Working Day

25 october, 2011 15:30

After the opening ceremony of the Khatsun memorial complex, Vladimir Putin spoke with war veterans and representatives of the Bryansky Front scout teams

After the opening ceremony of the Khatsun memorial complex, Vladimir Putin spoke with war veterans and representatives of the Bryansky Front scout teams
“We will never forget the feats of our fathers and grandfathers and will educate our children in this vein, in the spirit of love for our Homeland.”
Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with war veterans and representatives of the Bryansky Front scout teams

Transcript of the meeting with members of scout teams:

Maxim Volkov (the head of the regional association of the Bryansky Front scout teams): Mr Putin, allow me to greet you on behalf of the all-Bryansk Region scout teams. The Bryansky Front was established in 2007. At that time, it united two scout teams, whereas now it consists of 10. We are traditionally on the Watch of Memory in the most sacred place of the Bryansk Region.

I’d also like to mention that now more than 72 public organisations have joined the Popular Front of the Bryansk Region. The Combat Brotherhood and our scout teams were the first to join our Popular Front.

Vladimir Putin: In general, you are doing a great job – both you and all of those who have gathered here and who are in the scout teams. Obviously, if it had not been for you, we would hardly have established such a wonderful complex to immortalise the memory of the civilian victims and Red Army soldiers killed in action. Your efforts, the work of the region and the nation as a whole have allowed us to build one more wonderful memorial – it is very good, indeed.

Maxim Volkov: Mr Putin, we have found 505 people in 10 years.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, I know.

Maxim Volkov: We have identified the names of 163 of the deceased. We are now cooperating with the Voronezh and Tver regions. Today, one federal agency is also represented in our region – the Federal Security Service’s Border Department has set up a scout team in our region. The people of the Brynask Region have always enthusiastically supported this work and we would like to thank you for it.

Vladimir Putin: Of course, there were many victims here. I know that there were big losses among civilians and the military as well. This is exactly the place where it is necessary to work and search and restore the names of the dead, so that no one would ever forget about this either in this country or the rest of the world. No one should forget this to prevent its repetition in the future. Thank you very much.

Remark: Thank you.

Question: Mr Putin, may I ask you a question? We proceed from the 1993 amended federal law, but it reads that the search must be conducted by public organisations. What are they? What are the scout teams? What rights do they have? What can they do? There is no legal foundation.

Vladimir Putin: Now, the State Duma is adopting amendments to this law in the second reading. I will talk with my United Russia colleagues and we will see what we can do to create a normal legal foundation for your work. We have federal targeted programmes for 2011, 2012 and 2013. We are allocating 2.5 billion roubles from the federal budget.

Maxim Volkov:  The region is helping us with money because we are carrying out the Historical Memory project…

Vladimir Putin: We will use these funds to subsidise this work through regional agencies.

Remark: Many thanks.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you.

Pavel Kucheryavin (member of the 50th Army scout team): Much is being said today about the patriotic education of youth. I think the Great Patriotic War, its examples and lessons, could play a bigger role in the upbringing of youth. What do you think we should do to bring the memory and the truth about the exploits of our fathers and grandfathers to the younger generations?

Vladimir Putin: We should gather this memory by tiny bits like you are doing and take care of living war veterans. We must give them credit for their feats during the war and the country's postwar restoration. We must treat with respect those who are still working and engaged in this upbringing. I have seen them today – some walked arm-in-arm with nurses, but they still made it here! This is also their contribution to our patriotic upbringing. All of this put together… And, of course, through the media… But I must say that what you are doing today and what the scout teams are doing is probably – not probably but definitely – more important than the regulated efforts of bureaucratic agencies. What you have been doing comes from your hearts and this is the main thing. This will enable us to never forget about the feats of our fathers and grandfathers. We will educate our children in this vein in the spirit of love for our Homeland. This is one of the foundations of the Great Patriotic War – the memory of the heroic past of our ancestors and our Homeland. We will continue working together towards this goal.

Remark: Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.


  * * *

Putin also spoke with the veterans. They discussed different subjects – primarily the domestic situation.

One veteran complained that the government pays little attention to the development of Russian culture.

“You are right. We must pay more attention to this. Russia cannot exist without its culture,” Putin said.

In conclusion, the prime minister congratulated the veterans with the opening of the “wonderful memorial in honour of all those who defended this land.”