Visits within Russia

28 december, 2009 12:30

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Sergei Darkin, Governor of Primorye Territory

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: What is the current outlook in the region?

Sergei Darkin: First of all, I would like to say thank you on behalf of all the residents of the region for all the new facilities opened here in Primorye Territory.

As for 2009, the Primorye Territory posted a 1.5% growth in gross regional product despite the global recession, thanks to the major projects being implemented here. Although this is much lower than the 7%-8% seen in previous years, it was still growth, not decline.

Vladimir Putin: Overall, Primorye Territory is closing the year with good results - better than many other regions which unfortunately experienced a decline because of the global recession. The Primorye Territory has indeed shown growth.

Sergei Darkin: It is also important that we have met all our social obligations as stipulated in this year's budget and kept unemployment down. All our industrial companies are operating, including the firm Tekhnogoria which has started producing concentrate.

The region has still to pay some overdue unemployment benefits, but since January the debt has been reduced to a quarter of its initial size. The consolidated budget revenue also increased 5% year-on-year, despite the crisis.

This is all due to the major projects underway in the region. Mr Putin, you issued instructions a month ago relating to infrastructure for accommodation for military servicemen that we are building in Primorye Territory.

The general plan of the neighbourhood has been completed; we have received 3.5 billion roubles.

Vladimir Putin: You mean the neighbourhood's community infrastructure, don't you?

Sergei Darkin: Yes, exactly. We will build three schools and four kindergartens. The architectural plans are ready: this is roughly what the kindergartens will look like, and there will be modern schools like this. So, two schools will be here...

(indicating on the plans)

Vladimir Putin: The Snegovaya Pad project, right?

Sergei Darkin: Yes that's it. The one you visited, where you saw the construction work underway on the housing. You have provided the financing, and we will build the social infrastructure, including sports facilities.

Vladimir Putin: How many community facilities will you build?

Sergei Darkin: There will be eight for the whole neighbourhood.

Vladimir Putin: And this includes schools and hospitals?

Sergei Darkin: Yes, schools and hospitals.

Vladimir Putin: Outpatient clinics.

Sergei Darkin: Outpatient clinics, too. And kindergartens.

Vladimir Putin: And sports centers?

Sergei Darkin: And sports centers, yes. One will be a physical fitness centre with a swimming pool. Construction is underway. This is what is being done on your instruction.

Vladimir Putin: Could you tell me about Vladivostok's the city centre development project?

Sergei Darkin: We have drawn up, jointly with the USC (United Shipbuilding Corporation), a general plan of the city centre's development, including several industrial facilities on the scale of the former Dalzavod, as well as other licenced factories.

This part here will be developed as a non-industrial area for urban improvement. It will include a beautiful embankment, a Navy Museum featuring the first ship welded using Boris Paton's electric welding technique. We'll build a fish market, something we don't currently have here, and an embankment nearly 2 kilometers long in the city centre.

Vladimir Putin: That will surely give the city a new look?

Sergei Darkin: Exactly. There will be facilities for water sports, for sailing. We are implementing the project together with USC.

Vladimir Putin: Good.