Point of View

10 april
Heritage 19

“The new generation of the Russian Geographic Society members and trustees should be worthy of their predecessors by preserving and maintaining the society’s traditions and expanding the scope of its work. You should act in meaningful ways and bring young, talented and caring people onboard.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society’s Board of Trustees, St Petersburg, April 10
10 april
Heritage 19

“Since its inception, the Russian Geographic Society has borne a powerful patriotic charge. The society’s initiatives brought together the most prominent and educated people, selfless enthusiasts and hard workers truly devoted to our Motherland.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society’s Board of Trustees, St Petersburg, April 10
5 april
Heritage 19

“I would like to praise the responsible and comprehensive policy of our large federal museums, which are trying to ensure access to their collections to as many people as possible, opening branches in other cities, organising exhibitions in Russia and abroad, and using modern methods like online virtual tours.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with museum workers, Saratov, April 5
5 april
Heritage 19

“Sponsorship and patronage of the arts have increased in recent years, as you know. Many businesses are on the board of trustees of state theatres, libraries and museums. We need to think together about what we can do to encourage their activity and make it more attractive.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with museum workers, Saratov, April 5
25 october
Heritage 19

“We should gather this memory by tiny bits like you are doing and take care of living war veterans. We must give them credit for their feats during the war and the country's postwar restoration. We must treat with respect those who are still working and engaged in this upbringing. <…> What you have been doing comes from your hearts and this is the main thing. This will enable us to never forget about the feats of our fathers and grandfathers. We will educate our children in this vein in the spirit of love for our Homeland. This is one of the foundations of the Great Patriotic War – the memory of the heroic past of our ancestors and our Homeland.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with war veterans and representatives of the Bryansky Front scout teams, October, 25
19 october
Heritage 19

“October 19, 1811 went down in our country’s history, in the history of our culture and literature, because it was the day that the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened here 200 years ago. Among its students were the most talented young people from noble families who were raised in the spirit of camaraderie, loyalty and love for their homeland, for the glory and strength of which they accomplished a great deal.”

Vladimir Putin
During celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Imperial Lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo, St Petersburg, October 19
29 august
Heritage 19

“It’s great that you don’t forget the heroics and heroes of our past, because people of various ethnicities and religions take pride in our national heroes. Historical memory is a wonderful cement that binds together people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds into the united and indivisible Russian nation; it shapes and consolidates our united and indivisible Russia.”

Vladimir Putin
At a visiting an international motorcycle show, Novorossiisk, August 29
10 august
Heritage 19

"In my mind, what matters most is the realisation of our roots, the awareness of our identity. When we have this awareness, it is easier to get our bearings today and acquire a vision for the future. That really matters".

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with scientists and archaeology students working on the excavation of the ancient Greek city of Phanagoria, August 10
10 august
Heritage 19

"I want to reiterate that this work and its finds show how deep our nation’s cultural roots reach. Look, Greeks lived here. Khazars came next. Adygs and Circassians appeared later on the borders of this land, and then it was conquered by Turkey. Then Russia incorporated it. But peoples did not just come and go – each left traces of its culture, and a culture’s soul is realised in the artefacts you find. It is always present in traditions. <…> Your work opens our eyes to the deep sources of our present-day culture".

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with scientists and archaeology students working on the excavation of the ancient Greek city of Phanagoria, August 10
1 august
Heritage 19

“We must show respect to people of a different culture, different faith or different ethnic background. On the other hand – I have said this on many occasions, but I can repeat it – people who move to a different region within Russia must be respectful of the local culture and customs, the local language and the people with whom they chose to live side by side. <…> Russia’s diversity gives it strength. It is a source of our grandeur.”

Vladimir Putin
During conversation with participants of the Seliger-2011 youth educational forum, August 1
19 july
Heritage 19

“Our country has another distinctive feature, as compared to other countries, where many peoples and nationalities reside. Our country was originally formed as a multiethnic state. <…> In today's world, there are things that have become shaky and have started to burst at seams. But we simply cannot allow anything like this to happen on our soil. If we let this happen, it will be disastrous for the future of Russia.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with representatives of confessions and ethnic and public organizations, July 19
19 july
Heritage 19

“We should treat migrants like full-fledged citizens of Russia regardless of where they live. They should be protected by law and public morality, which is equally or even more important. We should teach our citizens to treat each other respectfully, and if someone moves outside the territory of ethnic residence, he or she should also respect the language, traditions and culture of the people among whom they are going to live.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with representatives of confessions and ethnic and public organizations, July 19
13 july
Heritage 19

“I am confident that the plan of events to celebrate Stolypin’s birthday anniversary should cover as many aspects of his professional, social and political activities as possible, so that society will learn more about them. This primarily concerns young people, who certainly need positive examples of personal service to the country and the nation.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the organising committee for the celebration of Pyotr Stolypin’s 150th birthday anniversary, July 13
13 july
Heritage 19

“We will mark the memorable date of Stolypin’s 150th birthday anniversary in 2012. We must do it in a befitting manner, showing respect for our history and ensuring that the celebration evokes a positive public response.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting of the organising committee for the celebration of Pyotr Stolypin’s 150th birthday anniversary, July 13
28 june
Heritage 19

“I am certain <…>that generations of Soviet, and later of Russian people, were raised on our remarkable animated films. These are great traditions. Our animated films are good and gentle, beautiful, colourful. They don’t just inform, but also educate, in the broadest sense.”

Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with Russia’s animation filmmakers, June 28
22 june
Heritage 19

“We must realise that attempts to distort history may have extremely serious consequences. In effect, the key principles of the contemporary world order may be put in doubt. This conceals very dangerous threats fraught with unpredictable consequences. The Russian state and our civil society must voice a firm, consistent and principled stance on such issues. This is how we will conduct ourselves.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, June 22
22 june
Heritage 19

“It is our duty to cherish and defend the truth about the war, the priceless experience of allied partnership and genuine heroes, whom time cannot conquer. This is important for all of us, this is essential for the education and moral upbringing of future generations. Support for veterans, the widows of the homeland’s defenders, as well as everyone affected by the war must always be a priority in our work.”

Vladimir Putin
At a Government Presidium meeting, June 22
21 june
Heritage 19

“Unfortunately, many pages were deliberately lost from that chapter of history during the Soviet period, and others were re-written to suit a primitive and simplified ideological agenda. We are now gradually reclaiming our full historical heritage, including some of the lamentably forgotten events of WWI. We must never forget those lessons but rather take a respectful and responsible attitude to our common past, without undue idealisation or ridicule.”

Vladimir Putin
At the ceremony of unveiling a monument to the soldiers and officers, Paris, June 21
31 may
Heritage 19

“Russia has tremendous historical experience in preserving the ethnic and cultural identities of the peoples who inhabit its vast territory. Our longstanding experience of mutual cultural enrichment is no less important. We must preserve and consolidate these traditions and pass them from one generation to another. We must always remember that one of the biggest causes of inter-ethnic conflict lies in illiteracy, poor education, and the lack of knowledge about one’s culture and that of one’s neighbours.”

Vladimir Putin
At the Sixth Congress of the Russian Pedagogical Assembly, May 31