Vladimir Putin meets with Altai Territory’s business leaders in Barnaul
Vladimir Putin meets with Altai Territory’s business leaders in Barnaul
Vladimir Putin’s opening remarks:
Good afternoon, colleagues,
I wanted to meet with you while I am here. This is not a formal meeting, we are not going to discuss any specific issues or matters. When I visit a region I always try to meet with the executives of its major enterprises so that, together with managers like yourselves, I can take a look at how the region’s economy is faring, how the region’s economy is doing in the light of decisions made at the government level. How do the laws that are passed by the government and the State Duma work here? Is there anything missing, or anything that bothers you? What kinds of practical problems do you encounter in your everyday life? Strictly speaking, I’m expecting a straightforward, open and frank discussion, so that I can get a feel of what’s going on here, in your region, and so that I can respond accordingly when I get back to Moscow.
Let’s waive the protocol and formalities; I suggest that we just go round, you know, one by one, in turn. However, on one condition, be concise, because your enterprises – I have just run through a brief summary of all of them – represent a huge variety of sectors: agriculture, the manufacturing industry, the steel and iron industry, and the high-tech sector. There is a little bit of everything here and some companies are without doubt even leaders in the country.
Let’s just go from left to right. First I would like to hear you out, then I will draw conclusions and I may also take the liberty of making comments while you’re speaking.