Visits within Russia

23 january, 2010 18:31

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Valery Gayevsky, Governor of the Stavropol Territory

The meeting has focused on the Stavropol Territory’s economy and social services.
At a meets with Valery Gayevsky, Governor of the Stavropol Territory

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Mr Gayevsky, how did the territory finish last year? What are the territory's development priorities in 2010?

Valery Gayevsky: I would refer to the results of the previous year as stable. The forecast is moderately optimistic. We finished 2009 with relatively good numbers. Industrial output currently stands at 102%.

Vladimir Putin: So it's growing, not falling?

Valery Gayevsky: The growth ratio was 102%. There was an increase in investment too. It was a bit less than in the six previous months, but still it totaled 2-3%. We even managed to commission 5% more housing than 2008, which shows that the construction industry remains afloat.

I have to admit that agriculture dipped by some 9%. This was mainly because grain depreciated by almost a half.

Vladimir Putin: What about the harvest?

Valery Gayevsky: It amounted to 7.2 million metric tons last year, which is the second largest harvest in the history of the Stavropol Territory.

Vladimir Putin: So, the harvest was good, but companies' revenues dwindled because of dropping prices?

Valery Gayevsky: Exactly.

Vladimir Putin: How did your government use the intervention programmes?

Valery Gayevsky: Interventions were launched less than a month ago, in December, when we had almost sold out of our grain. Only 1.5 million metric tons are left from last year. But the price available through the intervention program no longer satisfies the producers. When interventions were initiated two months ago, the market soared; the interventions were effective. However, we managed to market only 15,000 metric tons.

I would like to emphasise that two years ago we sold almost a million metric tons to the state thanks to your assistance. When we were in need of help, you ordered a quota increase, and we managed to take advantage of it.
The intervention programmes were a bit late here, but they accomplished their objectives nevertheless.

Vladimir Putin: What's the situation in the labour market?

Valery Gayevsky: We allocated 409 million roubles for market support programmes. A year ago I pledged the creation of 20,000 jobs, but we actually initiated 36,000 jobs, including temporary jobs which accounted for half of them.

It is most encouraging that self-employment has been picking up. Some 200 new businesses were organised in the territory thanks to the support measures, including the 60,000-rouble appropriations from the federal budget. We have adopted a programme for next year to provide the funds for this purpose. We have prioritised self-employment and business development.

The number of proactive people, willing to pursue small business ventures is three times higher in the North Caucasus than in Russia in general. It is critical to give them a chance to earn a living this way.
However, progress in improving living standards has slowed somewhat. Income and salaries rose 13-15%, which came to just 1-2% because of inflation.

Vladimir Putin: Nevertheless, there has been no decline during the recession. Although the growth is minor, it's actual.

Valery Gayevsky: True, there has been minor growth. The poverty level remains at about 18%. It's pretty high, but in Europe it's 10%. This year our prospects are more optimistic, and the situation will improve.

Vladimir Putin: How's the situation in demography?

Valery Gayevsky: It's positive. There was a population increase of about 4,600 last year.