Yesterday Kirov Region Governor Nikita Belykh reported to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin about his region's socio-economic performance. He said its results in 2011 "turned out to be better than expected and above the national average." Thus, the GRP grew by 5% as compared to 4.3% in Russia on average; the budget deficit declined; the region received 29% of subsidies as compared to 35% three years ago and is planning to bring this figure down to 25% this year. Belykh emphasized that this year "all major directions have started growing."
Putin asked Belykh about the co-investors' problem. The governor said they have this problem but it is not as urgent as in other regions and that they will resolve it in 2012 or early 2013. "You must resolve this issue in 2012," Putin said.
Belykh has headed the region since early 2009. Last January Putin lashed out at him for the growth of utilities tariffs in the region and for the failure to attend the meeting. Belykh objected saying that tariffs had not increased and that he goes on vacation much less often than his counterparts in other regions.
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