“I believe the performance of regional and local government agencies should be assessed using indices such as investment, tax revenue, and job creation. And decisions on the co-funding of regional development projects should be made based on that kind of assessment.”
“Our main task is to create jobs in the North Caucasus. Small and medium companies can and must play a big role in this effort. The traditions of entrepreneurship and the ambition to start one's own business are very strong in the North Caucasus. If implemented properly, this potential will certainly yield tangible results.”
“In order to turn around the situation in the economy of the North Caucasus and to change people’s lives for the better, we need to strengthen the real sector of the economy and provide favourable terms for investors. Such points of growth should include investment projects, and we will focus particular attention on supporting them.”
“I'm convinced all our projects in the North Caucasus must be measured primarily by the new jobs they create, and this means that we must form a modern and effective employment structure and increase the demand for qualified labour and business initiatives. Regional employment programmes have been effective. <…> Therefore, next year we will continue implementing programmes to reduce tensions in the labour market and we will introduce a new direction – certification of the professional skills of job seekers.”
“Please note that Sochi is receiving an unprecedented amount of federal funds, not exclusively through the Olympic construction programme. We haven’t cancelled subsidies that have been allocated to Sochi in previous years, before it was announced that Sochi would host the Olympics. These federal funds that go towards supporting Sochi and its residents continue to do so.”
“We should accelerate the process of reviewing the system of inter-budget relations and establish additional incentives for the regions. It is important for maintaining the so-called points of growth and ensuring the balanced development of the regions around the country, creating additional opportunities for using individual professional potential and increasing the standard of living for people.”
“We created the stimulation fund for the successful regions, which was only the first step towards supporting our colleagues in the regions. <…>There is a simple logic to it: regions that are being developed actively, building up their economic strength, should receive more money and should be allowed to keep more money.”
“We'll be able to breathe new life into the Russian countryside, making our rural communities powerful and prosperous, only if we ensure high social standards. All discussion about the accessibility of public services in rural communities, including health, education, libraries, and arts and sports facilities, must begin with roads. The lack of rural roads has been one of Russia's main problems for centuries, and it's still the case.”
“We're committed to supporting all forms of entrepreneurship in the countryside, primarily small and medium-sized businesses. A programme for start-up farmers will get underway as early as next year. It will provide state grants for new farms, as well as long-term loans.”
“As of today, members of the intelligentsia constitute about one half of the deputies in local legislatures. <…>We see you as like minds and allies with whom we can solve shared problems, building strong and prosperous rural communities, with access to quality healthcare services and education, so that people could have confidence in their future and a sense of belonging. We should work together to make the Russian countryside full of opportunities for people seeking self-realisation.”