Working Day

28 december, 2011 14:58

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin congratulates the staff of the Government Executive Office on its 20th anniversary

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin congratulates the staff of the Government Executive Office on its 20th anniversary
“Those who focus on the past or live one day at a time always lose out. We should always focus on the future and move forward.”
Vladimir Putin

Speech by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin:

Friends and colleagues,

We have a good tradition of gathering at work as the New Year approaches – to summarise achievements and discuss plans for the future. However, we do have a special reason for today's meeting – the 20th anniversary of the Government Executive Office. The office was established during what was, without exaggeration, the most difficult time for our country. We can all remember what 1991 meant for Russia. And I have to say that back then and in later years, up to the present time, the Executive Office has always been up to the task and has invariably tackled all issues with a great deal of professionalism. The Executive Office – that is to say, you, its members – you have always worked hard, have always given your all, because the government is the supreme executive body according to the Constitution. All current and strategic issues are concentrated here. The Executive Office must perform a great deal of work in order to ensure a uniform approach and vision at all ministries and departments. We have lived through hard times in the past several years, very hard times. Like no one else you know how complex and even dangerous things were for the economy and social sphere, and indeed for the entire nation. We literally managed to steer between Scylla and Charybdis. Certainly, you deserve much praise for contributing to developing timely and effective solutions, for which I would like to give you many thanks.

However, those who focus on the past or live one day at a time always lose out. We should always focus on the future and move forward. I am confident that the Executive Office has enough strength and, most importantly, creative energy to move forward, to help the government, ministries, and departments – indeed, the entire nation – in the economy and social sphere for the good of our people, so that their lives will be better, so that our nation will thrive. Thank you very much for doing such a great work and happy New Year.

I would like to give the floor to the new Chief of the Government Staff Anton Vaino.

By the way, I have just spoken on the phone with the current Moscow mayor, who worked at the Executive Office not long ago. The former chief is present here, in the audience. I would like to thank them as well and convey their best wishes to you. Thank you.