Media Review

18 october 2009
Press Russian International

The New York Times: «Russia’s Leaders See China as Template for Ruling»

MOSCOW — Nearly two decades after the collapse of the Communist Party, Russia’s rulers have hit upon a model for future success: the Communist Party.

17 october 2009

The Washington Post: «Kremlin Rules»

IT'S BECOME SO commonplace that the world little noticed last Sunday when Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin staged another phony, Soviet-style election. As in the old days, the ruling party (now known as «United Russia» instead of «Communist Party of the Soviet Union») won a smashing victory in local jurisdictions across the country, with opposing party politicians reduced to bit parts permitted for decorative effect only. Mr. Medvedev, who frequently impresses Western politicians with his statements in praise of democracy, hailed the elections as «well organized,» which we suppose is undeniable. Mr. Putin, who is less sentimental about these things, dismissed protesting politicians as whiners: «Those who don't win are never happy,» he sniffed.

16 october 2009

The New York Times: «Darkness on the Edge of Monotown»

VIEWED from the outside, things have been going quite well for Russia recently. The United States has scrapped, at least for now, the plan to base missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic. Germany and Russia seem to have overcome opposition in Europe to their Nord Stream pipeline, despite fears that it will solidify Russia’s dominance of the European natural gas supplies. Oil prices have recovered from the disastrously low — for Russia — levels of last winter. And, far from buckling under pressure from the United States over sanctions against Iran, Russian leaders felt confident enough to concede almost nothing to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to Moscow this week.

16 october 2009

The Washington Times: «PRUDEN: The peacenik gets a lesson»

A soft answer can sometimes turn away wrath, but not always, and presidents have to be wary of showing timidity and weakness in the face of a bully. This is the expensive lesson the tinhorns of the world are teaching Barack Obama. So far he is not an honors student.

16 october 2009

The Financial Times: «Russia returns to lone WTO accession path as it ditches joint bid»

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have abandoned their attempt to join the World Trade Organisation as a single customs union, after WTO members made clear the unprecedented move would add years to the negotiations.

16 october 2009

Gazeta Wyborcza: «Kreml jest dziś pusty»

15 october 2009

Neatkarigas Rita Avize: «Kalvīša draugs žvadzina tankus»

Kad tīmeklī ieraudzīju sirsnīgo ziņu par Krievijas premjerministra Vladimira Putina dāvanu pašam sev dzimšanas dienā – tikšanos ar krievu inteliģenci, tostarp rakstniekiem, nodomāju, ka patiesībā viņam vajadzēja tikties ar žurnālistiem, sevišķi tiem, kuri 7. oktobrī pieminēja savas kolēģes Annas Poļitkovskas noslepkavošanas dienu. Viņu Maskavā, pašas mājā, nogalināja Vladimira Putina 54. dzimšanas dienā – 2006. gada 7. oktobrī.

15 october 2009

Time: «Russian Autumn»

There is probably less than meets the eye in substantive terms to the recent Russian intransigence on a sanctions regime for Iran. Vladimir Putin merely said that talk of additional sanctions was «premature»--and if the New York Times report cited in my post below can be credited, Putin is right.

8 october 2009

The Financial Times: «Reshuffle signals Medvedev’s confidence»

Dmitry Medvedev has taken a step towards putting his own stamp on the Kremlin with the appointment of two speechwriters.

8 october 2009

Bloomberg: «Russia Economic Slump Forces Putin on Capitalist Path»

Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Russia’s economic decline is forcing the country to walk the walk after more than a decade of talk about dragging the largest energy exporter away from its oil dependency and reducing the footprint of the state.

8 october 2009

Slate.fr: «Poutine, idéal masculin des femmes russes»

Le Premier ministre est réputé pour sa fidélité et sa sobriété. Un modèle dans un pays où l'alcoolisme est un fléau et les mères sont souvent abandonnées.

