"We have drawn up a highly important policy document called the Strategy for Developing the Far East and the Baikal Region Until 2025. In the long run, the strategy aims to create a sustained economy and comfortable living conditions here. <…> The strategy determines long-term transport, energy and other infrastructure requirements of Far Eastern regions, as well as the Irkutsk Region, the Republic of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory, and contains specific proposals for creating areas of ahead-of-schedule economic growth. This primarily implies major cities".
"Next year we will launch a federal programme for the Republic of Ingushetia. We are trying to solve the most pressing problems for this Russian region, which entails the construction of new hospitals, kindergartens, school, technical schools, a theatre and a sports complex, as well as providing cities and towns with the sufficient water supply and rebuilding the local infrastructure. Certainly, these are not tasks that cannot be solved in one year. Yet I am confident that we will achieve positive and considerable results together with the republic's administration. Step by step, we will create the conditions in Ingushetia for people to work and have a good life, bringing the region up to par with Russia's other regions. The total amount of funding for the program is 32.2 billion roubles, including 29 billion from the federal budget."
"I think that a specific programme for improving the quality of services must be implemented in each municipality. Methods for resolving this problem - from applying unified standards and administrative regulations to establishing centres with multiple functions that operate in the "single window" mode - have been identified more than once. Other proposed measures such as using advanced electronic technologies are promising, and this is what I would like to direct your attention to."
"The regions formerly complained there were no federal regulatory system or established programmes and methods for such reforms. Such complaints were justified, but we cannot accept them any longer, now that all the appropriate programmes have been worked out and tested in pilot projects as part of the national priority projects."
"Now is the time to be thrifty, improve the performance of agencies funded by the government, implement new ways of financing, and remove administrative obstacles. It is the time to learn to develop on the basis of domestic resources and potential, and to implement cutting-edge technologies. You can rely on federal support for all of this-provided regions fulfil their basic social obligations toward citizens."
"A majority of the Russian regions made significant progress last year-life expectancy and birth rates grew, while death rates decreased, especially among people of working age. A majority of regional leaders managed to deal with the unfortunate situation. Timely steps prevented snowballing unemployment, and regional employment services promptly concentrated on stabilising the labour market."
"I would like to remind you that a law affecting local government took effect on January 1. This law holds mayors personally responsible for providing quality services to people. <...> I believe that federal ministries must provide assistance to local governments on this issue, assume responsibility for coordinating our efforts and making them more methodical, and ensure close cooperation with education institutions that train personnel for municipal authorities. I would like to ask that we pay special attention to training local government employees in towns that rely on a single industry, where the effectiveness of municipal authorities' performance is especially critical, and where competent and well-educated people are needed to deal to apply fresh approaches to new challenges. We all understand that it is especially relevant today, during the crisis."
"Since 1998, the Programme for State Medical Care Guarantees has been renewed annually. In essence, this legislation specifies the parameters of medical care provided for free, regardless of the recipient's place of residence. This will be the first opportunity at a Government meeting to review the results of this Programme for 2008."
"The federal budget will continue to support the development of town infrastructure and improve its quality, including within the framework of the Affordable and Comfortable Housing national priority project. Today we need to arrive at a final decision on the distribution of subsidies to build new highways in the areas with large-scale construction of housing. In 2009, a total of three billion roubles from the federal budget will be allocated to the 18 constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are actively participating in the Housing national project."
"We must also consider including in the Yamal project the construction of a gas liquefaction plant and related infrastructure, such as a seaport and ice class ships. In this connection, I would like to spotlight one of the key elements of the Yamal development programme - the creation of a new LNG centre in Russia."