Working Day

13 december, 2011 16:30

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov
The two officials discussed the progress of the socio-economic development programme in the Chechen Republic, primarily with regard to the commissioning of important public services and facilities such as hospitals, schools, and social care centres. The head of the Chechen Republic assured the prime minister that all of the facilities that are scheduled for completion in 2011 have already become operational.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Mr Kadyrov, I have just taken a look at the progress of the socio-economic development programme in the Chechen Republic for 2008-2012. As many as 241 facilities broke ground in 2010, 129 of which have been commissioned at this point. What is your assessment of this work?

Ramzan Kadyrov: Mr Putin, I characterise the republic’s socio-economic development quite positively, as we have seen some tangible improvements. As for the federal target programme that you mentioned, we have commissioned 101 facilities this year, including a major clinic and a hospital with a capacity of 250 beds, 17 preschool/kindergarten institutions, and 10 schools for 4,098 children.

Later we will also shift our emphasis to tourism projects. We have already started working on one of them. Kezenoi-Am is a popular area for sports and tourism, and we have already started work on an Alpine ski resort. Investors have joined the project and a 700 million rouble agreement has been signed.

There have been positive changes: this year, Chechnya shipped 35.7 billion roubles worth of locally manufactured products, bringing a net income of 8 billion roubles into the republic’s budget. When I took over as head of the Chechen government, the entire budget consisted of 8 billion roubles.

Vladimir Putin: Look, you planned to commission nine hospitals, a maternity hospital, an oncology clinic, five social care centres and 16 schools this year. How are these plans shaping up? It's already December.

Ramzan Kadyrov: All of these facilities are operational. People are moving into the new premises. Tomorrow we're opening the last school in central Grozny, on Larsanova Street.

Vladimir Putin: You also planned to add a new building to the Chechen University.

Ramzan Kadyrov:  The building is nearing completion – it is in its final stage of construction. We needed additional financing in order to complete it. We had estimated the project at 3, but it took 7, with the increases in prices. We had to arrange more financing for the project. But I have issued an order to complete it.

Vladimir Putin: There is also supposed to be a large vocational college, for 700 students.  What about this?

Ramzan Kadyrov: Yes, for 700 students. Funding has been allocated for it this year. They have already started, but this project will roll over into next year, 2012.

Vladimir Putin: You mean the vocational college?

Ramzan Kadyrov: Yes, exactly.

Vladimir Putin: What about the rest of the facilities planned for this year? Will they be commissioned?

Ramzan Kadyrov: Yes, even more than planned. We have already commissioned some of the facilities that were not meant to begin operation until next year.

Vladimir Putin: Good.