.”
“No place in the world has so many opportunities for creative endeavours as Russia. No place in the world has such vast opportunities for hard work, knowledge, energy and talent - no place but Russia. No place in the world has such resources and such spiritually strong people as Russia. Russia has everything it needs to achieve truly great aims, to achieve success. And our guiding principle is to keep moving forward. Our strength lies in the trust of our people! Together we will win!”
“Russia has repeatedly achieved breakthroughs worthy of its greatness, strengths and talents, its cultural wealth and shared values that hold together the united and indivisible Russia. I am confident that we have sufficient energy and determination to achieve even greater objectives and goals.”
“I have no doubt that working together, we can change Russia and make it a stronger and more prosperous state, a friendly neighbour, a country that protects human rights and dignity and has reliable private property guarantees. I'm confident that acting in this manner, we are bound to achieve success.”
“High moral standards, which must be continuously introduced and maintained in society, are indispensable for the effectiveness of all our efforts. People will only work hard if they know that the state is constantly thinking of them, taking care of them and will never abandon them.”
“We want to be appraised of every possible perspective. Even if at first glance they seem incompatible and diametrically opposed, I believe that we should be aware of all possible approaches to these issues. Only by holding a broad professional dialogue will we be able to find balanced solutions and eventually guarantee an effective programme of national development.”
“We should strive to be a leader among world economies. Leadership would give us a sense of security. To gain and keep a leading position, we need to look to breakthrough ideas in science and technology. <…> We can gain a leadership role in the major sectors if we make the most of our past achievements as well as innovate proactively. This is how we can progress. So let’s make the necessary adjustments in our roadmap and go from here.”
“It is our common task to turn Siberia, the Far East, and the Baikal area into a leading investment centre. We need not just dynamic development, but rather accelerated development here.”
“We need real economic and social breakthroughs, and most importantly, we need to improve the quality of life in every region of Russia. For that, each region needs to uncover its potential, to use every competitive advantage it might have. We pay special attention in this respect to the Russian Far East and the Baikal area.”
“Today the country faces major challenges. We need a new industrialisation and millions of modern jobs, a technological breakthrough and a growth of economic efficiency, rapid development of the social sphere, improvement of Russian people’s living standards as the ultimate result and the main goal that we must work for. Improving the well-being of Russian families.”
“The way the nation is developing depends primarily on its citizens, their initiative and desire to improve life in their home village, town, district, city and country, on the quality and effectiveness of the local governments, which are directly involved in the people’s lives. Russia begins exactly here, at the local level of government”.
“We must pave the way for thousands of new business ideas, companies and production facilities, so that new enterprises and production platforms grow quickly inside all non-oil and gas sectors. Consequently, we must do our best in order to enable everyone to bring to life his or her business and production dream here in Russia, so that it is profitable and comfortable to channel labour, efforts and investment into the new industrialisation.”
“We must consolidate the economic foundation of our political sovereignty and make our economy technologically independent. This is why we are talking about the need for its qualitative growth and are placing our bets on the domestic market and modern production.”