Working Day

23 january, 2011 11:00

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with FIFA president Joseph Blatter in the Leningrad Region

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meets with FIFA president Joseph Blatter in the Leningrad Region
During the conversation, Mr Putin and Mr Blatter discussed issues related to preparations for the 2018 World Cup in Russia. “We are counting on your expert support,” Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told Mr Blatter.

Transcript of the beginning of the meeting:

Vladimir Putin: Mr. Blatter, I am very glad to see you here in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Since we last met, we have made progress in organising our joint work on preparations for the 2018 World Cup. A Russian government resolution formed the organising committee, which brings together the government of the Russian Federation and the Russian Football Association.

This, of course, only the first step, major creative endeavours lie ahead of us as we prepare for the World Cup. We would like to use the experience we have accumulated in preparatory work for the Olympic Games in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee. We have in place a very constructive business relationship with the Olympic Committee. IOC representatives visit Russia regularly; in fact, they are with us through the entire process of preparation. I would suggest you nominate FIFA experts who could work closely with us on our joint endeavours from the very beginning, not merely through being present but also by participating directly in this work. Essentially, just as we have been working with the IOC.

Joseph Blatter (as translated): Mr Prime Minister, Mr Putin, it is a great honour for me to be here today in this great city after we met in Zurich on December 2, where we witnessed an historic decision. After the questions that were put to us following the December 2 decision, I believe I can say this – the entire football family and the global community have recognized the correctness of this historic choice in favour of Russia as the host of the 2018 World Cup, because in making this choice, we are covering a huge territory. The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. The Russian Federation will not be the only country involved in this championship, it will also encompass the country's satellites, adjacent countries. I believe that everyone has come to understand that we chose well.

I am particularly pleased that the government of the Russian Federation will be directly involved in organising the World Cup. I would like to say that we really are very glad to see your representatives in the organising committee. This is very good and strong initiative. I can assure you, Mr Prime Minister, that we will work with you in the most effective way possible, because the world championship is a sort of "joint venture." We will provide support, but the main responsibility rests with you.

The world championship is still seven years away, and seven years is a magic number, a lucky number. It will be a truly landmark event. I am confident that the world championship in Russia will become a kind of historic milestone not only for sport, but also for the country's broader cultural life. After all, football is not just "kicking a ball about" on a football pitch, it also has a deeper cultural aspect. Football has a socio-cultural dimension. As you have demonstrated in your work.

I would like to give you a miniature replica of the World Cup.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much for this gift. Many thanks to all football fans and all sport fans throughout Russia – that is hundreds of thousands, even millions of people. That is just how we see football, as you said, as a phenomenon it is closely linked with culture and with a healthy lifestyle, which is very important for our country.

It is clear that football plays an important role in the life of any society. It is a popular sport and an activity that gets young people off the streets, away from alcohol, drugs and tobacco. We very much hope that the World Cup preparations, and the events themselves will play a positive role in our country's life. Not to mention all the infrastructure development. It is not just about the stadiums, but also the airports, streets, roads, communications infrastructure and railways. We have the idea of connecting cities hosting the World Cup with high-speed rail links. That is something that will benefit not only sports fans and football, but people throughout Russia. And of course we have no intention of renouncing the responsibility for preparing for this event, that is something we cannot and will not do, but as I said at the beginning of our conversation, we are counting on your expert support.

Thank you.

Joseph Blatter: I would also like to thank you and add that we are holding the World Cup in Russia because in such a multicultural country it will contribute to social cohesion. It will help ensure that representatives of different nationalities come together and celebrate during this tournament. Football's motto is "connecting people." It is not by chance that the Russian World Cup will be held at several different locations in several different regions. I therefore believe that football really is of broader socio-cultural significance. I am convinced that the World Cup in Russia will be conducted at the highest level and that it will be an outstanding event.

Vladimir Putin: Russia is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional country, and for us this aspect of the World Cup is very important.

You spoke so well about this that I have nothing to add. Thank you very much.