Visits within Russia

20 october, 2009 22:10

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with Anatoly Artamonov, Governor of the Kaluga Region

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Mr Artamonov, let us start this meeting with the directive you requested to transfer Kaluga's Grabtsevo Airport from federal ownership to the ownership of the Kaluga Region. I hope this will help you to attract investment to develop that facility.

Anatoly Artamonov: It certainly will. Thank you, Mr Putin.

Vladimir Putin: Let us now speak about the region's economy and the social sphere.

Anatoly Artamonov: Despite the problems we have had over the past year, we are controlling the situation in the Kaluga Region. Some potentially large problems were averted, possibly because we created a solid foundation the previous year, in particular jobs. On the whole, everything is more or less good.

Unemployment has grown a bit, although it has so far not exceeded the norm, 1.1%-1.15%. It has grown also because many jobless people did not register in the past, but now there is a serious reason for registering.

We are slightly worried about orders for our defence and transport engineering plants. But I hope we will resolve these problems. Of course, we would like to preserve these plants, which have quality workers, engineers and technical staff.

At the same time, we are working to improve the social sphere, optimise it and cut unjustified expenses. We use the funds thus released to raise the salaries of teachers and the healthcare staff, especially doctors. The salaries of our medical staff are somewhat lower, but we plan to take additional measures. So far, we offer them additional employment. Our doctors now receive more or less good salaries because we have introduced single-channel financing.

Vladimir Putin: How much do your doctors get now?

Anatoly Artamonov: A doctor who works well, to capacity, gets some 18,000 roubles or even more. This is enough. We still have to consider the problem of paramedics and nurses, but we will solve that problem. We are aware of it.

We have not stopped investment programmes crucial for the people. For example, last year we started building an Ice Sports Centre, which we opened September 1 this year. It was a gift for the people; we tried to improve their mood and stop them from thinking about the crisis, even if for a short time.

In fact, we try not to speak about the crisis. (Olympic figure skating champion) Irina Rodnina gave us her permission to name the centre after her. We are going to invite her to visit; our amateur skaters will hold a beautiful performance for her.

This year we completed the bridge - you have greatly helped us with that project, thank you. And we have also completed access roads to it, trying to do everything as nice as possible.

Vladimir Putin: The intersection is very good.

Anatoly Artamonov: And the entryway is very good too, beautiful. People are satisfied. It was a big gift at a difficult time for the people and the region. We are grateful.

Vladimir Putin: The point at issue is not that it is a beautiful project, but that the infrastructure development which we have just discussed also boosts the development of production. You said recently that if not for this network of roads built in the past few years, many investors would not have come to the region, and you would not have had the new plants, including the one we visited today.

Anatoly Artamonov: Thank you, Mr Putin.

Vladimir Putin: Let us now discuss practical issues.