“It should return to traditional financial planning. We had to temporarily abandon it last year in order to take extraordinary measures due to the global financial and economic crisis. We had to implement government anti-crisis programmes, which on the whole have met their targets. The situation has now been stabilised, and we can again afford to prepare a more routine budget. Therefore, we must produce a high-grade budget for 2011 that will meet long-term objectives and fully guarantee the fulfilment of social obligations.”
"The Government is planning to allocate an unprecedented 10% of GDP to fund pensions and other social benefits in 2010. We are spending less than 3% on defence. Ten percent of GDP is a huge sum for any state and by any standards."
"I think it is a fact of fundamental importance that in spite of the problems caused by the crisis we have not renounced our strategic line of investing in man, in the quality of life or the well-being of Russian families. About 70% of budget spending in 2010 will have a pronounced social character."
Ours is a socially oriented budget. It stipulates requisite allocations for the payment of benefits, pensions and wages. We are carrying out a large-scale pension reform - we have discussed this more than once and you know the main parameters of that reform. We must do everything possible to ensure the unconditional implementation of these commitments. On the other hand, the budget is also aimed at development, and so allocations to high technologies have been reaffirmed and, in some cases, increased, in particular allocations to the aerospace sector, shipbuilding and other high-tech sectors.
"The federal budget will retain its role of the most important stimulating tool for economic modernisation. We will continue programmes of infrastructure development and establish innovation-based production facilities. Allocations for these purposes will total around 1.6 trillion roubles. Out of that sum, 300 billion roubles will go into building roads, and about 240 billion for support of high tech industries. The Federal Space Programme will receive 67.2 billion, the Rosatom corporation over 53 billion roubles as a Government's property contribution, the GLONASS programme 27.9 billion, civil aviation 22.5 billion, research and teaching personnel training 11.9 billion, and digital TV programme 10.8 billion roubles."
"Overall, the Government will spend an unprecedented 4.4 trillion roubles on pensions, or 10% of the country's GDP. There has never been anything like that in Russian history."
"Total expenditures of the federal budget will amount to 9.9 trillion roubles in 2010, which is comparable to this year's spending. No, it is slightly more, as spending in 2009 is expected to be 9.8 trillion roubles. These resources will certainly help us finance all of our priorities, first of all to significantly increase retirement pensions. Let me remind you that the next indexation is scheduled for December. We will raise the basic part of labour pensions by over 30%. Next year pensions will grow by another 46%, averaging at 8,000 roubles a month."
“The primary goal of the budget policy for the immediate future is to ensure macroeconomic stability and to consistently reduce the budget deficit, which will amount to 3.2 trillion roubles in 2009 and should be halved to 1.6 trillion roubles by 2012.”
"Assuming that in 2010 budget revenues will make up 16% of GDP, or 6.9 trillion roubles, and expenses are expected to reach 9.8 trillion roubles, the budget deficit will stand at 2.9 trillion roubles, or 6.8% of GDP. Thus, the deficit will be less than this year's by 1% of GDP. In the current circumstances, I consider this an acceptable figure."
"I am referring to the allocation of 4.9 billion roubles worth of subsidies from the federal budget to four major defence enterprises, which will help them to pay their debts, and keep their production lines and, I hope, their personnel. These enterprises are Uralvagonzavod, the Kalinovsky chemical plant in the Sverdlovsk Region, the Soyuz design and experimental bureau in Kazan, and the Krasnozavodsk chemical plant in the Moscow Region."