“Creating sound jobs is essential to meet the demands of our human resources. An extensive middle class is a key for victory over poverty. This is an opportunity for millions of people to fulfil their dreams and it is a way to a true diversification of the national economy.”
“The natural solution to the problem of low productivity is creating brand new jobs. <…> Our strategic goal is to launch the mechanism of constant renewal of jobs and the economy on the whole. Jobs are created through direct investment, primarily private investment. We need to bring the investment level up to at least 25 per cent of the GDP by 2015, and later by up to 30 per cent.”
“Millions of people are now employed in outdated, ineffective workplaces with low wages and zero prospects. We must provide them with other jobs, interesting and well-paid, which can give them high living standards, good pay and the opportunity to support a large family. The average real wages in Russia need to grow by at least 37-41% by 2020.”
“The priority goals for the coming years are to reduce poverty and expand the middle class. Of key significance are a new quality of employment and a fair evaluation of one’s contribution as social mobility mechanisms. We must plan a trajectory of personal success in which everyone will have an opportunity not only to work in one’s profession but also to make a good career by improving one’s qualifications.”
“Modern jobs, fair salaries and decent labour mean a new quality of life and the well-being of Russian families and our global competitiveness.”
“The skilled jobs market is in need of serious change. We have to provide social mobility within workers' professions. Russia needs to reestablish its labour aristocracy. By 2020, this aristocracy should make up at least one third of skilled workers – about ten million people (25 million including their families).”
“In the final analysis, salaries should be paid not for belonging to a certain institution, but for making a real contribution to science, education, healthcare or culture, and for providing specific services to society. The heads of colleges, universities, medical and research establishments should be obliged to report their incomes on the same lines as those introduced earlier for state corporations.”
“Public sector pay should be linked to the specific conditions of regional jobs markets. <…>A mechanical rise in pay for one and all does not work. It is necessary to take more account of the qualifications and professional ratings of employees for their salaries. This means that basic pay should be combined with a more rapid increase in incentive bonuses and supplemental payments.”
“Our national legislation provides for the protection of the working people in the event of their employers' bankruptcy. The same applies to delayed salary payments. These debts must be paid off to the working people first and foremost. Our international commitments will buttress our domestic legislation's guarantees. In the past few years, we have signed a whole package of ILO legal documents. This will benefit our labour legislation, consolidate the rights and guarantees of the working people and give labour unions more opportunities to enforce these guarantees and uphold employee rights.”
“The level of general unemployment has decreased as compared with the beginning of the year. It was at 7.8% early this year, and now it is a bit over 6% (6.3%). The number of people who are officially registered as unemployed has decreased by 400,000.”