"2008 was successful for the trade and economic ties between our countries - the mutual trade increased by more than one and half times. Under current complicated conditions of the global crisis we intend to exert every effort in order to overcome the influence of the unfavorable world business environment and start new promising projects."
“Russia and the EU face similar economic challenges, which is yet another argument for our further integration. Today we discussed coordinating our efforts, as well as the possibility of drafting long term development plans for specific sectors…”
“The main issue to which we paid attention during the meeting is the development of bilateral trade and economic contacts, and assistance to South Ossetia in restoring its infrastructure and social sphere, and in creating the conditions for normal, peaceful life of its citizens.”
“We said it many times to the present Georgian leadership. I personally called on them to have patience and to win respect, prestige and trust both in Abkhazia and in South Ossetia. And it is only in this way – I believe it now and said as much at that time – that their territorial integrity could be achieved.”
"We spoke with the current Georgian leadership on many occasions. I personally urged them to be patient, and win the respect, esteem and trust of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. That is the only way that territorial integrity can be achieved. That is what I said then, and what I believe now to be the case."
"Today, it is important to adapt our cooperation to the current financial and economic crisis. Apparently, we have definite and considerable competitive advantages."
"The national interests of Japan and Russia coincide on many issues, but more importantly, there will be more and more shared interests in the short, medium and especially in the long term perspective. Proceeding from these considerations we should do everything to eliminate any irritants in our bilateral ties."