Vladimir Artyakov, Governor of the Samara Region
Vladimir Artyakov, Governor of the Samara Region
Born on July 30, 1959 in Moscow
Graduated from the Polytechnic Institute, the Russian Academy of State Service under the Russian President and the Higher Course at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, then worked at defence companies.
1997-1999: Worked in the Russian President's business administration department.
1999-2000: Deputy Director General of the federal foreign trade company Promexport.
2000-2006: Deputy Director General of the state arms exporter Rosoboronexport.
2005-2006: Chairman of the Board of Directors of AvtoVAZ.
December 2006-August 2007: President AvtoVAZ Group LLC.
March to August 2007: A deputy of the Fourth Samara Region Duma.
May 2007: Elected First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Engineering Union.
From August 29, 2007: Governor of the Samara Region.
Awards and Recognitions
Doctor of Economics, a professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, full member of the Russian Engineering Academy.
Winner of the Government Prize in Science and Technology.