Point of View

18 may
Education 98

“…the Russian Academy of Sciences and national science as a whole cannot shy away from the modernisation agenda. The academy has always been and must remain a key institution of national and social development - both as a generator of new fundamental knowledge turned toward the future and as an instrument for selecting and promoting Russia's intellectual elite. And, finally, the reliable, long-term prediction of scientific and technological priorities is only possible with the involvement of the research community. Certainly, a primitive and utilitarian understanding of science's role is unacceptable. Fundamental research is not a commercial project based on investment volumes or profit-making. At the same time, the field of science in the modern world is based on a principle of encouraging tough competition and is characterised by a serious struggle for superiority. Leading states invest heavily in R&D projects in order to remain predominant in science. This concerns not only technology but also the humanities, politics and ideology”.

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, May 18
8 april
Education 98

"I'd like to inform you about a number of new decisions adopted by the government to support higher education institutions. First, we have established special grants for up to 150 million roubles each to finance research in our institutions of higher education. This money will allow to hire respected specialists at Russian universities. I'm referring both to those working in Russia and abroad. Nationality is of no importance here, but we are primarily thinking about our compatriots who are teaching abroad."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on modernising the higher education system, Novosibirsk, 8 April 2010
3 march
Education 98

“The government has decided to award prizes to outstanding young specialists in science and technology for 2009. We have selected 30 young specialists (under the age of 33) successfully pursuing promising and important projects in priority sectors. These projects involve cancer diagnosing, resource and energy saving plasma technologies, and development of nano-structures in electronics.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Government Commission on High Technology and Innovation, Moscow, March 3, 2010
26 february
Education 98

“Educational institutions should become more open, regularly publishing full and objective reports on their activities. And the public governing boards being created in schools - I have mentioned one of them - must have real opportunities to influence key decisions affecting the school's life.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Tyumen Region, February 26, 2010
26 february
Education 98

“Starting on September 1, 2011, all first formers will study according to new educational standards. We must prevent the introduction of these modern standards from becoming a mere formality, ensuring that they improve both the quality and content of education and the conditions for children during their time in our schools. On a side note, I would like to draw the attention of the Minister of Education to the need to analyse these standards critically, with input from leading national experts, making sure they meet modern requirements. We should see how they will work. Special responsibility for this rests with the regional and municipal authorities.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Tyumen Region, February 26, 2010
26 february
Education 98

“We must show we are serious about enhancing the teaching profession's performance and prestige. <…> In addition to decent pay, Russian teachers will have an opportunity to continually improve their qualifications and learn new teaching technology. To this end, the Education Ministry is developing new programmes for additional professional training.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy, Tyumen Region, February 26, 2010
5 february
Education 98

“In the near future the government plans to introduce a package of alterations to the Tax Code and the law on education, which are intended to create additional incentives for small, innovative businesses, which we decided to set up at universities. These companies will be granted a five-year exemption to ensure a smooth transition to the insurance premium system. In addition, we are drafting amendments to introduce unified regulations for licensing start-ups.”

Vladimir Putin
At the meeting with United Russia party leadership, Moscow, February 5, 2010
1 february
Education 98

"In the past four years a total of 1,250 billion roubles have been allocated to education from federal sources alone. It is quite a big sum, given our expenditures in general. It is a huge sum! We launched a general modernization effort within the framework of the Education national project. We will continue to regard this work as an absolute priority."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting on measures to improve supervisory, regulatory and licensing policies and government services in education, Moscow, February 1, 2010
25 january
Education 98

"It would be better if we could teach Russian to people who want to study here in advance. Also, more people would like to study here in that case. We are aware of this fact, and we are trying to act on this issue, first of all in other CIS countries. We are sending textbooks there, training Russian-language teachers and starting courses. We would like to do this in more countries. Education over the internet and using modern technology play a big role in this respect".

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with students of the Chuvash State University, Chuvash Republic, January 25, 2010
25 january
Education 98

"Recognition of diplomas does not often depend on the level of education of a young professional, but is instead connected with agreements between governments. As a rule, recognition is reciprocal. Today we have relevant agreements with 100 countries and we will try to increase this number."

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with students of the Chuvash State University, Chuvash Republic, January 25, 2010
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