Working Day

22 october, 2011 13:00

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with A Just Russia leader Sergei Mironov

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with A Just Russia leader Sergei Mironov
Vladimir Putin and Sergei Mironov discussed the issues of Arctic and Antarctic research and the development of Russian polar aviation. The Prime Minister expressed his support for Sergei Mironov’s proposals. As Vladimir Putin noted, the government programme for the development of the North Sea Route must incorporate an aviation strategy.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Mr Mironov. Did you want to discuss social issues today?

Sergei Mironov: Yes, I would like to address you not only as the Prime Minister, but also as Chairman of the Russian Geographical Society's Board of Trustees. A Just Russia party is a member of the Socialist International and for several years now I have been working with the Socialist International Commission for a Sustainable World Society. One of the issues the commission is working on currently is climate change. The World People's Conference on Climate Change will be held in South Africa in December. I firmly believe that Russia should clearly express its position on this global challenge.

Obviously, to formulate a position on this issue we must analyse scientific data, different points of view and the experience of Russian environmental organisations. I believe that the Russian Geographical Society could become such an agency that would gather all the information. To have a sound scientific base, we need to do research on the so-called weather kitchen: the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Russia has always been well known for its Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and research. Incidentally, Russian polar aviation turned 80 in March 2011. We have a great deal to be proud of but at present we have almost no airplanes capable of working in high latitudes. We have no polar aviation as such. There is a great problem concerning pilots who need to be especially trained. As you remember, some time ago I sent you a set of documents on polar aviation issues. I think that as Prime Minister, you could deal with the issue more efficiently and succeed in establishing a special flight centre for Arctic and Antarctic research to enable our polar aviation to carry out state missions both in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Therefore, I would like to ask for your support of this initiative.

Vladimir Putin: When did your party become a member of the Socialist International?

Sergei Mironov: Our party has been a member of the Socialist International since 2008, for three years already.

Vladimir Putin: I see. Mr Mironov, the issue is very important and interesting. Both the Russian Geographical Society and the government pay great attention to it. You know that we have launched a special programme, whose first task is to "clean up" the Arctic, where too much toxic waste was accumulated.

Sergei Mironov: Barrels.

Vladimir Putin: Barrels full of fuel and lubricants. We intend to develop the North Sea Route, and as part of the process we will set up observation stations staffed with experts from the Emergencies Ministry. This large programme obviously must incorporate the component you've just mentioned, namely aviation. Let's discuss this in detail. We will have to take budget decisions. The budget has the necessary funds for the objectives you and I have just mentioned. Still, we might make some adjustments.

Sergei Mironov: Thank you.