11 december, 2008 17:33  

Valery Maltsev was born on October 8, 1971 in Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk Region.

1993: graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute's aircraft engines faculty.

Held top positions at Russian companies, part of the holding company Novoye Sodruzhestvo Industrial Association, for over a decade.

Worked as CEO with the Moscow Soap Factory and executive director with the Ulyanovsk-based Aviastar-SP aircraft plant.

Facilitated corporate revival and promptly overcame Rostselmash's pre-bankrupt state. Focused on back wage payments and tax payments to the budgets of various levels. Production facilities were overhauled and retooled under his supervision.

This made it possible to reinstate the company's status as a leading farming machinery manufacturer.

Married with two daughters and one son.