In 2006, the construction of a multifunctional sports complex began in Krasnodar with a view to holding international and domestic competitions in more than 20 sports, as well as cultural events.

The sports complex is planned for use by national teams for training purposes, as well as by schoolchildren, students and ordinary citizens.

The complex will consist of sports facilities with a combined area of 107,000 sq m and an overall seating capacity of 18,000. The construction budget is put at 6.3 billion roubles.

The plan provides for the following facilities to be included in the sports complex:

A 26,000 square-metre basketball arena that will seat 7,500: it will offer an indoor game court and a practice court. The first phase is expected to be completed and put into operation in the first half of 2011;

An Ice Palace with two arenas with seating for 3,500 and 850 and a combined area of 15,263 sq m. The palace is planned to be unveiled in December 2011;

A water sports centre featuring a 50-metre swimming pool and 1,500 seats, a swimming pool for diving and synchronized swimming events, and water polo matches with a seating capacity of 1,500 and also a 25-metre swimming pool for training;

A training complex to be used for training in nine sports (a total of 11 halls);

A rehabilitation centre for athletes;

Twelve field grounds with two convertible stands with a combined seating capacity of 2,000. The complex will also have four tennis courts; A sports boarding school for 300 students complete with a track-and-field training centre.