"We want to increase the volume of investment. There are currently 200 companies operating with Slovenian participation in 50 Russian regions.. And, without a doubt, we welcome our Slovenian partners’ interest in expanding their cooperation on the Russian market even further.”
“Russia and the EU face similar economic challenges, which is yet another argument for our further integration. Today we discussed coordinating our efforts, as well as the possibility of drafting long term development plans for specific sectors…”
“Russia and the EU face similar economic challenges, which is yet another argument for our further integration. Today we discussed coordinating our efforts, as well as the possibility of drafting long term development plans for specific sectors…”
“Any healthy society with prospects for the future and strong roots in history – such as the multiethnic Russian society – will rally together when it is threatened and so strike back at thugs, terrorists and extremists. I am convinced this is what we will see in Russia.”
"Establishing a strong regional market will prove to be a real factor in our countries’ growth and development. This has already been proved by our experiences within the Customs Union. This is exactly why we have made the consolidated decision to step up efforts towards a new level of integration and bolster the preparations for launching the Common Economic Space," Vladimir Putin said.
“Without a doubt, this visit has been very successful. Apart from the major projects that we discussed today, <…> we have settled a number of practical issues that open further avenues of cooperation to us,” said the Russian prime minister.