Point of View

25 august
Budget 89

"I would also like to stress a substantial growth of investment into the national economy. For the first time, we will spend more than a trillion roubles to this end. This will be 35% more than last year".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov, Moscow, 25 August 2008
25 august
Budget 89

"I must say that in drafting the budget, the Government set itself the task of primarily funding education, health care, innovation development of the economy and infrastructure, and, of course, the security of our citizens".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting with the Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov, Moscow, 25 August 2008
21 august
Budget 89

"The draft federal budget has set a target of decreasing inflation to a one-digit number in 2009. That is one of the key indicators. I'd like to ask all the departments to consider this view of the situation".

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 21 August 2008
21 august
Budget 89

"I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that we do have a surplus. And we must use this opportunity as long as possible when we make up the budget of the country with the surplus. And I want to ask you not to encroach on it if we want to stay within planned inflation borders. Because otherwise all these expenditures will turn negative both for the economy and for individual citizens".

Vladimir Putin
At the Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 21 August 2008
14 august
Budget 89

"The budget strategy should be based on the policy of Russia's long-term development until 2020, and in fact this strategy is a part of this policy - its financial frame, basis, and foundation. Moreover, the financial strategy itself - I mean the long-term financial strategy - is estimated even for the longer term, until 2023".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting on the long-term budget strategy for the period until 2023, Moscow, 14 August 2008
30 june
Budget 89

"In developing the budget we have, for the first time, applied in practice the «sliding three-year period» method. In other words, we correct budgetary items for 2009 and 2010 and at the same time make plans for 2011. Let me stress that all earlier budget commitments are to be complied with unconditionally. This is the underlying logic of the three-year budget".

Vladimir Putin
Cabinet meeting, Moscow, 30 June 2008
16 june
Budget 89

"We have new ministries and agencies, at least they have new names. This should not be a pretext for holding back financing of the programmes already adopted. I especially would like to draw the attention of the Minister of Economic Development and the Finance Minister to this. Equally, the change of the government institutions' status should not mean holding back funding. What matters to us is not the status of an institution or its name, but the substance of the programmes. We must implement these programmes and we must not delay them under any circumstances. So I urge my colleagues to think about an effective way of closing this problem once and for all, rather than go from door to door to various agencies and spend a whole year getting the necessary approvals. That cannot be tolerated. We don't want more red tape".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government Presidium, Moscow, 16 June 2008
9 june
Budget 89

"Rational use of budget money is one of the key tasks facing every government body. Let me remind you that irrational use results in an excess of liquidity in the economy and spurs inflation. Agencies keep asking us to increase funding, and then they fail to use the allocated resources in a timely manner. Monitoring that process must be one criterion for assessing the effectiveness of government agencies".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Government Presidium, Moscow, 9 June 2008.
28 may
Budget 89

"The updated projection of the federal budgetary revenues will increase to almost 9 trillion roubles, i.e. by more than 900 billion roubles. My heartfelt congratulations. The revenues of off-budget funds will also grow by a total of over 100 billion roubles".

Vladimir Putin
Meeting of the Governmental Commission for Budgetary Projections for the Next Fiscal Year and the Plan Period at the Government House, Moscow, 28 May 2008
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