In 2008, 1 million square metres of housing was built in Kuzbass, which is 5% more than in 2007.

New flats were occupied by 21,000 families, with 15,100 families moving into newly constructed flats and the rest moving into vacated government flats or flats bought in the secondary market. About 3,000 families, half of them new families, received soft loans from the regional budget to buy housing.

In October 2008, new residents began moving into a satellite city of Kemerovo, Lesnaya Polyana, which will be the home of 30,000 new families. At present, its population comprises about 400 families.

The authorities have built two four-storey blocks of flats, each flat with an area of 40-63 square metres.

They also built town houses for the middle class and stand-alone houses with floor spaces of 180 square metres and more and plots of land for people in the high-income bracket.

Kuzbass is also building houses with medical centres, pharmacies and shops designed specifically for veterans of WWII and other wars and invalids. Already 19 such blocks of flats are occupied by 1,200 residents.

A block of 100 flats is being built for students and teachers in the city of Novokuznetsk where housing can be rented at half the market price. A similar block of flats will be built in the city of Kemerovo.

Before the end of 2009, 1.1 million square metres of housing will become available in the region, which is 8% more than last year. As a result, 23,000 families will have improved housing conditions.

The construction industry employs 80,000 builders, architects, designers and construction workers.

According to provisional data, 150,600 square metres of housing space was made available in Kuzbass in January to February, an increase of 44.8% compared to the same period in 2008.

About 2,500 families in Kuzbass have improved their housing conditions; 2,100 families out of that number acquired flats in new residential blocks.

Individual homes (57,400 square metres) account for 38.1% of newly built housing. They now accommodate 627 families.