8 october 2009

Gazeta Wyborcza: «Drużyna Miedwiediewa»

Rosjanin pytany: «Jak się masz?», chętnie odpowie ponurym żartem: «Nie doczekacie się». Felieton z cyklu «Z Rosji o Rosji»

8 october 2009

Il Sole 24 Ore: «Marchionne: «Sogno di produrre jeep in Russia»»

«Abbiamo un sogno che non abbiamo mai avuto la possibilità di realizzare: costruire jeep in Russia». Lo ha rivelato l'amministratore delegato della Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, parlando con il premier russo, Vladimir Putin, dopo la firma alla sua presenza di due joint venture tra la Case New Holland (Cnh, partecipata al 91% da Fiat) e il produttore russo di camion, Kamaz. Ma Putin, seduto accanto a lui, lo ha subito incoraggiato: «Le jeep avrebbero molta richiesta in Russia perchè dobbiamo costruire molte strade». Marchionne ha inoltre confermato l'interesse per le joint venture già in corso con Sollers auspicando un loro allargamento. «Come Fiat faremo tutto il possibile per aiutare lo sviluppo di tutti i settori», ha aggiunto l'ad di Fiat.

8 october 2009

The New York Times: «Blood Brothers No More?»

WASHINGTON — Is President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia trying to come out from under the shadow of his long-time political mentor and former boss Prime Minister Vladimir Putin? So it would seem.

8 october 2009

Ragionpolitica.it: «Svolta «liberale» in Russia?»

Negli ultimi tempi la Russia sembra essere attraversata da una nuova ondata liberale, dopo un periodo di imperante statalismo che aveva visto, con la presidenza Putin, lo Stato aumentare il proprio peso nella vita politica ed economica, disciplinando i mass-media e riprendendo gradualmente possesso di ampi settori dell'economia nazionale, in specie quelli strategici legati alla produzione di idrocarburi.

7 october 2009

The Times: «Wives' open letter to Vladimir Putin to free Arctic Sea crew»

The families of four Russian sailors at the centre of an arms-smuggling mystery have appealed to Vladimir Putin to free them, more than 50 days after their ship was allegedly rescued from pirates.

7 october 2009

Les Echos: «I l faut comprendre l'humiliation russe»

Comment Vladimir Poutine peut-il être plus populaire aujourd'hui encore auprès des Russes, après près de dix ans d'exercice du pouvoir comme président ou Premier ministre, que Barack Obama ne peut l'être auprès des Américains après moins de dix mois de présidence?

4 october 2009

New Europe: «Merkel to Putin: Bring Germany das gas»

An interesting question following Angela Merkel’s victory in Germany’s general election is how much has Berlin’s Russia policy changed under her first term? Turns out, the answer is not much.

3 october 2009

Le Monde: «Vladimir Poutine fait pression sur Renault pour qu'il renfloue Avtovaz»

La Russie se transforme-t-elle en cauchemar pour Renault ? Alors que le marché russe s'effondre, le constructeur français a fait l'objet, vendredi 2 octobre, d'un ultimatum de la part de Vladimir Poutine, le premier ministre russe : «Ou bien (Renault et Nissan) participent à l'avenir au financement d'Avtovaz, ou nous allons devoir négocier avec eux la hauteur de leur part», a-t-il lancé à l'occasion d'un conseil des ministres. En clair, soit Carlos Ghosn, président du groupe, accepte de renflouer le fabricant des Lada, soit Renault prend le risque d'être dilué et de perdre une partie de sa mise de départ dans le constructeur russe.

3 october 2009

Il Мessaggero: «Russia, gelo tra Putin e Medvedev: in crisi il tandem di Mosca»

MOSCA (3 ottobre) – Una nuova penna per i discorsi ufficiali, un think tank tutto suo, un piano per la Russia del futuro che getta alle ortiche il dogma della “democrazia sovrana” caro a Putin. La cremlinologia, si sa, è la più erratica e cabalistica delle scienze fin dai tempi dell’Urss. Ma ora che sul tandem che guida Mosca s’è abbattuta la crisi economica, esperti e media locali e internazionali tornano a scatenarsi in speculazioni sulla “guerra sotterranea” tra il premier Putin e il presidente Medvedev. Il primo messo in difficoltà da un piano anticrisi che continua a segnare sconfitte, il secondo impegnato in un refresh d’immagine a tutto campo.

3 october 2009

The Washington Post: «Verdict on a War»

A European fact-finding mission provides more reason for Russia to regret its invasion of Georgia.

2 october 2009

Handelsblatt: «Finanzkrise treibt Moskau auf Reformkurs»

Russland beendet seinen Verstaatlichungskurs und setzt wieder auf ausländische Investoren. Premier Putin verspricht „extreme Flexibilität und Offenheit“ um Investitionen im Land zu fördern. Der Staat will sich auf Hilfe für angeschlagene Konzerne beschränken und sich ansonsten aus der Wirtschaft zurückziehen.

