Point of View

12 march
Support for the regions 129

“As far as investment is concerned, we should focus on building nearly complete projects and thereby prevent the all-out mothballing of unfinished construction projects.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“We must prioritise wage payments to public sector workers, fulfil other social commitments stipulated by federal legislation, finance employment and business support programmes and must also continue to implement high-priority national projects, bearing in mind that they considerably facilitate domestic demand.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“We must also prevent the budgetary system from becoming a source of non-payments in the economy, contrary to the way it had, unfortunately, happened in the past. Consequently, we must guarantee 100% payments for fuel and energy resources and municipal-utilities services for state and municipal agencies.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“Since January, constituent entity budgets receive all gasoline excise tax and will receive an additional 0.5% of profit tax. In all, the regions will receive an extra 100 billion roubles in revenues.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“Let me also inform you that financial assistance to regions will increase by another 300 billion roubles in line with federal budget changes. This implies 150 billion roubles' worth of subsidies for balancing regional budgets and additional budgetary loans for a period of up to three years. I would like to remind you that such resources were, until now, allocated for a period of 12 months, and that another 150 billion roubles' worth of additional resources will be set aside.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“We stipulate more lenient terms as regards the level of co-financing expenses for receiving federal subsidies. Notably, 95% of regional employment facilitation programmes will be financed out of the federal budget, and the rest from constituent entities' own revenues.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“We have added another 300 billion roubles to the new version of the federal budget: 150 billion will be spend on direct subsidies to the regions, and the other 150 billion will be issued as loans on favourable terms.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Kemerovo Region Governor Aman Tuleyev, Novokuznetsk, 12 March 2009
12 march
Support for the regions 129

“Due to the global financial and economic crisis, Russia's regions and municipalities will, unfortunately, receive much smaller revenues this year. As you know, there will also be substantial shortfalls in revenue at the federal level. First of all, we will receive smaller regional profit-tax proceeds. Other tax proceeds, including severance-tax proceeds, will also be reduced.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government's Commission for Regional Development
7 february
Support for the regions 129

“Regional employment programmes. I issued instructions to develop such programmes early in the year. I am aware that this work has been completed in 72 regions. They will get 21.8 billion roubles in funding, out of the total 43.7 billion. Fifteen programmes have been approved and 3 of them have already been signed. They are Yaroslavl, the Kirov Region, and Kransoyarsk.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova, Moscow, 7 February 2009
18 december
Support for the regions 129

“As you know, the federal budget has entirely funded ambulance and school bus programmes as national priorities, though they legally belong to municipal affairs. I deem it necessary to help cities with modernising other municipal transport-passenger and special. I have given necessary instructions to the Economic Development, Regional Development, and Finance ministries.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Developing Local Self-Government, Lipetsk, 18 December 2008
18 december
Support for the regions 129

“We will also discuss strengthening the financial basis of local self-government today. I think we should ponder the prospects of passing additional sources of tax revenues to city halls. The Government is analysing relevant initiatives.”

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Developing Local Self-Government, Lipetsk, 18 December 2008
10 december
Support for the regions 129

"The Government, as I have said before, plans to compensate the region's imputed losses from the latest tax innovations. I am referring to a reduction in the profit and small business taxes and an increase of the tax rebate for people buying housing to 2 million roubles. This will allow the people to save double the sum during the acquisition of housing compared to the old scheme. This is why we have decided to turn over to the regional budgets an additional 0.5 percent of the profit tax and 100 percent of excise taxes on fuels and lubricants. The Finance Ministry has drafted the relevant amendments to the tax and budget codes."

Vladimir Putin
Government meeting, Moscow, 10 December 2008
2 december
Support for the regions 129

"Regional budgets will receive an additional 0.5% of federal profit tax proceeds, or 50 billion roubles ($1.8 billion). These allocations will also be channelled into regional budgets. Moreover, regional budgets will receive 100% of petrol, oil and lubricants excise tax proceeds. The latter system will apply in all the Russian Federation's constituent entities and will account for another 53-54 billion roubles ($1.9 billion). As I have already said, these measures are expected to channel another 110-120 billion roubles ($3.9-4.3 billion) into regional budgets."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government’s Regional Development Commission in Yaroslavl, 2 December 2008.
20 november
Support for the regions 129

“The administration in each of Russia's regions and municipalities should employ responsible policies. Administration heads, as well as regional and city Duma deputies, should be aware of current issues and introduce timely solutions. It is important to adequately evaluate budget opportunities, to optimise the state governance system and to decrease maintenance expenses. We may have to abandon some expensive, so-called ‘status' projects whose expediency is questionable.”

Vladimir Putin
Speech at United Russia’s 10th congress, Moscow, 20 November 2008
13 november
Support for the regions 129

"This year as many as 20 regions, that have achieved high results, will receive a bonus of two billion roubles from the federal budget. The regions are free to determine priority tasks for using these additional funds."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 13 November 2008.
13 november
Support for the regions 129

"I would like to stress that we are not trying to preach at local governments about the way they should operate. According to the Constitution and the law, it is their domain. They can choose priorities and the pace of reforms independently. However, it is the federal government's prerogative to allocate financial aid to regions in accordance with a local governments' efficiency. And we will certainly take advantage of this right."

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 13 November 2008
23 october
Support for the regions 129

"Some time ago we decided to set up a housing and utilities fund from which the regions will draw corresponding resources provided they match them with their own outlays. It is a large fund, 240 billion. The Novosibirsk Region received around 1.1 billion roubles out of that fund. That is a large amount. I must give credit to the regional leadership for their quick work because only the regions that prepare corresponding programmes will be entitled to grants. The Governor and his team have submitted such a programme promptly. But that means that part of that money can and must be used to build social facilities."

Vladimir Putin
United Russia Party’s Public Reception Office, Novosibirsk, 23 October, 2008
14 october
Support for the regions 129

"3.2 billion roubles was allocated to the regions that lacked funds to buy fuel oil. These are the Astrakhan Region, the Murmansk Region, the Kamchatka Territory, and the Primorye Territory. The majority of territorial power grids have undertaken the necessary measures to prepare for the winter season. Coal reserves already exceed the required quota by 20%, and fuel oil reserves, by 35%".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on supplying fuel to electrical power facilities
4 september
Support for the regions 129

"The decision to mark the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan was made three years ago. We drew on the positive experience of preparing for the jubilees of St Petersburg, Kazan and other Russian cities and regions. The aim of such large-scale projects is not only to mark a historical date or milestone, but above all to concentrate federal, regional and local resources in tackling the city's and regional problems in a comprehensive way, to give a powerful impetus to the renovation of utilities, transportation, social infrastructure, improving the environment and creating better living conditions".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting On Progress in the Preparation for the Celebration of the 450th Anniversary of the City of Astrakhan, Astrakhan, 4 September 2008
1 september
Support for the regions 129

"As for privileged rates for students, we will keep them, and not only for the Far East but also for students all over the country."

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with Sergei Darkin, Governor of the Maritime Territory, Vladivostok, 1 September 2008
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