The Novoilyinsky District is the youngest and most promising part of Novokuznetsk. Strategically placed transportwise in relation to the city's main industrial plants - the West Siberian Iron and Steel Plant and the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant - the district is located on the left bank of the Tom River, between the villages of Ilyinskoe and Bedarevo, in the north-west of the city.
The distance between the Novoilyinsky and the city centre is 10 kilometers (as the crow flies) or 15 to 17 kilometers along motorways.
As a development site, the district is ideally suitable for the construction of a large number of residential buildings. Its design capacity is 300,000 people.
The available stock of housing consists of 5- to 16-storey blocks of flats, spread over a development area of 2,358.1131 hectares. Its population is 69,110 people.
The district has every social and cultural facility: schools, nurseries, shops, chemists' shops, and public utility services .
The overall residential floorspace totals 1,601,880 square metres.