"The crisis has made its changes to our plans. First of all, we were forced to make some difficult decisions about concentrating investment resources on the projects that are almost finished and to postpone the beginning of many new projects. Secondly, we have taken the step of using Investment Fund resources to prevent the threat of mass never-ending construction projects, particularly in the regions of the Russian Federation. We have compensated the regions the lack of their own resources by using the funds of the Investment Fund."
"I would like to say that the use of public-private partnership allows us to use the resources and possibilities of the state, the regions and business, to lower the risks for project participants, to distribute zones of responsibility among them, and to balance their interests."
"Our main objective in the development strategy of the country is to diversify the economy and to enhance labour productivity and investment in the so-called human capital, that is, in education, healthcare, and so on. These key priorities have not changed, despite the crisis. Moreover, while trying to overcome the consequences of the crisis, we are paying more attention to these issues as our key priorities."
“In 2010, we intend to improve, albeit modestly, the main macroeconomic indicators, achieve a positive growth of the GDP, industrial production, and agriculture, as well as stabilise real incomes of the population. In a word, we are planning to switch to post-crisis development.”
It is the Russian Government's duty to organise production implying large added value. Our Government does not differ from any other Government in the world in this respect-which does not mean that we can act spontaneously, be unpredictable, make headlong moves, and damage our long-established partners.
"Yesterday I announced that I had signed a Government Resolution on allocating 25 billion roubles, or some $700 million, to VAZ. We did it in coordination with Renault and in a way that would not undermine the foreign partner's position and share in the joint venture. I believe this is very important during the current crisis. We also see that our partners, in this case Renault, also understand the situation."
"This is a good project, with over $200 million of investment, 50,000 cars and 750 new jobs. Moreover, it has the capability to increase production several-fold, to 500,000 cars, without increasing its production area. The company is so far using only one-third of the land plots allocated to it in the city. However, the decision to increase production will depend on the market situation."
"This is by no means a reason to give up the strategic guidelines for the country's development laid out, as we all know, in the Programme for Russia's Development until 2020."
"We are committed to privatising excess state property. At the same time, in present-day conditions it is vital to ensure that the privatised assets are properly valued. Even allowing for the crisis we should not sell government property below market price."
"Public property should be used exclusively for the benefit of the entire society and help to tackle national challenges rather than enrich certain individuals or, as we used to say, "a group of comrades". In this connection we have decided to reduce substantially the number of the so-called Federal Unitary Enterprises, or FGUPs. Last year their number was cut by 40%."