1 october 2009

Reflex: «Mám strach o naši zemi»

Myslel jsem si, že po čtyřiceti letech komunistické diktatury je český národ jednoznačně orientován na Západ. K mému velkému překvapení však společnost rozčísl názor na umístění amerického radaru v Brdech. Přístroj, jenž by upozorňoval na případný útok íránských či jiných raket na Evropu, měl mít i politický podtext - přítomnost amerických vojáků v Čechách by definitivně zamezila Moskvě, aby si na nás brousila zuby.

1 october 2009

Reflex: «Máte strach o naši zemi?»

Článek předního českého novináře Karla Pacnera s názvem MÁM STRACH O NAŠI ZEMI přišel do redakce Reflexu v předvečer dvou důležitých událostí: předseda sociální demokracie Jiří Paroubek nejdříve odmítl hlasovat o mimořádných volbách, které předtím sám vyvolal, čímž uvrhl Česko do politické nestability. Krátce nato kabinet amerického prezidenta Baracka Obamy odmítl budování systému protiraketové obrany ve střední Evropě. Vyvolal tím OTÁZKU BEZPEČNOSTNÍCH GARANCÍ středoevropských zemí ve vztahu k Rusku.

1 october 2009

The Guardian: «Putin in the firing line»

While Medvedev isn't currently presenting a serious challenge, Putin faces looming problems that could be his undoing.

29 september 2009

Avanti!: «Stalin, Neruda e Putin: le stesse menzogne - ALDO CHIARLE»

La falsificazione della storia, da Stalin a Putin, è sempre stata la prerogativa del comunismo.

28 september 2009

The Times: «World Agenda: Way to avoid new Cold War is for Russia to join Nato»

Now that the United States and Russia have kissed and made up over missile defence in Eastern Europe, there’s a logical next step to averting a new Cold War. Russia should join Nato.

24 september 2009

The New York Times: “Foreign Firms Invited to Russian Gas Fields”

Moscow — Just a few years after compelling foreign oil companies to renegotiate their contracts in Russia, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin has invited executives from some of the largest such companies to discuss new work on Siberian natural gas fields.

14 september 2009

Handelsblatt: “Europa bastelt am Bild des russischen Bären”

Russlands Regierungschef Wladimir Putin lobt die Entscheidung von General Motors, den Zuschlag für Opel an Magna und die russische Sberbank zu geben. Im Interview spricht er außerdem über ausländische Fehleinschätzungen der Moskauer Politik, den Streit um Öl-Pipelines und ob er 2012 wieder zur Präsidentenwahl antretten wird.

10 september 2009

L'Express: “En Russie, Hugo Chavez fustige les Etats-Unis”

C'est en félicitant Vladimir Poutine d'avoir tenu tête aux Etats-Unis que le président vénézuélien Hugo Chavez a entamé une visite à Moscou appelée, selon le Kremlin, à déboucher sur des accords énergétiques et militaires.

3 september 2009

The Financial Times: “Poland has failed to bury its ghosts”

Poland's marking of the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the second world war has once again shown that the country’s leaders are unable to bury the ghosts of the past and move forward (“War wounds still cause pain as Poland deals with neighbours”, September 1).

2 september 2009

Sofia Echo: “Putin wants Borissov to clarify Bulgaria»s stance on Russian energy projects”

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borissov told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at a meeting on September 1 2009 that Sofia would respond to Putin’s request for clarity on Bulgaria’s stance on joint energy projects with Russia after it had studied details of contracts signed by its predecessor government.

16 august 2009

The Wall Street Journal: A Decade of Putinism

Ten years ago on Sunday, Russia's Duma confirmed Vladimir Putin as prime minister. The vote took place only one week after then-President Boris Yeltsin had nominated the little-known former KGB operative for the post. Yeltsin's surprise resignation only four months later left Mr. Putin as acting president and paved the way for his election as head of state in March 2000. This swift and far-from-transparent ascent to the pinnacle of Russian power was a sign of things to come.

11 august 2009

Christian Science Monitor: "Ten years on, Russia's Putin has gone from 'nobody' to unshakeably powerful"

He has used a vigorous image and ruthless political strategy to recentralize state power. Some analysts expect he will soon formally return to the presidency.

