West Siberian Metallurgical Complex is one of Russia's largest metallurgical enterprises specialising in the production of long rolled stock for the construction industry (reinforcement and patterned sections), coke-chemical production, steel casting as well as the production of welded pipes and welding electrodes.
The complex supplies its products to more than 300 companies in Russia and other CIS countries, and it exports metal to 30 foreign countries.
The West-Siberian Metallurgical Complex is one of the most advanced complete cycle metallurgical plants in Russia. It includes:
- coke-chemical production;
- agglomerative lime production;
- three blast furnaces with capacities of 2.4, 1.8 and 2,1 billion tons of cast iron; steel production;
- steel rolling production is among the best in Russia in terms of technical, architectural and building solutions.
The West Siberian Metallurgical Complex uses traditional technologies: the production of cast iron from iron ore, steel production by the oxygen converter method, manufacture of various shapes of rolled articles or blanks by the continuous casting method. The plant has a Quality Assurance System certified by the international cooperation Lloyd's Register (UK) and the international NGO Soviet Quality Association MOO MAK SovAsK (Russia).
In June 2005, the plant became the first Russian metallurgical enterprise to have its products certified according to the international environmental standard ISO 14001: 2004. In 2000, the plant won its second prize for quality from the Russian government.
The plant's production capacity includes coke-chemical production, agglomerate production, a blast furnace unit, steel smelting capacity comprising five oxygen converters and two machines for the continuous casting of blanks as well as rolling beds for steel sheet and sections.
The plant's annual production capacity is 8 million tons of steel of more than 100 different grades. The three 160 ton and two 350 ton oxygen converters that operate with resource-saving technologies, have minimized the consumption of iron in steel production and use a technology that permits smelting steel from scrap.
The past few years have seen the introduction of an eight-stream continuous casting machine with a capacity of up to 1.4 million tons of graded blanks a year and a machine for the continuous casting of slabs with a capacity of 2.4 million tons a year. Blast furnace No.2 has been launched and blast furnace No.1 has been overhauled making the plant's blast furnaces some of the most modern in Russia. The plant is steadily increasing the volume of rolled stock to 5 million tons a year, expanding the range of goods and increasing energy-saving production. The light-section rolling mills have launched the production of thermally reinforced rolled stock which reduces the weight of metal structures and machines by 25% while increasing their durability.
Steel rolling at the West Siberian plant is the most advanced in Russia in terms of its technical, construction and architectural features.
More than 14 billion roubles were spent to increase production at the plant in 2005-2008.
The plant's most significant construction and modernisation projects in 2005-2008 were as follows:
Priority investment projects at the plant:
The plant has a workforce of 17,000.
In spite of the unprecedented slump of production due to the global economic crisis, there have been no large-scale layoffs at the plant which is implementing a job preservation programme. A single bank of vacancies has been formed, cooperatively with other Yevraz enterprises in Novokuznetsk, which makes it possible to shift redundant workers to new jobs at any of the Yevraz enterprises in Novokuznetsk. The plant has introduced a four-day working week in order to preserve more jobs. The staff in production divisions works under a schedule of five teams which makes it possible to employ the largest number of workers. Where safety rules permit, the plant's workers are also employed to do repairs instead of contractors.
Jointly with the Novokuznetsk Employment Service, an employment programme has been developed for preserving jobs at Yevraz Siberian enterprises in 2009. In addition to proactive staff training, the programme also envisages the creation of temporary jobs and the use of staff in public works. Since the beginning of this year the Western Siberian Plant has created 340 temporary positions (cleaning up the grounds and premises, auxiliary work, etc).
The average wage at the plant was 18,319 roubles in January. No part of Yevraz enterprises, including the West Siberian Plant, owes unpaid wages to its workers.