Working Day

22 august, 2011 15:30

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Head of the Federal Agency for the Development of State Border Infrastructure (Rosgranitsa) Dmitry Bezdelov

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with Head of the Federal Agency for the Development of State Border Infrastructure (Rosgranitsa) Dmitry Bezdelov
The officials discussed the preliminary results of the federal targeted programme to develop the state border to 2011(inclusive) and preparations for the new programme for 2012-2017.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Mr Bezdelov, this year the federal targeted programme for the development of the state border comes to an end. Preparations for the new programme, to take effect in 2012, should already be underway. So my first question is, how is work progressing on winding down the first programme, which will conclude on December 31, 2011?

Dmitry Bezdelov: Mr Putin, before answering that question I would like to touch upon several aspects of the programme. First, the federal targeted programme is a tool to develop the state border, which is 60,000 kilometres long, with 379 security checkpoints. Under the current federal targeted programme we have three government customers left. These are the Customs Service, the Border Guard Service and the Federal Agency for the Development of State Border Infrastructure (Rosgranitsa). Pursuant to the programme, 605 facilities, including 50 checkpoints, are to be completed. The amount of funding has totalled about 150 billion roubles since 2003. The programme is nearing completion, and so we will prepare a vaster report at the end of the year.

Moreover, this programme was adjusted in the course of its implementation to reflect the decisions regarding the Customs Union. The investments were partially re-distributed in accordance with your order. The state of readiness at certain facilities is sufficiently high, coming up to 100%. Some are 80% complete. But we, as the coordinating customer, hope that we will reach the target set in the programme by the end of the year. That’s all I have to say about the programme for 2003-2011.

The programme for 2012-2017 has been under development during this time. What is the fundamental difference between this programme and the one that is on its way out? First, only border guard and customs infrastructure facilities located on the state border have been included in the programme. The previous programme included educational establishments, accommodations for border guards, and so forth. The new programme features only those facilities that are related to the state border.

Second, last year about 80 inefficient or idle checkpoints were put up for closure in order to accumulate cash in more important vectors, which we identified jointly with the Transport Ministry and the Ministry of Economic Development. These are transport corridors – a task that you set two years ago – and the development of our transit capacity. I mean all the facilities, including checkpoints, have been layed in these transport corridors.  

Let me say a few words about the outgoing programme. What new things have been done? For the first time under this programme, a great deal of attention has been paid to air checkpoints. The new Terminal E was built at Sheremetyevo. Terminal C was built at Sochi and Yekaterinburg airports. These are wonderfully equipped, state of the art terminals. Similar work is being done at Vnukovo Airport, Domodedovo Airport, and in St Petersburg – the air gate of the northern capital. This is what was new over the last two years. Quite a lot of attention also has been paid to marine checkpoints as well as to issues pertaining to energy checkpoints – these are Ust-Luga (which is being partially worked on), Primorsk and Kozmino. All these facilities, as you know, have been completed, and they have been included in this programme for the first time.

The old programme was for 50 checkpoints, the new one is for 120 ones. So there is a certain shift. And according to the decision of the State Border Guard Commission…

Vladimir Putin: Over the next six years.

Dmitry Bezdelov: Yes, the shift in focus is towards securing a good transit potential where cargo transhipment operations are concerned, and, of course, passenger traffic.

Vladimir Putin:  At what stage of preparation is the new programme?

Dmitry Bezdelov: It is ready. Well, to be more precise, the concept is ready. It has been coordinated with practically all the executive agencies. Under the concept, we so far have two customers, Rosgranitsa, which deals with the checkpoints, and the Federal Border Guard Service, which deals with the border aspect.  

Vladimir Putin: When do you plan to submit it to the government for consideration?

Dmitry Bezdelov: At the end of the year; we hope to accomplish the procedures. Besides, we have funds. The Finance Ministry has already allocated the money.

Vladimir Putin: Very well.