11 august 2009

The Independent: Mary Dejevsky: Russia's Georgian enclaves are not assets, but liabilities

If Vladimir Putin made one mistake as President of Russia – and you probably believe he made a great many more – it was to describe the collapse of the Soviet Union as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the [20th] century".

10 august 2009

The Bulletin: U.S.-Russian Relationship On Ice

From a bare-chested prime minister in Siberia to Russian subs patrolling the U.S. East Coast, Russia has one thing on its mind — reclaiming the world power status it lost when the Berlin wall crumbled.

10 august 2009

Russia Today (Russia): «Putin and Russia: 10 years of co-evolution»

On August 9, 1999, President Boris Yeltsin named then-unknown Vladimir Putin as Russia's acting PM. How has that decision changed the country and Putin himself? What were the grounds for it? Experts speak out.

10 august 2009

The Irish Times: (Ireland): Putin's posings a classic example of political porn

The russians obviously cannot get enough of their prime minister. They warmly welcome any chance to see him semi-naked, as the steppes resound to the thundering gallop of Irish people fleeing in the opposite direction.

9 august 2009

The New York Times (USA): «How Russia Defines Genocide Down»

After the conflict between Russia and Georgia broke out a year ago, each side accused the other of atrocities, but the Russians went farther. They spoke of marauding Georgian soldiers who systemically killed hundreds if not thousands of civilians in the separatist enclave of South Ossetia. Georgia was guilty not just of war crimes, they said.

8 august 2009

The Independent (GB): «Put your pecs away, Mr Putin – relax and read a book»

He's been swimming in lakes, riding in mountains, camping in Siberia - and that was just one day of Vlad-imir Putin's summer break. A few days earlier, finding himself at a loose end, he dived in a mini-submarine and attached a transmitter to a whale.

7 august 2009

The Times (GB): «Vladimir Putin determined to kill me, says Georgian President»

In an interview with The Times, a year after the war between the two countries, Mikhail Saakashvili said that Georgia's survival as an independent state threatened Mr Putin's reputation as a strong ruler. Only continued support from the United States and Europe prevented a Russian invasion to install a puppet regime, he warned.

7 august 2009

AFP (France): «The weak get beat»: Putin marks 10 years in power»

Vladimir Putin was the fourth prime minister in less than two years to be named under the increasingly wayward Yeltsin and came to power in a period of political chaos when the break-up of the country seemed a real danger.

6 august 2009

The New York Times (USA): «Turkey and Russia Conclude Energy Deals»

Russia and Turkey concluded energy agreements on Thursday that will support Turkey's drive to become a regional hub for fuel transshipments while helping Moscow maintain its monopoly on natural gas shipments from Asia to Europe.

6 august 2009

The Guardian (GB): «Vladimir Putin’s tough-guy swimming technique»

The holiday season is here. Tabloid newspapers are carrying daily picture updates on Katie Price's almost entirely nude summer beach holiday. And, as of yesterday, official photographs of Vladimir Putin»s annual outdoor adventure break have appeared.

6 august 2009

Reuters (GB): «Russia ready to commission radar watching Iran: report»

Russia will commission within the next three months a radar with the capacity to monitor rocket launches from the Middle East, including Iran, Interfax news agency said on Thursday.

5 august 2009

The Times (GB): "Bare-chested Vladimir Putin strikes a macho pose"

Vladimir Putin has buffed up his action-man image and raised the pin-up stakes among world leaders by posing barechested for another set of holiday pictures.

5 august 2009

Diario de Noticias (Portugal ): "Putin quinta-feira em Ancara"

O primeiro-ministro russo, Vladimir Putin, chega quinta-feira a Ancara onde deverá discutir a questão energética, numa altura em que a Turquia desempenha um papel crescente como corredor entre os países produtores de hidrocarbonetos e a Europa.

5 august 2009

Today s Zaman (Turkey): "Putin may warn Turkey not to rely on energy in its EU relations"

As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin prepares for his official visit to Turkey on Thursday, a Russian pundit has claimed that one of the main goals Putin has for this visit is to deliver a message to Turkey that its steps toward becoming an energy hub for Europe may not guarantee a stronger position in its quest to become a member of the European Union.

5 august 2009

Asia Times (Hong Kong): "Putin budget reveals idea deficit"

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made his cabinet agree last week on a budget for 2010 that contains few anti-crisis ideas and hardly fits into the directives on stimulating innovations issued by President Dmitry Medvedev.

5 august 2009

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