Visits within Russia

21 may, 2010 20:27

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with the Council of the Heads of Government of the CIS

“In December 2011 we will mark the 20th anniversary of the CIS. We have come a long way since then, and managed to build a unique system for cooperation in many respects. It works in the interests of our nations’ citizens, specific companies and businesses engaged in cooperative relations.”
Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with the Council of the Heads of Government of the CIS

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's speech:

My colleagues and I have just finished extensive discussions on key issues for the development of the Commonwealth and deepening integration processes. We also approved the agenda for the expanded meeting.

I would like to say straight away that we are interested in strengthening our organisation, maximising its constructive and creative potential and improving coordination mechanisms and partnership in all areas, including trade, energy, industry, advanced technology and cultivating educational, youth, and other cultural ties. The Russian chairmanship of the CIS will be based on these considerations.

The key priorities are the economy, fostering cooperation in science and innovation. This is especially relevant at present, considering that our countries face similar challenges in overcoming the effects of the global economic and financial crisis, and are taking steps to make our national economies more efficient by restructuring them and supporting modern and competitive industries.

Over the past year, CIS countries implemented a common anti-crisis plan. I am convinced that we should continue to coordinate our efforts closely by effectively taking advantage of the entire range of integration mechanisms.

In December 2011 we will mark the 20th anniversary of the CIS. We have come a long way since then, and managed to build a unique system for cooperation in many respects. It works in the interests of our nations' citizens, specific companies and businesses engaged in cooperative relations.

And, of course, our dialogue allows us to resolve any problems that might arise in the spirit of openness and mutual trust, and to ensure stability in this vast region. Based on our experience, we should move forward and implement the plans formulated in the CIS Development Concept and the Economic Cooperation Strategy for the Period until 2020. Our success depends on us coordinating the efforts of all partners, their business attitude, and, of course, on their goodwill. I am convinced that we all share this approach.

Let's get down to work.